Awareness is of value because it helps you overcome your selfish nature. This is what I discovered was blocking the love of my heart from being the operating energy of my life. I don’t know how it was for anyone else, but this is what was revealed to me. Why it was this way I don’t really know, but I do know most of my life was selfishly lived trying to grasp pleasure at all cost to satisfy a self that didn’t exist in the way it was perceived. The only awareness there was in my life was how to get more things to provide pleasure so this misunderstood self could be satisfied. It wasn’t that the self didn’t exist, existence just wasn’t what I was conditioned to believe it was. It’s one of the reasons I don’t attach to beliefs today because I see them only as a story. Many have a belief that God is love, but if this is truly investigated it may be revealed that God needs the story of love to exist, but love doesn’t need the story of God to exist. Check it for yourself and see this truth.
Being aware of what’s actually happening now minimizes the stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Awareness stops the story of the way you think something should be and allows the freedom of the way it is which becomes the view of the way it should be. After all wanting the present moment different than what it is is where all discontent arises from. When you’re simply aware of what arises as it arises there isn’t a need for a story and your selfish nature doesn’t come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the operating energy of your life…

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