Regardless of what was done in the past it only affects you if you give it energy now. It’s not happening now so the past itself has no controlling energy; what does give it control is focusing on it. The past should never be denied, but nothing that was done should ever be held onto. This isn’t to absolve you of the responsibility of acting in an unloving manner, but the judgement of others can’t do you the harm that you do to yourself. The results of your actions arise from your own energy. I need not judge you as being unloving for you to be ruled by the results of being unloving.
If there is discontent in your life it’s because attaching to discontented energy. It’s impossible to be in a state of discontentment without discontented energy. This energy is in place because of carrying a past energy pattern into the present. Once the past energy pattern is attached to and brought into the present, it’s very difficult for it to go away, it usually has to run its course, but it doesn’t have to ever be attached to if it can be noticed beforehand; this is key if there is to ever be a different view of life. Your life is simply a result of the energy that’s attached to, so stop attaching to past energy patterns and watch life naturally become different as its energy is transformed. You will never change your view of life, it becomes different by not attaching to past energy patterns and just focusing on what’s in front of you right now.

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