When some feeling or emotion arises something causes it. Learn to see the cause of the emotion arising and the feelings that go along with the cause. Whatever arises has a cause, the reason for that cause and the sensation of it needs to be understood if your aren’t to be blindly drawn in and controlled by it. Nothing is held onto without an underlying cause and if that cause isn’t understood, you will unconsciously succumb to the cause as if you were a dog on a leash. Why people don’t see how this holds them in captivity is because many of the things that are being held onto are used to make your identity and also the holding is done because your conditioning tells you what you are holding onto is needed. When the cause of what arises is understood or at least noticed, there arises an awareness of what what you are thinking. When this occurs there’s the possibility it will fall away and in the process your made up stories fall away.
As stated before, why it’s so difficult to see this is because what’s being held onto is thought to be bringing you pleasure of some kind, and it may be in some way, but it’s not true pleasure because no object has the capability of providing true pleasure; one is easily deluded by this. Regardless of what it is if what’s causing you to think you need something to feel good (pleasure) the object becomes your prison regardless of what’s used. So if the cause of why something arises and is held onto isn’t understood, you might as well keep the dog collar on because when your conditioning says it’s time for a walk you will have to go because the conditioning in place isn’t understood…

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