The only way to have a different view of life is to have another one in place that will allow it to happen. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness of another view…
Watching television isn’t my favorite pastime, but the other night I caught the last hour of a football game. When the game was over I began looking for something else to watch. Twenty seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, then another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case it was the TV. We’re so reluctant to a different view of life even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we’ll watch the same show (thoughts) over an over. Even though there are many shows we get stuck on one and don’t know there’s a different view.
Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to see it differently when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s awareness of this, a different view will be just about impossible. The only way to see things differently is to have something in place that will allow it to be different. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness something different is available. It may be a repeated single thought disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old thought. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see your view for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized your view can be different if need be; this realization will only occur if you have another view that makes a difference…

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