Life is a happening not a doing. If it’s made into something to do, there will always be the burden of inner friction. In the space of not doing there’s peace because the need to do something is nonexistent…
It may seem as though life creates friction so lessons are learned, but the friction is inner. Life doesn’t create friction, that’s not its nature, life is just life. Things happen because of certain laws and conditions producing certain result. This is life just being life, it’s never personal. There’s inner space in every person that you can go to when it seems like life creates friction, but this isn’t life, its just the burdensome story the Conditioned Mind creates; a story of inner friction.
When you can stay anchored you‘ll stop creating your own wrath. This is regardless of what happens in life, unless you make it about life doing something to you. Life does nothing to no one. It’s each individual alone from the way they‘re conditioned that makes life seem as though there’s friction. This occurs because without an anchor everything that happens in life is a burden as it’s made into something to do. But understand, whatever goes on between your ears about what you think you have to do, that is inner friction. It’s something you create from within yourself. Don’t blame life for the inability of not staying anchored and being left unprotected and exposed. Find your anchor so you are planted and stay there as much as possible. The more you stay anchored the fewer storms there will be in your life and the less it will seem like there’s inner friction…

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