Barriers are created by a Conditioned Mind that doesn’t want you to accept what’s occurring in the present moment. It wants present moment barriers and it actually makes you think if the moment was different all would be well; this is the lie of the Conditioned Mind. All is well right now, but because of the Conditioned Mind it’s not seen so a barrier is created just so the mind has something to do. I’ve always had a tendency to make everything that occurred a barrier, and although I don’t create these barriers as I once did, many times I still see a barrier arise which results in a non beneficial reaction.
The mind can overcome great barriers, the only problem is it’s the one creating the barriers. How can the mind quiet when all it seems like it wants to do is create barriers ? The barrier of what is the plan for the day. Attachment to other people’s barriers and how it pulls you in. Barriers of what went on yesterday. Barriers of what’s going on in work, even though you’re home. Barriers of what’s going on in the world. Barriers about this and that, barriers, barriers, barriers. All these barriers have one thing in common and that is it’s your own conditioning that’s focuses mainly on creating barriers so it has something to do; it’s the development of your Conditioned Mind that does this. If the mind didn’t generate these barriers there wouldn’t be anything for it to do so barriers would never be created to be overcome; you would always be at peace. The Conditioned Mind creates barriers because it doesn’t want you to accept what’s occurring in the present moment. Until there’s awareness of this it will continue to do so even though all of life is impermanent…

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