Regardless of how you think you should be, if it’s not in you it won’t be possibly for it to be your outward reaction. What will be seen by the world as your outward reaction is really only what’s inside you. If you want to love and it hasn’t been cultivated, it will not be emitted out as it is not your mind set; your reactions out are only so because it’s what’s in you. If you were raised to hate certain things than that will be your mind set, and it will be the reactions out. The outward reactions are inside because consciously or unconsciously it’s what’s been cultivated.
To do things differently it will take a neutral (quiet) mind set as things occur. This will alleviate non beneficial emotional attachment and reactions. What occurs can then be looked at objectively because inside is neutral and non reactive. This will take practice, but life is reacted to in a much more beneficial way from a neutral mind set, and although everything comes from within you can only react to things in ways that have been cultivated and are inside. With practice what’s inside can be aligned with what is the most beneficial way to react and thus the most beneficial way to live…

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