We need not wait for a certain time to celebrate life. This may seem like a cliche, but if you are alive everyday is truly a holiday because being alive is a celebration of life manifested from Universal Love, and we are the gift, the present of the Universe to the world. If you don’t think this is so it isn’t because of life, it’s because of the misperception you are viewing life from. What you are probably saying is, if the Universe is love what about all the unpleasant things that occur in life or the pure evil of some things that are experienced. This is just something to ponder, all of the things that happen, good, bad, or indifferent are not produced by the Universe, they are a direct product that results in the behavior of the human will.
Love is our true nature, it is our gift. Our celebration is an everyday occurrence and one day our celebration will not be manifested in this form, but our true nature of love will still be. This is the way it is because this is the way the Universe is, and since we are a present of the Universe our nature is always love. When a gift is given to someone in the spirit of love, no matter what happens after the gift is given, it will never take away that it was given in love. No matter how hardened you become by your conditioning, love will always be your true nature. Know this truth and you will make everyday a holiday and celebrate life as it was intended to be. May everyday be a holiday whatever it is that you celebrate, not only with your immediate family, but with the entire human family that this planet is shared with. Everyday is a holiday in the sense it’s a celebration because of the love given by the Universe; without its love we would not be. So whatever holiday it is for you, may it be life that you celebrate and may it be happy, joyous, and free. Merry Christmas

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