Everyone begins life with loving kindness in their heart, but because of the Conditioned Mind it gets pushed so far down that a story of loving kindness has to be made up instead of being aware of it naturally…
Why the Conditioned Mind is such a nemesis to your own well being is because most conditioning is based in self centeredness; this affects every aspect of your life. Multiple this by billions of conditioned people and it’s no wonder the world is as it is. Granted this is my experience, but this is what has been revealed to me as being the block to my own innate loving kindness and without this innate loving kindness for myself there was never any room to for others. This didn’t make loving kindness non existent in my life, but it did make me unaware of it.
Loving kindness isn’t something that can be manufactured, it either is or it isn’t. It doesn’t pick and choose, it can’t, love just loves, unconditionally. The thing with love is most think it’s a wishy washy state of mind, but it’s not really anything, it’s just love. An applied label doesn’t enhance it, only the awareness of it allows its natural state to be. Love affects everything as does the lack of it, when there’s awareness of this the heart opens and one loves unconditionally because that’s how love naturally rolls…

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