There are certain truths that need to be understood if you are to be set free. The reason why there is so much struggle with this is because these truths aren’t brought into the heart by most people, they’re kept at the intellect level, in the head as perception. A perception of what you think truth is isn’t truth, it’s just perception and it’s this perception that blocks truth from setting you free.
First truth, you are not going to live forever, this is a fact. Understanding this impermanence is paramount if you are to be free. Second truth, the only place that life can be lived is in the exact moment that you’re in, (the present) again this is factual. Third truth, no matter how much you want things to stay the same, they will not. There is constant change whether you want it or not. No perception here, just the facts. Forth truth, you are not your thoughts regardless of how much you attach to them. The point of this post is to show the difference between truth and the perception of how you want things to be and how perception will never set you free. How you can tell something is true is it’s always freeing, that’s its nature.
All perception is tied into stories, which are delusional; delusion will never set you free. People who think their perception of truth is truth are gravely mistaken and stay entrapped to their own conditioned perceptions; perception is bondage. I know today I am free because truth has set me free, not because of my perceptions. If I was still living my life by my self created perceptions, I would not be free. The Universe can only guide you when there is quietness that allows truth to be understood. If you make up a perception of this, freedom will not occur. This is another truth and it can only be known when it’s not made into a story. This article is factual, it’s not some made up perception of what I think truth is. When you know the truth and not your perception of it, it is only then that you will be set free. This will not occur if you are creating perceptions of the way you think life should be. There’s the way life is (truth) and there’s the way you think it should be (perception) and only one will set you free…

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