When you stay attached to beliefs life becomes stagnant and although you will still experience life, it will be seen differently by everyone except those who don’t see life through a belief; this state is of emptiness which needs no belief. Everything is a part of the whole so nothing is truly what a belief makes it out to be. When you look at a tree and apply the belief the tree is it’s parts, the trunk, limbs, branches, and leaves, the true nature of the tree is lost. If you can see this with the tree, you can see it with everything, including yourself. Without a belief of you, where is the you? Most don’t even think about the parts that make up this you.
There is much freedom in seeing this because it allows for the emptiness of all things to be revealed, and when you see there’s nothing to believe in no matter what, you are free. Another example is you give a form that keeps track of time and call it a watch. There are so many parts to it, which part is truly the watch? Beliefs will keep you in ignorance because they will block out seeing the true nature of emptiness in all things. With beliefs you can only see and attach to form and therein lies the root to all suffering. It’s in letting go of your beliefs in all forms that you will see there are just parts which reveals the emptiness of all things…

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