If you seek what you think is needed to awaken you’ll probably remain asleep. All urging comes from the Universe, but this will not be known if you’re consumed in a self that thinks it knows what’s best…
We are a product of the Universe, we are not a product of ourselves. We did not call for our creation, nor do we call for the time when it will end. Existence is a product of the Universe and the energy transformed to awaken is from the Universe. This is why you can’t really do anything to transform yourself, but you can do the necessary practice to allow your heart to open so the Universe can use you. But this is not of your doing, the practice is from the urging of the Universe. You will want to practice because the Universe is calling. The reason some practice and some don’t is because for some the noise in the head is to loud to hear the still small voice within. Even though it may seem the urging is from the outside, it can only be heard from within.
Through the Conditioned Mind we become consumed in a very self-centered energy, but understand this is also an urging from the Universe, it’s just not one that produces love. Energy always is, it’s just a matter of listening to the urging and hearing where it directs you. We seek because the Universe calls us, we see because the veil of a Conditioned Mind is removed and our energy is then guided by what the heart seeks. Spirituality is not magical for a selected few who think they‘re special, it’s available to anyone who makes it a practice to listen to their inner urging. The Universe always calls, but are you hearing the true message or are you consumed in making up your own message to fulfill yourself? It takes much quietness to hear the Universe’s urging, the alternative is to listen and follow yourself. Now that’s scary and it because most urgings are consumed in a self-centered self for your own benefit…

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