Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/01/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself: 


"I am trusting my instincts, my faith, and my emotions for the better! I am not allowing myself to be fooled into doing anything that lacks my interest, goes against my faith, and negatively affects my peace! I am encouraging more love, optimism, and joy within myself for the better! I am moving forward on a better path for a better journey..."   

to continue a greater life! 

Great day to you, as a great day continues~ 

Edward F. T. Charfauros 

Life Guide and Author 


Gratitude Sunday~ 03/31/19

Gratitude check today! Here to assist you and remind you of your blessings and everything else you're thankful for and those you're grateful for everywhere in between as a great day continues~

Remember, positive thoughts for positive results!

CHEERS~ to your great life continuing...

Source: Gratitude Check~

Natural Instincts

Your natural instincts put you in harmony with life, so take heed and understand life doesn’t really do anything to you, but when you act from a place of “I” it’s unnatural and it will certainly seem like it does…

Natural Instincts are in place and they put you in harmony with life and they’re also in place to offer protection against certain behavior. When these instincts are adhered to they allow for life to be lived to the fullest, but the mind has to be opened and free flowing for the adherence to these instincts to take place. There are also man made actions that align to these natural instinct, but many of them are self serving which blocks the natural instincts from being as beneficial as they could be. The more you adhere to selfish behaviors, the less chance there is to be in harmony with natural instincts. When things are used and abused to satisfy self, this blocks life from being natural. The animal realm adheres to natural instincts and because of this there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on what naturally occurs.

Life will mostly be lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to our natural instincts or not. A quiet mind can see this to a degree and slowly stops doing the things that block the natural instincts from being adhered to. As long as one is alive life will be lived, but in what way determines the actions and consequences. Reach for something to manufacture a sense of well being and regardless of what it is you will be out of harmony because the action won’t be from you natural instincts, it will be from your “I” conditioning. So take heed and understand life really doesn’t do anything to you, but when you act from a place of “I” it’s unnatural and it will certainly seem like it does…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/31/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am empowering myself for greater change in my future that will positively affect my experiences for the better! I am empowering my mind with positive ideas and solutions for the better! I am empowering my thoughts with awesome images that will positively affect me for the better! I am empowering through my challenges..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Wellness Saturday~ 03/30/19

Here is today's Wellness Assistance to improve for healthier well-being and lifestyle as you're meant to live as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info for better care of yourself to continue your awesomeness. I hope this helps in better caring for your health and well-being for better moments today and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~


Delusions Function

Everything in life passes, delusions function is to make everything permanent. Only when the mind is settled will you see delusions function for what it is and only then will delusion stop functioning…

Holding on to your view even in the face of evidence to the contrary is the main function of every delusions. Basically delusion functions in stages, believing what is seen, the mental reactions of what is seen, and holding on to what is seen even though it’s proven not to be true. These first two are the functions of delusion that happen the most, and many people learn from these, but the third one is where delusion functions in the deeply embedded state of the subconscious. It grabs hold of you and makes you believe all kinds of nonsense. There are many ways that delusion manifest, just look at all the things that are reached for. The delusions function here is to make you believe a thing will bring satisfaction, but as soon as it’s reached for and grabbed it’s gone so the next thing function is needed. This is delusion functioning at its finest.

Here’s an example of how delusion functions: you think someone is following you, that’s the beginning; it starts with a thought. Now the mind takes over and the mental reaction occurs or as I say, the nonsense begins. If the person thought to be following you passes you the delusions function will simply fall away for this, but if you’re in the grip of the delusion, you will think the person passing you is just part of the plan. The function of the delusion will always have to run its course before subsiding. No matter what it is in life, it will pass away, that’s a fact, but delusions main function is to make everything permanent so it can remain functioning. Only when the mind is settled will you see the delusion for what it is and only when this is seen will the delusion stop functioning…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/30/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am promoting good vibes today for the greater benefit of my future! I am promoting positive thoughts to attract into my life positively affecting results, positively affecting outcomes, and positively affecting benefits! I am taking action today to promote my ideal future..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Self Help Friday~ 03/29/19

Today, a quality reminder to move forward with a quality self!

This here is to assist you upon being the best version of yourself while striving to enjoy a quality version of life you desire to remember in the flesh.

Keep going and empower through... as a great day continues~

How to Cope with Issues that Affect Nutrition - Age With Charm

How to Cope with Issues that Affect Nutrition - Age With Charm

The Tease of Pleasure

The most important thing to understand about the tease of pleasure is the less you are attached to “I” the less you will be teased and it’s because without “I” there’s nothing for the teasing to attach to…

The tease of pleasure is so enticing because it actually feels good; this is why the draw is so powerful. There’s only issue with this because of the impermanent nature of pleasure, it simply will not last. Pleasure has no staying power so something else will be needed almost immediately following the attainment of each pleasure. Think about it, with all the pleasures that have been attained throughout your life regardless of what it was, it doesn’t t bring the pleasure now that it brought at that time, and most times even if the same exact pleasure is repeated, it’s usually not as pleasurable as the first experience. I used so many things as I was teased by my pleasure seeking conditioning, but it was never lasting, the tease of the next needed pleasure always arose. This went on all the time, attaining one pleasure after another and never being satisfied.

I’ve come to understand this tease of pleasure as the main reason people start using and become addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, money, tobacco products and an array of other things. If pleasure wasn’t sought, nothing would be reached for so there would never be an addiction nor an issue, but unfortunately the tease of pleasure has its way with people. It’s deeply engrained in the subconscious and has been in place since our existence began. I know this tease of pleasure is what was controlling me for forty nine years and it was directly associated with “I”. Without “I” no one is there to be teased. Even with this understanding the tease of pleasure doesn’t just disappear, but it does subside somewhat. To me the most important thing to understand about this is, the less one is attached to “I” the less one will be teased and it’s because without “I” there’s nothing for the teasing to attach to…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/29/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am keeping my mind optimistic toward love, peace, and prosperity! I am aiming high with my thoughts and imagination for greater success and benefit! I am aiming toward attracting all the good stuff, great events, and better experiences worth recalling and remembering! I am positively continuing my progress..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author


Mindful Thursday~ 03/28/19

Here is today's Mindful-Amusement to improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management, as your great life continues~
Don't settle for less knowing there is more for you! More to better yourself for better moments of today, an appreciative yesterday, and ideal tomorrow. Self~love, because you deserve to be that much better, as the world needs you~


Mind Nonsense

Sit often and watch your thoughts come and go. Eventually there will be more and more space between them and it’s in this space that you will see all the mind nonsense holding you in bondage…

With the development of the internet, there’s so much information available on the mind that it really needs to be investigated before considering what to use in its development. To see if the information you are using to develop discipline is authentic and truly beneficial, there can’t be anything associated with it that forms attachment. Methods, programs, guru’s, life coaches, teachers, or any other form of nonsense that is used to keep you attached just keeps you entrapped to the very thing you are trying to break free from. Just as there’s a lot of “fake news” out there today, there’s also a lot of fake information on the mind. Bondage is not something that’s truly understood by many people and so most of the information out there is nonsense and keeps you in bondage in some way. Those telling you to buy their book, pay for retreats run by paid speakers, or follow (instant bondage) a program, are clever to a fault, with the fault being keeping you in bondage.

The only thing needed is to look within so a millisecond of space is created between your thoughts. Once this occurs and there’s awareness of it, slowly there will be more and more space. It takes nothing but awareness to create this space. The nonsense out there that someone’s program, book, method or whatever has your answer will keep you in bondage to what you are trying to break free from. I know people defend their so called program, guru, or people they follow adamantly, but it’s only because there’s no awareness of the bondage you’re still in. Sit often and just watch the thoughts come and go, eventually there will be more and more space between them. It’s in this space that you will see all the mind nonsense holding you in bondage…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/28/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am doing many things different about the ongoing bad, wrong, and worse in my life! I am making changes as I feel necessary for the betterment of my life, my future, and my circumstances! I am letting go of the people, the things, the relationships, and the habits negatively affecting me..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author


Encouragement Wednesday~ 03/27/19

You have within you an unlimited amount of goodness. The fact is, there is no limit to how good, great, and better you can be, do, and have! From how much good you can do to how great you can be to how much better you can have. Furthermore, you can accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set forth to attain. Today, I share with you just a bit of encouragement to assist you in your direction for ideal outcomes and desired results as a great day continues... Stay on course; Keep going; Remain on point; Forge ahead; Empower through until satisfied; Make it happen!

CHEERS~ to your success continuing...


Noticing the Moment

Your entire existence hinges on a single attached thought and noticing the next moment arises from here. Learning to skillfully see this so your attachments are at a minimum determines if you’ll notice the next moment or not…

The thoughts that you attach to make up your belief system. This is done because it’s thought the beliefs are beneficial, if this wasn’t so the thoughts wouldn’t be attached to. If these attached beliefs aren’t seen as non beneficial they will remain in place. The more you think your attached belief system is the right one, the harder it is to see beyond it. Noticing each moment through thought is delusional because there’s no solid foundation to a thought and everyone has different ones, that’s why everyone see things differently.

There’s only one truth (I don’t know what it is, but I do know what it isn’t) and until this is noticed each moments of life will remain delusional. To get to a point where life isn’t delusional, you have to get beyond the attached moment that holds your belief system (conditioning) in place. Notice each moment as one single thought; a person’s conditioning determines what happens next and how the next moment will play out. Attaching to it or not is the difference in how the next moment is noticed and if there’s going to be unity or separation with it. The truth is one is never separated from life, but it feels this way when there’s attachment to the thought that makes you think you are. Your entire life hinges on a single attached moment; noticing it arises from here. Learning to skillfully see this so your attachments are at a minimum determines if you’ll notice the next moment or not…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/27/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself: 


"I am not taking my life for granted! I am doing everything within my power to make the best of my moments count for the better! I am not loving my life any less than yesterday! I am making the most of my circumstances, situations, and relationships count for the better today, tomorrow, and every day after..."  

to continue a greater life! 

Great day to you, as a great day continues~ 

Edward F. T. Charfauros 

Life Guide and Author 


Inspiration Tuesday~ 03/26/19

A bit of inspiration today to remind us of how good we have it and a reminder of how bad we could have it! Another reminder that everything is temporary as change is the only constant in our lives. Enjoy while you can, make the best of it all serve your greater interest, and move forward as the best version of yourself for greater successful outcomes. Do more than survive, but thrive on love and strive with optimism.
We determine how we live and continue regardless of situation and circumstance. We either move forward for better or for worse regardless of our past. Empower through as your blessings continue... CHEERS~


Difficulty of Being Still

Without awareness of the mind being agitated there’s the creation of story after story just because the mind doesn’t know how to be still. The base of these stories will be whatever conditioning you have in place…

I would say the most difficult thing I have done in my life is to learn how to be still in spite of the conditioning in place telling me to do something. To not give in to the mind agitations that tell you to do this, do that, reach for this or reach for that, is so difficult because of the lack of discipline to just be and also the lack of understanding of why being still is so difficult. Even with discipline and this understanding, it’s difficult because of all the influences and conditioning. To be still is not something many master, I’m not talking about sitting in meditation or taking a nap, I mean being wide awake without having to alter your state of being. This wasn’t noticeable to me until eleven years ago because I was never still long enough to be aware of any agitation. I like so many was a slave to the Conditioned Mind.

For some this doing doesn’t seem like much of an issue because the agitations aren’t noticeably destructive, but make no mistake an agitated mind is an agitated mind and one is a slave to it regardless of how productive you think your life is. Without awareness of the mind being agitated there’s the creation of story after story just because the mind doesn’t know how to be still. The base of these stories will be whatever conditioning you have in place. You will do what the conditioning in place dictates, without these agitations being noticed the conditioning is usually based in doing something to satisfy “I”. Even if you want to save the world, who says the world needs saving but “I”. Knowing how to be still allows you to truly be an instrument, but by not being aware of simply being you will not notice that you don’t have to do to be…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/26/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself: 


"I am positively impacting my moments of my days of my weeks of my months of my year by every possible means I enjoy! I am positively affecting my interactions, my relations, and my surroundings for win-win situations by every good means necessary! I am positively affecting my life and positively impacting my future all for the better..."

to continue a greater life! 

Great day to you, as a great day continues~ 

Edward F. T. Charfauros 

Life Guide and Author 


Healthful Monday~ 03/25/19

Here is today's Healthful-Amusement to improve your healthier choices and lifestyle for improved well-being, as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info to better care for yourself to continue your awesomeness. Continue better caring for your health and well-being for better moments of today, an appreciative yesterday, and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better, as the world needs you~


Consequences of Wanting

Don’t let the different consequences of wanting lull you into an unconsciousness sleep. All wanting leads to bondage (attachment) in one form or another regardless of what it is that’s wanted…

If there’s always something to want it’s because you don’t think what you have is enough. And if you don’t think you have enough, there will always be something that’s wanted. Wanting isn’t something that’s inherently a bad thing, why one wants is where issues arise and this is only because where there is want one mostly thinks something is missing. Want only matters to the degree in how the thing wanted affects your life. A want to drink alcohol in access and do drugs have consequences much different then wanting to go to a program to stop using those things, but wants core is the same and that’s what needs to be examined. Don’t let the different consequences of wanting lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all wanting leads to bondage in one form or another.

You might say that’s not true, wanting to better yourself is a good thing, but that would mean you need things to be different to accept yourself. Accepting life exactly as it is is the only place you will experience the peace of not wanting things different. I’m not saying don’t better yourself, but if it’s at the expense of your peace of mind there’s no benefit to it. I say go for the gold, just understand even if it’s attained you will find it’s not providing the benefits you thought it would; shortly afterwards another want will arise. Investigate this and see how wanting arises from needing, and needing causes bondage (attachment) which causes suffering. Break free from wanting things to be different and you will inevitably stop suffering…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/25/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am grateful to be alive to enjoy those who bring entertainment into my moments, uplift my emotions for the better, and support my positivity! I am grateful to be alive to bring joy and entertainment to those who desire to be with me, who enjoy my attention, and enjoy our adventures! I am grateful for all the reasons to smile, giggle, and laugh..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author


Gratitude Sunday~ 03/24/19

Gratitude check today! Here to assist you and remind you of your blessings and everything else you're thankful for and those you're grateful for everywhere in between as a great day continues~

Remember, positive thoughts for positive results!

CHEERS~ to your great life continuing...


Satisfied Now

An outside view uses distractions based on the attachment to the world of “I”. An inside view has no such attachment and is based on the eternal; there are no distractions because there’s satisfaction right now…

Have you ever thought I can’t wait until I go on vacation, or if only my boss was different, or if only I could change jobs, my spouse, my circumstances, retire, if only, if only, if only. This is the distraction of the if only mind; a mind conditioned to constantly look out there. This if only distraction tells you things need to be different and when they are you’ll be satisfied. This distraction only occurs because you don’t know how to be satisfied with yourself in the here and now. It’s truly mind boggling how it seems our entire struggle with life is to find satisfaction and we look in all the places except in the only place that it exist, now. When you’re satisfied with the way things are now, no distractions occur and there’s no need to look outside because you have what you were looking for; when you stop looking, you stop being distracted.

Please take the time to investigate this so you can understand the nature of your distractions. There would never be a need for the mind to be distracted if you were satisfied right now. This doesn’t mean you don’t do things that makes life more beneficial, but your sense of well-being shouldn’t be based on anything from the outside. An outside base uses distractions from the world of ”I”. An inside view is based in the eternal, in love, in Universal Energy, and it’s the inside view that doesn’t need to look outside because there’s satisfaction with life right now…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/24/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself: 


"I am proud of myself to have come this far with my life beyond just surviving! I am thriving on my loving relationships, friendships, and great interactions! I am proud to have accomplished all that I have so far, and I am proud to have achieved what I have to this point! I am exciting myself for a greater future by looking forward to more success..." 

to continue a greater life! 

Great day to you, as a great day continues~ 

Edward F. T. Charfauros 

Life Guide and Author


Wellness Saturday~ 03/23/19

Here is today's Wellness Assistance to improve for healthier well-being and lifestyle as you're meant to live as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info for better care of yourself to continue your awesomeness. I hope this helps in better caring for your health and well-being for better moments today and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~


Listening to Silence

We are torn between wanting to listen to silence and wanting to attach to the surface sounds of the world. Sometimes just by being sensitive enough to the first part, it provides the energy necessary to prevent the second…

The selfish and destructive conditioned mind behavior that was in control of my life is now mostly in a place of neutrality. I would never say the conditioning is gone for good because just by labeling it that would give it the needed energy to return. It’s very important to see what’s in place as being the point where we connect with the world, but not making it into a story. We live in a world torn between wanting to listen to silence and wanting to attach to the surface sounds of the world. Sometimes just by being sensitive enough to the first part, the energy necessary to prevent the second is provided. In stillness all truth arises. The point of this is to show how you only need to focus on being mindful of yourself, not focusing on saving or trying to change the world. The more mindful you are of your own behavior and actions, the more things around you will change.

You will never stop the sounds of the world, but you can listen to your own heart and not be a part of the surface noise by keeping your own house in order instead of being overwhelmed trying to change everything else. When we are mindful of our own conditioning and we take care of the place where we connect with the world, we offer the world our true self. Not by trying to change it or by ignoring the surface sounds, but by simply listening to the silence that’s in place beneath the noise…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/23/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am supporting a better version of myself however I can to support a better version of my day! I am supporting better moments for better hours for better days through every possible way! I am achieving, accomplishing, and succeeding so much further and farther with the better version of myself! I am appreciative and blissful being better and doing better..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author


Judging Yourself

We are our own judge and those judgements are determined by the conditioning in place. An inner conflict occurs when things don’t line up with the story of the way they’re wanted and hence they are judged…

Inner conflicts usually happen when a decision is judged about something. The conflict can be likened to the pop up figures of the Devil and Angel in cartoons; the figures were always that of the individual. This is because that’s who the real struggle and conflict is always with. Nothing outside of you can harm you as much as your own judgements. A struggle mostly occurs when things aren’t lining up with a judgement of the way they’re wanted; this energy is something that’s real. You can make it like you’re this spiritual guru and behind closed doors be selfish and unloving, but you’re not fooling anyone because wherever you go you are there. The energy that you live by is a result of you. You’re your own judge and your verdicts are determined by your own mind. Your judgements shape your life.

There’s nothing to prove in life. You can preach love and recite all the nonsense that fits into a so called spiritual box, but if your base isn’t loving kindness it’s all being done for one reason and that’s to satisfy your judgement of you. So many conditioned stories are made up about life and they keep you in your own prison. You can get in touch with this simply by seeing how much you judge yourself. Lip service means little here because it’s not only the world that gets hurt, it’s yourself. So many judgements arise daily as devil and angel conflicts, make sure the one you select allows for the loving kindness of yourself because that’s what energy you will live your life by…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/22/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am destined for greater bliss, greater joy, and greater success beyond my every gifted moment I am grateful for living! I am destined for greater rewards, greater awards, and greater achievements beyond my imagination! I have faith in my beliefs, optimism in my thoughts, trust in my power, and love in my emotions..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/21/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am the one who determines how awesome I can be, how great I can do, and how good I can have it! I determine the pace of my success! I determine what I can achieve and what I can accomplish! I am the one who determines how successful I'll be, how far I'll go, and to what extent I'll finish! I am determined..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Two Directions

There are basically two directions you can live from, one is you run away from life sand keep reaching outside yourself, and the other is you are willing to face yourself which is the direction that will bring you freedom…
Suffering in this existence is pretty much a given because of the direction of the Conditioned Mind, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many lessons to learn in this life, but until it’s realized there are two directions you can live from, you’re most likely to be stuck in the one that causes suffering. This is the dog chasing its tail suffering and it never ends because it can’t. It’s controlling energy embraces the attachment of “I” and as long as this is in place you can’t escape its grip. “I” keeps you going in this direction and since nothing satisfies the unquenchable thirst of “I” this is why you suffer; “I” is always thirsty. Even though this is the suffering that’s in place for most people, there is another direction you can live from that is beneficial to the well being and yourself and all humanity; this direction pushes you to a state where there is freedom.
This freedom is from the direction of “I” not from suffering because without “I” there’s no one to suffer. This other direction leads to freedom because as agitated energy arises, instead of attaching to it, you allow it to push you in a direction of new insights and revelations; you’re with whatever arises. There’s no reaching for anything here, there’s no running from it or using something as a distraction. What happens when you make a stand with what arises, the lies of “I” are exposed, and if there’s no direction from “I” there’s no direction of suffering. Read this very carefully and if the full meaning of this can be grasped, freedom from the direction of suffering will begin to expand, but understand this will only occur when there isn’t an “I” dictating your direction…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/20/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am doing what is good for my health to support me with thinking better, behaving better, and doing better! I am doing what is great for my mind to support me with comprehending better, learning better, communicating better, and responding better! I am supporting a stronger better version of myself, so I can enjoy all that there is while I am alive..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Constantly Adjusting Life

Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned, life is constantly adjusted as if there are answers that fit into certain spots, and because of this we are constantly making adjustments that we think will make life better…
The issue with having to make constant adjustments to life as if there were certain answers that will make it better is it’s all made up. Even if there’s some semblance of contentment with these answers, almost immediately the mind needs to make another adjustment. Life is continuous, it’s broken up needing to make adjustments by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, you would see life as complete and wouldn’t constantly need to make adjustments to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes you do this, it’s because the mind has been conditioned to do instead of be so it has to make adjustments because that’s what it’s conditioned to do.
The Conditioned Mind makes up just about everything. Sweets, drugs, alcohol, gambling, success, porn, the shortest line in the supermarket, God, religion, programs, diets, degrees, to do list, and so on, all this adjusting is strictly done to put another made up need in place; this makes one think life will be perfect with this adjustment. Let’s say everyday you make an adjustment, that would mean in my case I made up roughly 22,000 adjustments (365 x 60) all for the one reason, to constantly have life the way I thought it should be (my way). After all nobody purposely gets in the longest checkout line, but even if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to make an adjustment because you would already be in the longest line, unless now you needed to find the shortest line…

Understanding Why

Nothing is done or held onto without a reason why and if the why isn’t understood, you will unconsciously suffer the consequences of this conditioning as if you were on a leash…

When some feeling or emotion arises there’s a reason for it. Learn to see why an emotion arises and the feelings that go along with it. Whatever arises has a reason behind it, the reason why and the sensation of it needs to be understood if your aren’t to be blindly led around and controlled by it. Nothing is held onto without a reason why and if that’s not understood, you will unconsciously be led around by it as if you were on a leash. Because people don’t see this it holds them in captivity and why it’s so is because the things that are being held onto are used to make your identity. Also the holding is done because your conditioning tells you what you are holding onto is needed. When the reason why something arises is understood or at least noticed, there arises an awareness of your thoughts. When this occurs there’s the possibility it will fall away and in the process so will your made up stories.

It’s so difficult to see why you act as you do because you think what’s being held onto is bringing you pleasure of some kind, but it’s not true pleasure because no object has the capability of providing true pleasure; one is easily deluded by this. Regardless of what it is, when you think you need something to feel good (pleasure) it becomes your prison. If the reason why something arises and is held onto isn’t understood, you might as well keep the collar on because when your conditioning says it’s time for a walk you will have to go simply because you are under its spell and with no rhyme or reason as to understanding why…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/19/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am adjusting my beliefs to positively impact my thinking, my attitude, and my behavior for the better! I am adjusting myself to positively affect my relationships and interactions for the better! I am taking action for what is lovingly right for my mind, my body, and my spirit..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


A Vision of Stillnesss

A Conditioned Mind only makes decisions that are already determined. Only through a vision of stillness can true decisions be made because truth can only come from the stillness that is visual from the heart…

A vision of stillness can also be called a vision of love. When these are the visions that life is viewed through, what you see is so different than what an unconscious vision sees; by unconscious I mean a vision that blindly conforms to what the conditioned world offers. As life is experienced more and more through the vision of stillness, the observations are centered more in love and there are less decisions made based on your conditioning. This leads to an unconventional way of living because you are not affected by the decisions based in the world; having a vision of life in this way is so different than what people are accustomed to.

With a vision of stillness no individual decides what happens to you, the Universe decides. Whatever happens is a result of fully cooperating with the Universe as love is the most powerful force there is. With a stillness vision as your view, no one decides your fate. A stillness vision is not of this world, but the decisions made by most people are. You may think you’re making decisions, but you’re only doing what you’ve been conditioned to do. Look at the nonsense that goes on between your ears. It’s truly mind boggling how the mind is controlling ever decision made as if you were a puppet on a string. If you don’t think this is so try and sit still for half an hour. If you can’t don’t be discouraged, not many can and if you can’t control your mind when you’re consciously trying to do it, what makes you think you’re in control when you’re not. It’s so hard to do because the unconscious mind blindly conforms to the conditioning of the world and most people don’t have a vision of stillness to truly see…

You Are Here X

When the body is used to remain present you begin living your life in the only place that truly exist; where you are. In this space you find love, but this isn’t a story, it’s the love of just being where you are…

There is no reason whatsoever that a person has to suffer today because there is enough information available to remove the ignorance that causes it, but this is a truth that you must experience for yourself. No book, video, guru, religion, therapist, self proclaimed enlightened teacher, program: 12 step or otherwise, or anything else can show you truth, they can only point the way and that’s it. What I know today has always been there, but although I’ve been pointed in the same direction for years, it’s message did not click with me until I was ready to see it eleven years ago. It may not always be understood why I do what I do or say, but if you saw what I see, you would do what I do.

I see much needless suffering in the world around me (I say it’s needless because it doesn’t have to be) and that’s even with those who proclaim they’re awake. It doesn’t take much to know whether one is truly awake, all that needs to be seen is where the attachments are and suffering will not be far behind. If you want to stop suffering, stop using the mind and learn to use the body. The body is always where you are, it’s why the breath is used in meditation, you can’t take a past or future breath, you can only breathe now. When the body is used to place you where you are, the mind made suffering loses its energy and lo and behold you begin living your life in the only place it exist; where you are. In this space you find true love, not the story of love, but the love of where you are in the present moment where nothing else exist…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/17/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am powering up my life for the better! I have the will and desire to better who I truly am for greater success! I am empowering myself for greater adventures, greater events, and greater interactions for a greater future! I am thriving beyond surviving with a better version of me..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Projecting the Moment

Projecting how you think things should be and the reality of how it is are vastly different. Being with what’s actually happening is the only place where you can be at peace and not one single projection of how you think it should be will change that…

Each moment simply happens regardless of anything; a projection to make it how you think it should be takes you from how it is. I know people like to say you make life what it is or that most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be, but that can be very tiresome if you need to constantly make the present moment a certain way. Life simply happens regardless of anything, a projection to make it how you think it should be takes you from how it is. This energy doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative because either way it’s a projection of the mind; very important to see this if there is to be true peace in your life. Sometimes things do go the way you think they should be, but that only matters to the Conditioned Mind because it will use it to create the story of how the arisen moment is pleasurable because it worked out your way. Most times the moment doesn’t go your way and hence when it’s not accepted this is when the nonsense of trying to arrange it so it is the way you think it should be begins.

Our projections of how we think the moment should be and the reality of how it is are vastly different; our projections are where most suffering arises from. If you don’t think this is so just watch how the mind gets agitated from something as simple as catching a red light; the projection that it should be green is our suffering. This is true with everything, being with what is actually happening is the only place where you can be at peace and not one single projection of how you think it should be will change that…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/16/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I deserve a better and more joyful future, so I am doing what is necessary to positively accomplish that! I deserve better and more loving relationships and interactions, so I am doing what is necessary to lovingly achieve them! I deserve a better and more awesome version of myself, so I am doing what is necessary to satisfy me..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Repetitive Reactions

Most reactions that occur in life are repetitive and are put in place by your own conditioning. If your life isn’t being lived to its fullest potential it’s your own repetitive reactions that are blocking it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when repetitive reactions are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto is repetitive and is put in storage to be used at particular times; this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be handled; most reactions are formed in this way.

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry that keeps you in bondage. Politicians have people write speeches using certain words which they know are going to sway people in certain ways. Supermarkets know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so repetitive reactive energy is triggered.

This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind loves repetition. If you had no previous conditioning none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not being controlled by repetitive reactions is to a develop some way to anchor yourself in the present moment as much as you can. The more you’re in the present moment, the more you’re with what life actually offers. When this occurs there’s peace because the repetitive reactions of the Conditioned Mind are no longer making it appear that things are different than what they are…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/15/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am thinking for better situations and circumstances for a much greater future worth remembering and recalling! I am talking about better outcomes and results for a much better day, week, month, and year worth remembering and recalling! I am doing for better reasons and acting for the better benefits..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Loneliness Vortex

When the mind settles creating a story that requires reaching for something lessens. In the process the loneliness vortex disappears and it’s simply because an “I” story of needing to fill it isn’t created…

The loneliness vortex only seems to get wider as one ages, it doesn’t really, what happens is there are just less distractions so “I” takes more of a hold. The natural process of life seems to be to stay busy trying to constantly figure things out and regardless of what exactly the figuring out is, it certainly creates many distractions. There are periods in between being busy where a person has some idle time and probably feels the loneliness vortex, but this idle time doesn’t usually last very long because the next distraction returns. A being busy mindset last most of your life, but there does come a time that the natural process of being busy lessens. At this stage many people experience a loneliness vortex that hasn’t been noticed before. It will either be addressed by looking inward or you will get busy again becoming distracted trying to figure out how to fill the loneliness.

Eventually being busy will end for whatever reason, and unfortunately for most people without being busy the loneliness vortex is in control. Many elderly people struggle with this because there just isn’t a lot happening. Kids are grown, retirement, house paid off, more time behind you than what’s ahead, yada, yada, yada, and the list goes on. I was busy for forty nine years using distraction after distraction filling the loneliness vortex. There were very brief periods of not having this loneliness, but these periods were far and few in between. That is until eleven years ago when all that was there was the loneliness vortex; I began to sit and simply look inward. This allowed me to see the distractions of my “I” needing to attach to the loneliness vortex story. As I sat my mind settled and thus the loneliness lessened. In the process the loneliness vortex actually disappeared and it was simply because the “I” story of being lonely wasn’t being created…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/14/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am making necessary changes in my life to benefit my future success for the better! I am making necessary changes in my attitude, my behavior, my thinking, and my actions for the betterment of my livelihood! I am doing whatever it takes of me to be and live that much better! I am doing better for myself, for loved ones, and for a greater future..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Knowing Your Lies

The more you know yourself the more chance there will be to know truth and break the chains of bondage to your lies. Without truth distractions will be used to keep your lies in place…

There are many truth seekers that know their answers are within their own heart, they don’t need a cheering committee from the outside to tell them this. All truth is within, inner truth cannot come from some outside inspirational source. The difference between being free and needing to keep your distractions in place is knowing your inner self as opposed to using inspiration from some outside source that’s only a distraction.

There’s so much nonsense that goes on in between our ears and it’s a lack of inner truth that causes it. This won’t be understood if you’re looking outside for your answers. Inner truth is not the truth of solving Universal secrets, it’s the truth of simply knowing what you do and why. I don’t share to inspire others, I share to simply convey a message of truth to people through my writings, which are a tool to point to your own heart, this is what leads to truth and freedom. It’s in the place of your own inner essence that you will be set free. This is the message that is conveyed to others, this is the next step in the evolution of humankind.

Someone suggested that I be like Mooji, but I can only see what has been awakened in me. I’m not trying to be like anyone but what I Am. If it’s truth that’s seen then that’s what’s written. I share from my heart, it’s what has been awakened in me. If you don’t understand your own heart you most definitely won’t understand what I share. I don’t really care how inspiring something is from the outside, it will not break the chains of “I” if it doesn’t arise from within. When you go inward and find quietness from your own heart, you’ll discover truth. This will allow you to understand what’s truly needed to be set free and stop needing to keep the distractions in place that keep your lies in place; in whatever form these lies manifest…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/13/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am focusing on what I want! I am focusing on the good, great, and better results and outcomes! I am looking forward to the good, great, and better consequences and benefits! I am focusing on enjoying myself, on feeling happier, on being healthier, and living better..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Cooperating Energy

Although everything is consciousness, when your energy is misaligned because of “I” infused desires, it puts you not only in conflict with yourself, but it also takes you out of cooperation with the entire Universe…

We begin our existence in this form in total cooperation with Universal energy. In the beginning stages we are basically in total cooperation with it; there isn’t really much to prevent this. We live mostly to fulfill our instinctual needs, not much thought going on. As we get older we start the process of becoming conditioned by whatever influences we are exposed to. In other words we start to form our story and this story is what takes us out of cooperation with Universal energy. This is why there are many references in the bible to become like little children, because as a child without the Conditioned Mind being deeply engrained, your energy remains in cooperation with the Universe.

Nowhere is it written that when you make a story to become something you remain in cooperation with the Universe. Matter of fact anything that is put before your cooperation changes your energy so it becomes misguided. This is how the Law of Attraction works, the change in energy puts you at a lower vibration and this is what you attract. Success is only a measurement of the standards that society endorses, not the Universe. There can be much success by worldly standards, but it doesn’t mean you’re a success by the standards of love. True success is determined by your energy being in cooperation with the Universe.

“Become like little children” not become a doctor, lawyer, a professional athlete, a writer or anything else, but if you have the heart of a little child you can become anything that you please because you will be cooperating with the Universe. This cooperation is your oneness and it’s what makes you complete regardless of anything else that you do. You will attract the things of the energy you live by and although you may fool some people by being successful according to worldly standards, the Universe will not nor can not be fooled as you only receive what your energy is in cooperation with…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 03/12/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am not allowing myself to be cheated out of living an awesome life filled with so much good worth sharing and joy worth remembering! I am not allowing myself to negatively live down for the worse and unhappy, but to live up for the better and blissful! I am better off with love..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Nothing to Forgive-Ever

If you truly knew how to love, wounds that you thought needed healing would never be produced and although you will do what you are conditioned to do, when this is seen there’s no need to make up a forgiveness story-ever…

The topic of forgiveness always makes for interesting discussions. To me the biggest issue with this word is people think its needed and that’s where the problem lies. If you understood your own mind, you would understand forgiveness is a made up story. It isn’t real, it’s created by your Conditioned Mind to hold you in captivity to the “I” wounds of the past; wounds that are held onto which are only there because they’re created by the lack of self love. This is what “I” does and because of this there’s attachment to the “I” wounds which doesn’t allow you to go beyond what occurred in the past. It all stems from thinking the past should be different which is impossible, if you didn’t think this there wouldn’t be a story to forgive. Everyone does what they’re conditioned to do, if this truth was seen there would never be a need for forgiveness-ever. If this isn’t true then why do you do what you don’t want to do and don’t do what’s more beneficial to you? So do what you do and if you don’t like what you do, learn to stop doing it so you can do something beneficial; nothing to forgive-ever.

If you understand the Conditioned Mind and you are aware of its controlling aspect, you will see there is no need for forgiveness because you and others behave the way your own mind tells you how to behave. So I ask where is the need to forgive if you are only doing what you have been conditioned to do? Understand this, it’s your own mind that tells you what to do, and the same mind makes up the story that what it told you to do now needs you to forgive. Is the need for forgiveness real or is it just a story? If you truly loved yourself your “I” wounds would have never been produced so there wouldn’t be a need for healing because you would already be healed and because now you understand that all you or anyone else could do was what the conditioning in place dictated you to do there’s nothing to forgive-ever…