When you find your peace within, you realize you are on sacred ground. As this is realized the world becomes your sanctuary because it’s where you live…
Our higher self is the stillness beneath the noise, this isn’t noticed until there is stillness that allows for this. If you’re not still, there will only be noise, the higher self will never come into being. This is not to say there has to be complete stillness. This may or may not ever occur, but there has to be enough stillness to allow the higher self to emerge. Stillness is in everyone, but the noise of the world makes it inaccessible. It’s why the noise of the world is the noise of world because so many are in the grip of it and have it as their primary view of life.
As long as people which is what makes up the world, view life in this way, one will never evolve to their higher self, hence nor will the world. If there is ever to be peace individually and worldly we must evolve to the level where stillness is the primary way life is viewed. When our peace emerges it becomes a projection to a world that is a holy sanctuary. It’s the world we live in so if it isn’t our sanctuary then we don’t have one. After all, is this not what our struggle with oneself is? We are looking for a sanctuary that is already there, but we are looking for it from a view that doesn’t allow it to be seen. Find the tools that allow for the primary view to be of stillness and you will find what you have always been looking for. And when you find this, you will realize you are on sacred ground because it’s the sanctuary of the world you live in…

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