You may think what happens in life is the cause of what arises, but what’s not understood is what arises is already in place, it just gets triggered by whatever energy it’s given. There’s so much underlining conditioning in place that it keeps you from understanding your own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will simply produce dead end energy; this is because of your lack of awareness. Most don’t think about unconsciousness and take offense to being called so, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an notion whatsoever it’s being done; one is blind to their own dead end energy. You will respond to this right now with the energy that’s in place in the form of a thought. There’s no right or wrong in this article, all I do is look at myself and that’s where it was first discovered just how unconscious I was and hence humanity is. Anytime someone gets angry, it’s their own dead end energy and they’re causing their own suffering. Yet it’s done all the time and that’s only part of it, what’s really unconscious is it isn’t truly known why there’s anger. Stories are made up why there is, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.
There are many justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the unconscious dead end energy; that it’s not realized is why it’s dead end energy. The list of attachments that are blindly held onto is endless and it keeps dead end energy in place. Very few will really get this, it’s easier to say this is bullshit and the writer doesn’t know me or what he’s talking about than to truly look at this, but I do know you because I know me. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all the dead end energy in you and the world. When you wake up you can pull away from this energy which will remain in control if waking up doesn’t occur. Stand up for all you think is needed, do whatever it is you think will make you feel better, just don’t attach to it and watch how your thoughts about it dissipate along with the dead end energy that tells you this doesn’t apply to you…

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