You should always be tolerant of others as everyone goes through life doing the best they can with their developed tools. No two lives are the same as our experiences are different. Because someone has different experiences, that doesn’t make it right or wrong. No one knows what I went through to be as I am today just as I don’t know what anyone else goes through. We’ve all had many experiences to develop the tools we have in place so we are as we are, and because nobody goes through the same things, we’re all different. Here is the key in getting along and this is so very important, love is the message we should be focused on and the one that should be shared, that’s what we all have in common regardless of what is experienced.
If experience teaches you to let go of the little you there’s an obligation to share that message. When someone does something that you don’t like maybe they’re just doing what is known. We should all be more tolerant of others because from my experience when a person doesn’t act in a manner conducive to love, there is immense suffering for all involved. Whether there’s awareness of this or not doesn’t make it any less so; being intolerant of others just adds suffering to the situation.
When something is done by someone that isn’t liked, simply ask yourself if you truly know the person. Even if someone reads my book they don’t really know me. They know what happened to me, but how it affected me is known only to me. Don’t be to harsh when someone does something. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t add to their suffering by being intolerant because they’re probably doing the best they can with the tools they have. Everyone is the cause of their own suffering, what happens doesn’t cause it, the tools in place do. I know it’s not easy to see things in this way, but what happens when there’s intolerance of others is one causes their own suffering because what we have in common (love) isn’t seen.

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