A Parent, well, what should I say about a parent. I am myself a parent and when I have to delve into my heart and tell you, as to what is the love, that I feel for my child, then I would fail to so, as it has so many layers to it, that it is impossible for me to define it in one word, or a sentence, as to what is the love, that I feel, for my child.
I still remember the day when I held my daughter in my arms and how blessed I felt, when I looked at the cherubic pink face of my sweetheart! It was an out of the world feeling, a feeling which is beyond happiness. The affection, I felt for her, is something extraordinary and her little fingers when they held my hands tight, felt ethereal. I am so blessed and absolutely fortunate, to have the two most worderful kids on earth. they are very caring and affectionate, at the same time very responsible too.
A parent's love is incomparable and unparalleled, it is something so pure and selfless, that there is no kind of love, which can be compared to the love, that a parent, has for his child. Every man or woman marries and settles down in his life, but, his life is not complete, until he has a child. When the little cherub comes into their lives, that is when life really starts for them. The child becomes their focus, in everything they do, the father earns amd works hard, to provide to the best of their capability, to the child.
Life starts at a new note and everything that the parents do, is directed and focused for the well being of the child, how they live, what they do, how they react to situations, how they hide their weaknesses from their kids, everything, infact everything revolves around the kid. A parents love is so pure, that it is considered to be next to the love, that the Lord Almighty showers on you. The love is unconditional and no matter how much the child spurns the parent, or ill treats him, when he grows up, despite all his misdemeanours, the parent is always forgiving and always has a soft corner for his child.
Life can be very cruel to some unfortunate few, when it comes to getting all the respect and love from his child, when he grows up. How the child behaves and how he will ultimately treat his parent, when he grows old and need him the most, is totally his own prerogative and judgement. No one absolutely no one can actually say with surety, that my child will not be selfish and indifferent, when he grows up. There is flip side of the coin in every scenario, but one always be optimistic and never have expectations, from anyone, not even ones own child.
A parent is one who does his duty of rearing his child, to the best of his capabilites and no one can guide him and tell him, that this how you should bring up your child. It is the parents duty, to rear him, in the way he feels, is appropriate. But when it comes to having expectations and telling your child, that listen kiddo, this is all that I did for you, so it is time that repay me baack for it, by taking care of me, then that is unjustified. We ass a parent do our duty, how the child behaves and how he feels responsible towards his parent, is totally upto the judgement and desire of the child.
The parent shouldnt blackmail the child, or emotionally maniputlate him/her and tell him, like they say in hindi movies"I kept you in my womb for nine months, so you need to understand its worth!"Its absolutely preposterous to expect your child to repay all that you have done for him. you do it out of duty and if the child has the accurate upbringing, he will not have to be told to be responsible towards his parent. He will take adequate care of his parent, without being told to.
Here it can be very aptly said, that, one must practice what you preach. If the parent takes good care of his parents in front of his kids,, then it is but natural, that the child will do the same. But if the parent is disrespectful towards his own parents and he openly insults and spurns them, in fornt of his kids, then when the children grow up, then they will also spurn and insult the parent. Life is like that, it gives back to you, what you give it. They say, that history repeats itself, then it would be very true in this scenario, if the parent gets badly treated, by his kid, because he had ill treated his own parent.
Now coming back to the pure and distilled emotion of a parent, for his child. The love is so pure and in some cases inexplicable, that you feel baffelled, as to how is it that the parent is showing so much love, for his child, despite being spurned and insulted innumerable times. Well, that is the marvel of a parents love and that is why it called devine.
There is sanskrit shloka which says that a child can never repay the love that his parent has given him, even if he takes a hundred re births, or does things, which are very noble for his parent. A parents love is so pure and selfless, that no amonunt of good deed on the childs side can compare to what the parent has done for his child. A parent will remain hungry, so that his kid gets a stomach full. A parent will sacrifice buying clothes or any other luxuries, so that his child is not deprived of anything. A parent will stop doing so many things he likes personally, just because his child doesnt like him doing it. That is the divinity and unparalelled love of a parent.
A parent is like the God of a child on earth, but alas, how many kids realise it. I wont say that most children are notorious, many of them are good and they treatt their parents in an exemplary manner, as they have been brought up in this way. They have had a secure childhood and their parents have always taught them how to respect their elders and be responsible towards them.These children undoubtedly grow up to be good children, who take good care of their parents and do everything they can do for the well being of their parents.
A parent and his love is something, which I would like to repeat, is something which cannot be expressed in words. For a parent his child is his joy, glory, pride and a breathe of fresh air and when the child grows up, he acts as his friend, guardian and well wisher and same child becomes like a parent of his parent, when, he grows old and becomes senile and behaves like a kid. Life takes a full circle, it absolutely amazing! The same parent, who was blessed with a little baby, grows up and acts likes his parent, when he turns old and needs support physically, mentally and emotionally at every step, in old age.
Thats the marvel of Life and thats the marvel of being a parent. So hats off to all the parents and their unsurmountable love and hats off to all the children, who get this kind of love from their parents!
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