It’s very important to grasp exactly what the process of a thought is and how it arises and is attached to by the Conditioned Mind. Here is a what occurs when a thought arises: let’s say it’s time to get in your car and go to work, you’ve given yourself plenty of time to get there and the weather is simple gorgeous, so now you begin the drive. As you’re driving you come to a train crossing, a very large train is in progress, it has to be at least one hundred and seventy five cars long; you are waiting patiently as you know you have plenty of time to get to your destination so the train finally passes and you go. Now though there’s traffic and it’s moving slowly (road work). As you’re stuck in this traffic the cushion you gave yourself to get to work has faded and now your Conditioned Mind begins its nonsense.
It all starts by the traffic being a trigger that activates the conditioning in the form of a thought, this creates a mind agitation telling you these delays are ridiculous. This is the first step in how a thought is given energy to grab hold. It has nothing to do with the traffic, but it has everything to do with the traffic, at least to the Conditioned Mind. Substitute the traffic with anything and see how what’s happening right now is wanted different and watch the nonsense begin. So now there’s traffic and you don’t want there to be any; that’s the arisen conditioning. Next in the thought process is the attachment to not wanting there to be traffic. The more attachment there is the more agitated the mind becomes and the more nonsense is created. Until you finally get to work, this energy will fester and you will keep telling yourself how you really hate traffic. The reality of all this is, although traffic is what grabbed you, it wouldn’t matter what it was. You really just wanted life to be the way that you wanted it and when it wasn’t, it opened the door for the conditioned nonsense to begin…

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