The topic of forgiveness always makes for interesting discussions. To me the biggest issue with this word is people think its needed and that’s where the problem lies. If you understood your own mind, you would understand forgiveness is a made up story. It isn’t real, it’s created by your Conditioned Mind to hold you in captivity to the “I” wounds of the past; wounds that are held onto which are only there because they’re created by the lack of self love. This is what “I” does and because of this there’s attachment to the “I” wounds which doesn’t allow you to go beyond what occurred in the past. It all stems from thinking the past should be different which is impossible, if you didn’t think this there wouldn’t be a story to forgive. Everyone does what they’re conditioned to do, if this truth was seen there would never be a need for forgiveness-ever. If this isn’t true then why do you do what you don’t want to do and don’t do what’s more beneficial to you? So do what you do and if you don’t like what you do, learn to stop doing it so you can do something beneficial; nothing to forgive-ever.
If you understand the Conditioned Mind and you are aware of its controlling aspect, you will see there is no need for forgiveness because you and others behave the way your own mind tells you how to behave. So I ask where is the need to forgive if you are only doing what you have been conditioned to do? Understand this, it’s your own mind that tells you what to do, and the same mind makes up the story that what it told you to do now needs you to forgive. Is the need for forgiveness real or is it just a story? If you truly loved yourself your “I” wounds would have never been produced so there wouldn’t be a need for healing because you would already be healed and because now you understand that all you or anyone else could do was what the conditioning in place dictated you to do there’s nothing to forgive-ever…

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