Inner Flare Ups

All flare ups arise from within yourself; they arise from internal mind disturbances. Without discipline, the mind will never settle nor will the flare up of needing to reach for something externally…

The world is in a state of constant flare ups, but not with each other as you may think, it’s with ourselves. The lack of understanding of your own mind is the cause of all inner flare ups; most people haven’t a clue of this. We lash out at people, have road rage, try to change people, protest, and constantly seek to alter the way that we feel because we were never taught how to be with life as it is and accept who we are as we are. Needing things different would never arise if you had the ability to be with life as it is. If you don’t have some contentment with the way things are, what makes you think if things were different there would be contentment. You would still have inner flare ups that make you reach for things externally.

There’s external reaching because you want to feel different. My mind was always disturbed because there wasn’t an understanding of the Conditioned Mind so the flare ups weren’t understood. It didn’t matter what happened, by not having the ability to be with life as it is, the mind becomes disturbed as flare ups arise.

Nothing causes a flare up unless it’s allowed. If something bothers you and it can be changed by all means change it, but it needs to be looked at why there’s a flare up to begin with. Even if the thing is changed, without an understanding of your own mind, you will just move on to the next thing which will cause you to become disturbed once again…

Life Energy

Life energy is more than manifested form. Form can be individualized energy cannot. So when the form of “I” isn’t conceptualized, life can be lived as the loving energy that it truly is…

Although it’s better to give than to receive, the less deserving one thinks a person is to receive the more difficult it is to give. What I mean by this is the more unconscious a person is, the harder it is to not judge them as with each judgement it becomes harder to not place them in a convenient category of this or that. Any applied label blocks one from giving love and it makes you see people as individuals, this is a block to loving others unconditionally.

To not be drawn into this energy takes much discipline. It’s so easy to hate, it seems almost effortless, but it’s not. It really takes a tremendous amount of energy to hate, but unfortunately this is the energy of unconsciousness. That’s a problem because this is the energy that far too many people are guided by in their everyday decisions, but regardless of this and as difficult as it is, if you’re truly conscious you’ll do what’s necessary to love all beings because it will be the energy of what’s in your heart. The only reason there’s fluctuations between love and hate energy is because one is not fully conscious. The more conscious energy there is, the less harmful energy there will be. This occurs simply because the heart doesn’t want anything to do with energy that’s unloving…

Common Sense

When life is viewed without common sense, drama is mostly seen because of the lack of discipline that a quiet mind provides. Common sense allows the mind to settle into a state that’s truthful and logical…

When we apply common sense to life it’s so much more beneficial than relying on the made up stories that defy common sense. Simply stated; a man and woman performed a deed many years ago and life began. The common sense here is a deed was performed that allowed the transformation of energy and you were the result of it. Nothing magical; a condition was satisfied that allowed birth. At the start of existence there’s nothing yet developed as far as the Conditioned Mind is concerned, so we’re pretty much truthful and logical.

The common sense here is there’s nothing yet developed for life not to be truthful and logical. But as we grow older and influences begin to mold and condition the mind, common sense slowly gets replaced by the illogical influences we’re surrounded by. This is the beginning of our Conditioned Mind Patterns, and unfortunately what the base of most of these influences are is self-serving. We develop a Conditioned Mind that revolves around satisfying an illogical self that has been influenced to be this way.

The Conditioned Mind blocks this common sense approach as too simplistic so it can hold onto its story. The truth is living the most beneficial way to live is inward, but this only occurs if one is quiet enough to see it. If this isn’t seen the mind will use a conditioned story of why living inwardly isn’t for you and your approach to life will not be seen from a common sense state. This prevents you from returning to the truthful and logical state. Unfortunately because of this, life remains based in making decisions from a self-serving mind instead of using common sense, and it will remain a struggle regardless of the outward changes that are made…

Reshaping Your View

The only way to reshape your view of life is to have a different view in place that will allow it to happen. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness of what needs reshaping…

Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I caught the third period of a hockey game. When the game was over I began looking for something else to watch. Fifteen seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the TV when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to reshape our view of life even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we’ll watch the same channel (thoughts) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on the TV and don’t know how to reshape this view.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to reshape your view when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s total awareness of this, reshaping your view will be just about impossible. The only way to reshape the view you have of life is to have an open mind that will allow it to be reshaped. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness your view needs reshaping. It may be a repeated view (thought) disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old view. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see your view for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized your view needs to be reshaped…

Reaching Dependency

Reaching dependency is like wishing your life away as it keeps you from experiencing the present moment. It’s a dependency because what’s occurring right now is always what’s here as opposed to needing the present moment different…

Many people think reaching is something that’s needed, but it’s not. It’s a dependency used by the Conditioned Mind and it keeps you from not understanding what it means to be in the present moment. It’s a direct cause of suffering as it makes you dependent on something that makes you live life in the future. The Conditioned Mind does this by telling you the present moment isn’t good enough and it needs to be different. It projects a lie that things would be better if they were in some other way. Maybe on the surface they would be, but inward is where one derives the perception that makes life what it is; so it will be a life of dependency or one of contentment. Even if what’s reached for is attainable it won’t last, but the dependency will. Inward there’s a better chance to break the dependency, but this is only if one is awake enough to see this.

Let’s say you’re diagnosed with some kind of illness, the only thing reaching does is it makes you wish the diagnoses was different, but it doesn’t change the fact of what is occurring right now. The illness remains regardless of the dependency of what you think is needed to reach for. If your life isn’t dependent on needing things different and it’s accepted as it is, you will experience the peace of the present moment regardless of what’s occurring. This is because right now is the only place of true existence so it’s important to see this. Not in the future, but right now because right now doesn’t need to be different…

Dishonesty Base

A life based in dishonesty can’t be changed with the same dishonesty. It’s not that honesty has to be known to change this, but there will have to be awareness of the dishonesty if it’s to cease being in control…

It’s very difficult to explain honesty because there’s so many different perspectives of it. Instead of trying to prove what honesty is, let’s explore where dishonesty is. Dishonesty is something that has no real facts to it. Perceptions aren’t factual, they’re usually made up by the perceiver to suit some sort of dishonest belief. I’m often asked what I believe in, I answer that I believe in what I know which is based in the facts of what is experienced, that’s why I share what I do. I don’t see the benefit of making up a dishonest story about something to suit a mind made need. In my case I know love is more beneficial than hate so I learn where my dishonesty is so I can be honest living my (factual) life so it’s of maximum benefit to myself and all beings. Honesty will be known when dishonesty is understood.

The biggest dishonesty in place is having things your way will satisfy you, this is reinforced daily. Dishonesty is at the core of our entire misaligned society. It creates all our issues as a society. Everyone claims to be honest, no facts, just their claim. Politicians try to fix problems based in dishonesty with dishonest solutions. The entire entertainment and sports industry are dishonest by creating the haves and have nots. This creates separation in our society not unity. There’s also the dishonesty of social and career status. Dishonesty after dishonesty, and what happens to a society when this is its base, it becomes a dishonest society. This occurs simple because dishonesty is desired instead of honesty…

Inner Friction

Life is a happening not a doing. If it’s made into something to do, there will always be the burden of inner friction. In the space of not doing there’s peace because the need to do something is nonexistent…

It may seem as though life creates friction so lessons are learned, but the friction is inner. Life doesn’t create friction, that’s not its nature, life is just life. Things happen because of certain laws and conditions producing certain result. This is life just being life, it’s never personal. There’s inner space in every person that you can go to when it seems like life creates friction, but this isn’t life, its just the burdensome story the Conditioned Mind creates; a story of inner friction.

When you can stay anchored you‘ll stop creating your own wrath. This is regardless of what happens in life, unless you make it about life doing something to you. Life does nothing to no one. It’s each individual alone from the way they‘re conditioned that makes life seem as though there’s friction. This occurs because without an anchor everything that happens in life is a burden as it’s made into something to do. But understand, whatever goes on between your ears about what you think you have to do, that is inner friction. It’s something you create from within yourself. Don’t blame life for the inability of not staying anchored and being left unprotected and exposed. Find your anchor so you are planted and stay there as much as possible. The more you stay anchored the fewer storms there will be in your life and the less it will seem like there’s inner friction…

Evil Trappings

The ways to be drawn in by evil are endless, but understand the draw comes from your own mind and even though your conditioning provides the triggers, you alone attach to them…

If you’re practicing to live a spiritual life but you don’t know your own mind, it’s like going to the gym, but not making much of an effort to work out. Your results will be non existent. If you don’t notice your attachments, the whole point of any practice is missed. This is because of the draw of evil makes looking inward difficult. There are so many things in place that prevent looking inward from happening, and if it doesn’t happen you’ll remain in bondage to evil trappings. Evil trappings are delusional because when there’s even the slightest of an opening to allow what’s within to be seen, your expansion begins.

The draw of evil is very enticing, if it wasn’t the percentage of conscious and unconscious beings would be reversed. But it’s not this way because the draw of evil is in control. This draw is only real to a degree. There’s no denying it’s there, but it’s in control because there’s a fictitious belief in it. We alone are the creators of this and if one doesn’t become familiar with their own mind, the evil draw will continue its control, sadly there’s really no way around this…

A True Gauge

Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned its default state is mostly delusional. A true gauge of the mind is if you’re at peace with yourself without having to change you…

Do whatever it is you think you need to do to get the desired results you think are needed, but see what’s guiding you. If you’re to get a true gauge as to what’s really going on in your life, there will have to be a deep awareness of why you are going in the direction you’re going. There are reasons why a person constantly struggles with being at peace, and as subtle as this can be, it’s not something most people consciously think about. Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned, its normal state is mostly delusional. From the time a person starts their day the delusion begins. The alarm clocks rings and the snooze button is hit. Although it’s not thought about that you’re not at peace, the bottom line is you’re not.

Constantly having to arrange life is caused by a mind that’s delusional which keeps you from the awareness of the delusion. Save the world if that’s the direction you think you need to go in, just understand maybe the world doesn’t need you to save it. If you’re not truly at peace in the moment with yourself, this is what really needs to be looked at. Nothing else matters regardless of what you’re doing because it’s only a made up story that keeps the mind in a delusional state. Many people are so busy trying to save the world that they don’t see the forest from the trees. Until the beauty of the moment is seen and you can just be with that, peace will not be had because you will be too busy trying to save a world that just may not need saving. To me, a true gauge of a settled mind is if you’re at peace right now with the way things are without having a need to change it…

Mind Cravings

The pleasures of the world take on many forms, but it’s the craving of the mind that makes one seek them. This craving can only be satisfied in stillness because when the mind is still there is no craving…

One aspect of the Conditioned Mind is how it’s in pleasure seeking mode most of the time. Even when we get down on ourselves, it’s a perverse form of pleasure. The mind craves to keep all the pleasure thoughts and discard the unpleasurable ones; it spends most of its time doing this. Whether it’s hurrying in and out of traffic, only to catch a red light and have all the cars you just passed pull up along side you, or doing something and asking yourself why did you do it, the reason for doing this is strictly from the craving to seek some form of pleasure. That your own mind craves to question why you do what you do is how diabolical it is, but understand it’s only this way because of the way the mind has been conditioned to crave.

The pleasure seeking crave mode is not one which is in our best interest, but the Conditioned Mind doesn’t really care about that; control is all it cares about. It makes you think craving pleasure is a necessity, but when the mind starts to settle and it loses its grip you see the fallacy of this. True pleasure is in stillness not in things, but the pleasure of stillness is not the same pleasure the world offers. The pleasure of the world is based in lies, the pleasure of stillness is based in truth. Craving is the self-seeking pleasure of the world, this is what the world creates, but it cannot be satisfied. It’s only in stillness that this craving is satisfied, not because it’s given something to satisfy it, but because in stillness cravings never materialize so there is no pleasure to seek…

Creating Heart Space

Creating heart space for all beings includes yourself. So love yourself exactly as you are and understand if you don’t it’s only because of your conditioned space that thinks you should be different…

Creating heart space for all beings is a decision you have to be conscious of if it’s to occur. There’s so much unloving energy around that if you’re not conscious of the energy to create heart space, the conditioned space will keep your heart closed; awareness is the key to create heart space for all beings. For many there’s no heart space; unloving energy is in place without fully realizing it. You may have an inkling of this, but without having a good amount of discipline which allows the mind to settle, this unloving energy will be in control even if you don’t want it to be.

For me, there are times when things are done that aren’t necessarily beneficial, but they’re still done because of the conditioned space in place. Since I’ve been sitting, I’ve developed some discipline so the conditioned space that once controlled me is mostly heart filled now. For the most part I’m aligned with behaviors that are not only for my betterment, but also for the betterment of humanity. Non beneficial things are still done, but this happens less and less. It’s just part of the conditioned space in place so I don’t fret over it. I’ve learned you can only do what your conditioned space allows; this won’t change until the heart opens. Creating heart space for all beings includes yourself, so love yourself exactly as you are and understand if you don’t it’s only because of the conditioned space in place…

Instinctive Awareness

Every life begins with truth in its heart, but because of the Conditioned Mind it gets pushed so far down that a lie is used instead of being aware of it instinctively…

Why the Conditioned Mind is such an issue to one’s well being is because most conditioning is based in lies; this affects every aspect of life. Multiple these lies by millions of conditioned people and it’s no wonder the world is as it is. Granted this is my experience, but the Conditioned Mind has been revealed to me as being the block to the awareness of instinctive truth. Without awareness of the instinctive truth from within yourself, it makes it difficult to truly understand yourself. This doesn’t make truth non existent in your life, but it does make you unaware of it.

To me, everyone has truth in their heart, but it gets pushed so far down that a lie is used instead of being aware of it instinctively. When this occurs, truth becomes a story when instinctively it’s something that just is. Truth isn’t something that can be manufactured, it either is or it isn’t. Truth doesn’t pick and choose, it can’t, truth is just truth; instinctively. The thing with truth is most think it’s a made up state of mind, but it’s not, it’s just truth. An applied label doesn’t enhance it, only the awareness of it allows its instinctive state to be. Truth affects everything as does the lie. When there’s awareness of this, the heart opens and truth occurs instinctively because that’s how truth rolls…

Tool of Love

If your life is to be a product of love, love will have to be your base. No tool can operate itself so you cannot produce a life of love if love isn't the tool of your heart…

To be a tool of love means one thing and one thing only, and that is to be an example of love in all that you do. Not a love that is manufactured by you, but by a love that comes through your heart from God energy. It doesn't mean you have to make others follow your way because the most important thing to realize is this is not your way; it‘s loves way and that is what people will follow. To be a tool of love implies just that, to be a tool. No tool can operate itself so the better the tool is maintained, the better it works. That’s how it is with us, the freer you are of the self-serving mind by relying on the tool of love, the more your life is a reflection of that love.

Remember no tool can operate itself so things need to be done so the tool stays effectively operational. Even a master carpenter has a difficult time producing exquisite work with tools that are rusty. All tools produce results just as our life is still lived even though our actions aren't based in love, but it just won't produce results the tool is capable of producing. Its full potential won't be realized because a rusty tool can only produce what’s there. A life that isn't based in love cannot produce love, just as a tool that's rusty can't operate properly. So our journey to be a tool for love will manifest when we live in a way that will produce the necessary action for this to occur. An emptying of the heart will be needed so love can fill it up. If it’s not totally empty of self-centeredness, it will not be totally filled by love. It’s in God energy that all life exists, it’s in God energy that life becomes of the heart. If not you will continue to be filled by the self-serving mind and you will be a rusty tool that doesn’t operate properly…

Light Energy

Being light energy to provide direction so others can find their way is important, but when the energy only illuminates one way, it loses its effectiveness…

There's no such thing as one light energy pattern to wake up from the sleep of unconsciousness. This is because it's just about impossible to see exactly what another person experiences. No one has the same light energy to travel the same exact road in the waking up process. I find it quite amusing the way some people project their light energy as being the only way. This is not to say this isn't the way for that person, but that's their experience and it's very unlikely two people let alone many have the same exact light energy patterns. I know for me I just try to direct light energy that points inward so one can come to their own conclusion in finding what will provide them their awakening. I doubt anyone went through exactly what I did to get where I'm at now so I expect anyone to see things as I do.

Some people talk about there not being a self as if this is the only energy one can experience an awakening. Many others use religion as the light energy to waking up. I've found there are many different energy patterns to get to the so called top of mountain and none of them are wrong. I don't know and don't really care what energy is used, it's not my place to judge. Although I understand the conditioning in place is in control, I really find it funny when someone goes against what someone says because "they put it out there so it's fair game." To me the bottom line is to show love and respect to everyone, even if their light energy isn’t something I've experienced. The only reason someone shares something is because it's the energy of what's in place; it‘s not up to me to judge it simply because it's "out there". But it is up to me to watch my own light energy and make sure it's true, if it’s not it will only dim the light energy that others may be looking to…

Inevitable Results

Inevitable Results:

When the energy of life is based to self-serve you reap those inevitable results. You cannot be but what you are, so love and produce those inevitable results…

Each of us has our own inner journey to discover the things in ourselves that will make life beneficial to ourselves and others. We all use different things for this and there is no one way to accomplish this; though some ways are more beneficial than others. Obviously when something is done and it brings harm to another person there will be harsher inevitable results than if the action was based in love; even if you don't get caught. I’m not one to say “God is always watching so God knows” I don't truly know that, but I do know I cannot hide from inevitable results, and that is the one I have to answer to. I can lie to you, I can even lie to me, but that doesn't mean there won’t be inevitable results.

Understanding ourselves is our journey. When we do things that are of a self-serving nature, we along with others pay the inevitable price for that. Even if the inevitable results aren’t seen from self-serving actions, they are there. So many diseases are linked to self-serving results, they just aren’t labeled in that way. Suffering inevitable results from diabetes, cancer, depression, stress, anxiety, just to name a few can be linked to self-serving behavior in some way. This is not a belief, this is a medical fact. When one is of love, the inevitable results of suffering are at a minimum. It’s very important to develop awareness of this so there’s the possibility of going beyond the self-serving inevitable results…

Trusting Intuition

There's existence through made up stories or there’s the bigger picture beyond the stories where one is guided by trusting intuition...

When the mind is settled existence becomes trusting instead of reliance on your own limited stories. There's a deep trust of the settled mind, and it's in this settling that you see existence through your intuition. When one is in this intuition mind state, the everlasting love of the Universe is there to quiet the mind agitations which are the cause of all doubt and distrust.

A mind that's settled allows for one to live from a trusting intuition. This connects one with the goodness of life, your own internal goodness, and the goodness of all beings. The connection is already there, it's just not known what it will take to be aware of it. The only reason there isn't awareness is because of the conditioned mind agitations blocking the trust that arises from the quietness of our intuition; these blocks allow for all kinds of made up stories.

When you learn discipline, your mind agitations slowly subside; what naturally remains is a deep unwavering trusting intuition. This trust is what's there beyond the noise of a Conditioned Mind, beyond made up stories. In this space there's trust because with a settled mind it's known who you truly are. So trust in your intuition and allow the mind to settle so you're not relying on your own made up stories. When there’s trusting intuition, life is lived in the most beneficial ways; as the trusting intuitive being that you truly are...

Inner Unity

Inner unity results in your ability to love; it's a simple decision to be made. A self-serving mind generates inner chaos with itself, love generates a mind that's in unity with itself…

The simplicity of life is related to your ability to love which allows for inner unity with your own mind. That's why it’s imperative to understand not the great secrets of the Universe, but your own mind. When the mind is united with itself, it’s in unity with all that is; it’s as simple as that. The same mind creates inner chaos and inner unity, which of these is manufactured determines the outcome of your life.

Inner chaos is generated by the energy of a self-serving mind and doesn't make life conducive to love. If chaos is what’s being created there won't be much unity or simplicity. What direction the mind goes in is the energy that it generates, and to that extent will there be inner unity. Inner unity is simply your ability to love. This is your hearts direction, hence it becomes the direction of your mind. When love is generated, it produces much different results than when the energy generated is self-serving. Unity on the other hand, generates the results of being in unity with all beings. Love is the simplest form of life, simply love and inner unity will be. Or not and life will remain a struggle, but don't blame life for this because it's your own energy that directs what’s chosen. Unity is simple to understand, but not easy to generate…

One Breath Awareness

Awareness of one breath is all that's needed for the Universe to connect with the love of your heart. This awareness is how the energy of love will make you and the entire world different…

If it was possible to be aware of one breath before every response, the world would be so different. Sit with one breath awareness and envision it. I know my conditioned responses led to most of the problems I had with people and with life itself. Life and people do their thing and I responded unconsciously. Today the responses are much more conducive to harmony because there is usually an awareness of one breath between the response and my reactions. It wasn't always this way and it isn't this way all the time, but it's becoming more and more the way of many of my reactions because of this awareness, but like I said, not always, but more often than not.

One breath awareness happens because of the discipline developed by sitting. What this does is it stops the Conditioned Mind from automatic responses based on a self-serving mind; one breath awareness allows for the possibility of those patterns to be broken. When this occurs it opens the heart to the truth that sets you free. Self-serving reactions will not fall away on their own, it will take much sitting to develop the necessary discipline for one breath awareness to occur. All it takes is one breath awareness for not only your existence to become different, but also the entire world. When responses to life are from this awareness, they’ll arise from the energy of love and slowly but surely the world responds with love. This has to occur as to me it's the law of love, and all it takes is awareness of one breath…

Addiction Dependence

The things addicted to don't matter, but why there’s an addiction dependence does. Learn this truth because it’s the only way that will ever truly allow you to break the hold of your false self addiction...

Addiction is dependency regardless of what it is and the reason there’s a failure rate and not a success rate when treating addiction is because the true cause of it isn't identified. When a person is addicted to something, not just drugs and alcohol, the reason why needs to be identified if its hold is to ever be let go of. The answer to this has been revealed to me and it’s my obligation to share it. This isn't some ego trip, these answers are real. My writings explain from my experience why this addiction dependence is so and what can be done to stop it. It's based on Condition Mind Patterns that are formed by inner and outer influences that control you as if you were a puppet on a string. Through ignorance most people are controlled by Conditioned Mind Patterns until the day they die; far too many die before they are provided with an answer. These Conditioned Mind Patterns are in everyone; we are all addicts, we just have an addicted dependence on different things.

I’m simply the instrument in all of this, but it‘s my obligation to provide the message of why there’s addiction dependence to as many people as possible. A real answer has been provided to me with a practical solution to end the human addiction dependence, not by substituting one dependency for another, but by truly learning to be free in the present moment. The true bondage is in the need to satisfy a false self; that’s the addiction dependence. The things addicted to don't matter, but why there’s an addiction dependence does. Learn this truth because it’s the only way that will allow you to be free of your false self addiction...

The Gem Within

A person doesn't wake up because something from the outside shakes them, it occurs because the gem within is uncovered; everyone has this gem in their possession...

When a person has a shift they wake up from a state of being asleep and unaware of what truth is. When this occurs the implications of what has happened aren't truly realized. In my own case I knew something happened because my view of life was different, but I didn't know what it meant. I did know for the first time in my life that I was going to be okay. I likened this awakening as though I was broke (which I was spiritually) but I had a gem in my pocket that I wasn't aware of. I didn't wake up because something from the outside shook me, I woke up because I became aware of the gem within. I didn't know the value of this at first, as a matter of fact I didn't even know I had this gem in my possession. Even when some do become slightly aware of this, it very easily could be mistaken for an ordinary rock, and for me it was a rock for many years. As I look back throughout my life, I had an inkling this gem existed, but it was dismissed as just being a rock, because of this I kept looking for what I already possessed.

Nothing is given to us from the outside that the inside doesn't already possess, but because of the conditioning in place there's no awareness of this. Obviously we're not talking material possessions, I'm strictly talking about the gem of love that we all possess. This is worth more than anything in the world and it’s also the thing that's most readily available to everyone. It's just that the conditioning in place keeps one looking for their gem out there when all along you already have it in your possession...

Awakened Heart

An awakened mind comes from an awakened heart, and with this comes the view of love. With this view no one controls you but the Universe…

Someone’s unconsciousness is their misgiving. When centered on an awakened heart of love, life is always exactly the way it’s suppose to be because it‘s the way it is. When it’s time for it to be different it will be, but understand even when it’s different, it’s still the way it is. No one controls what is, but you are controlled by your Conditioned Mind until you understand the view of life through an awakened heart of love. It’s only through love that one can be free of the Conditioned Mind and thus have every decision made based in Universal Love. If not, there is no decision because there is no choice but to be controlled by your Conditioned Mind. Break free of the conditioning by viewing life centered in an awakened heart of love…

Thought Awareness

Thoughts are neither right or wrong, but there are some that are not beneficial. If there’s thought awareness and they’re not attached to, the non-beneficial ones dissipate as passing clouds…

Thoughts come and go just as passing clouds. If you’ve ever sat and observed clouds, you’ve noticed the clouds eventually dissipate; here one minute, gone the next. It’s the same when there is thought awareness. They arise, there’s no denying that, but unless there’s attachment to them, they dissipate. The question to ask, is are your thoughts beneficial? Your answer is a key factor in how you will live your life. Let’s say you have a thought to do something unhealthy, if you aren’t aware of it being unhealthy, the benefit factor of it and the next step becomes an unhealthy action.

There’s no way to be in the thoughtless realm continuously, at least this has been my experience. It’s more so to learn if your thoughts are beneficial or not. If there isn’t thought awareness, this won’t be noticed and non-beneficial actions will be mostly in control. This is because most minds unconsciously default to satisfying yourself which doesn’t allow the objectivity one gets from thought awareness. When there isn’t thought awareness, thoughts arise one right after the other and the mind gets cloudier and cloudier. Eventually there will be attachment; most likely it will be to a non-beneficial thought. Only with a settled mind can there be thought awareness, and when there is it allows for life to be lived in the most beneficial of ways…

Chapters of Life

The difference between learning from each chapter of life or being stuck where life is the same old same old is breaking free from the lie of “I” and not remaining its prisoner…

It seems as though life happens in chapters, at least this has been my experience. One will have to go through these different chapters if you’re not to get stuck in a particular one. Not everyone goes beyond the chapter that’s in place, some remain stuck for years, even a lifetime. Although the chapters themselves happen naturally, learning and going to the next chapter does not; the quality of life will be determined by what is learned in a previous and current chapter. Life is something that happens on its own, but there‘s a certain responsibility one has in making it of the highest quality. A simple example of this would be when you were at the chapter of your life when it was time to read. If you didn’t take responsibility to learn this, to say that life would be difficult today would be an understatement. So at this chapter of your life you did what was necessary to make it a higher quality.

As I’ve aged over the years I’ve reflected on how there were many chapters in my life. Not all provided the highest quality of living because of the things I did which didn’t allow it. The chapters of life will come, but what’s being learned is where maturity comes from. To me the most important lesson was learning to recognize the lie of “I” because that’s what I found was the biggest hurdle to living the highest quality of life possible. It’s not that I’m now all about helping others, but what I learned was life isn’t all about me and what I think. Therein lies the difference between learning from each chapter, and being able to live life to its highest quality or being stuck in a chapter where life is the same old same old…

Category Limits

Every decision made to categorize something limits it to whatever category is being applied. Concepts and beliefs are categories that limit what the Universe has to offer…

The Universe needs no permission to do what it does. It responds to things out of necessity, and it does so unconditionally, without deciding what category to apply. It exists as it is, adding nothing because it needs nothing; the Universe is self sustaining. It creates, it destroys, it neither loves nor hates in the sense of emotions, what it is can’t really be categorized. It’s pure energy and it’s from this energy that everything is created. This energy is existence in its purest state. The moment there’s a decision to categorize this, it loses its sense of purity.

Humans decide to apply all kinds of categories to life, but life needs no category. The place of non-categorized attachments is the only true place of existence; it’s in this place, in the midst of the Universe that our true essence is. It’s a place that is here, there, and everywhere, but not categorized as such. Stillness exists as life. If it’s decided a category is needed, apply it, just understand it’s a decision that limits. Once this decision is made it creates resistance, so make a decision to be in the unlimited space of what the Universe puts in front of you. The Universe is within each and every person. It’s where everything arises from, but it’s a decided category that limits the awareness of what the Universe has to offer…

Being a Benefit

When you don’t have the constant need for pleasure, the mind settles and the Universe works with whatever talent is in you for its betterment; you become its benefit…

Remove the things that cause you to suffer, they are greed, hate, and delusion and it’s because of their essence that there’s suffering. Addicted to the need for pleasure is of a lower vibration. The core of this belief is the more there’s a need for pleasure, the happier you will be. Satisfying these pleasures are not an issue until they produce craving, that‘s when problems arise. Remove this mask and what you will be left goes beyond anything you can imagine.

The bondage of seeking pleasure is not only sought by just about everyone, it has been in place for eons. Forget about getting beyond it, it’s no small feat just becoming aware of this. When there is awareness of this and you’re able to go beyond the pleasure seeking, the results are miraculous. There’s no telling what may arise and what may be experienced when pleasure seeking takes a back seat. Your creative energy will go in a direction not previously known, this is because the pleasure seeking that’s been in place has been blocking it from arising.

When there’s not the constant need for pleasure, the mind settles and the Universe works with whatever talent is in you for its betterment. There may be a musician, a painter, a gardener or botanist, or even a writer inside you, who knows a book may even come out of it. I guarantee you this, whatever it is that comes from your creative energy, it will be based in love which will make you a benefit to humanity because that’s just the way the Universe rolls…

Stuck in Ignorance

It’s strictly from ignorance that one attaches to wanting things different which in turn causes you to get stuck in creating your own suffering…

If you really want to know what the basic flaw seems to be that keeps one stuck in their own suffering, it’s attaching to ignorance to a fault. It’s not that we know everything or that we’ll be able to transcend our ignorance, it’s more so to find a way to see it for what it is and not get stuck in it. It will always be succumbing to ignorance in some way that causes suffering. It doesn’t have to be attached to, but it will take discipline so the mind settles to see this. It’s always ignorance that wants things different and it’s always attaching to the story of want that causes suffering. This is true regardless of the circumstances.

Here’s an example of the charade of ignorance that pulls one into suffering. I ordered a pair of pants on line, when they were delivered I tried them on and they didn’t fit. By my first reaction you would have thought I was going to have to go without pants, but that wasn’t the case. I attached to wanting them to fit and didn’t accept the fact that the pants simply didn’t fit. This is what attaching to ignorance does and when I saw how childish this was, it fell away and I was able to simply send the pants back. You can substitute the pants with anything and you’ll get the same childish results of suffering. This is all because to be ignorant is to want things your way. It’s strictly from ignorance that one attaches to wanting things different which in turn causes you to get stuck in creating your own suffering…

Spiritual Energy

Spiritual energy is enough because in this energy there’s oneness with life, and since Spiritual energy is love you are love. Nothing needs to be added to be enough because you already are all that you can become…

A benefit that you’ll acquire by understanding what the practice of quieting the squirrel cage mind does is, instead of striving to become, you’ll be guided by the Creative Intelligence of the Universe (Spiritual energy) and be in harmony with life. You‘ll realize you are complete just as you are and nothing added can make you more complete. This is priceless because when this is experienced there’s understanding the difference between being and doing, and you will stop doing for the sole purpose of being. Right now, even though it may not be known, you are already all that you can be.

At the base of this understanding is Spiritual energy because that is who you are, nothing more can be added that would make you be something more. Even if you found the cure for cancer, it wouldn’t be enough unless it was derived from Universal Love, but it wouldn’t be the cure that would be enough, it would be the love behind finding the cure. Love is enough, only the self-serving mind needs something more in the form of an object, but it’s not really needed it’s only the ego that makes life into a belief something is needed. A belief isn’t real, it’s only a story made up by a self-serving mind that needs to become something. There aren’t any facts to a belief, but what is factual is Love; a belief or a story isn’t. This is when the striving to become ceases and love is enough, it’s because you realize love is who you are. Spiritual energy is enough because in this energy there’s oneness with life, and since Spiritual energy is love you are love. Nothing needs to be added to be enough because you already are all that you can become…