An awakened mind comes from an awakened heart, and with this comes the view of love. With this view no one controls you but the Universe…
Someone’s unconsciousness is their misgiving. When centered on an awakened heart of love, life is always exactly the way it’s suppose to be because it‘s the way it is. When it’s time for it to be different it will be, but understand even when it’s different, it’s still the way it is. No one controls what is, but you are controlled by your Conditioned Mind until you understand the view of life through an awakened heart of love. It’s only through love that one can be free of the Conditioned Mind and thus have every decision made based in Universal Love. If not, there is no decision because there is no choice but to be controlled by your Conditioned Mind. Break free of the conditioning by viewing life centered in an awakened heart of love…

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