The tool of excluding Now to cope with life is why life is seemingly full of problems, but what arises doesn’t cause the problems, it’s excluding Now that does it…
Nothing needs to be dismissed for one to be free. Freedom can not be found by excluding anything. Excluding something would be likened to getting rid of something, but truly getting rid of something will only happen when it’s dealt. If it’s not it will never go away. When it’s dealt with it won’t have to be excluded because it will naturally fall away. This is how one has to approach each moment if freedom is to be experienced. The way we develop the tool of excluding Now to cope with life as it arises is why there’s problems, whatever it is that arises doesn’t truly cause a problem. Granted it may be something that really hurts and has no benefit whatsoever, like the death of a loved one. But if it’s not dealt with in a way that it’s not excluded or a made up story is used, the energy of the situation will get stored and remain hidden until it’s time to rise up again. This is why the same thoughts are repeated over and over automatically; they have to repeat because of their trace energy in place.
Awareness that this is happening can allow you to be with what arises and not exclude it. The only reason something is excluded is because it’s not wanted. But you see this excluding is the same energy as grasping, it’s just used differently. Excluding Now is attachment to not wanting it and grasping is attachment to wanting it, different action but the same attachment. This is very subtle to see and it will only be noticed when you’re with the moment as it arises. So regardless if life is labeled good or bad, it’s all the same attachment, and the only the thing the applied label does is determine if one reaches for something or excludes it…

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