“I” likes to make problems where there aren’t any, and although pain and fear may arise, they don’t have to be given the energy “I” wants to give them. The only reason “I” does this is to reinforce its existence…
Pain is nothing more than a message that arises to tell you something. It’s not something to fear, but it will be feared if it’s not understood that this is because of the conventional relation pain has to “I”. Pain itself has no inherent fear quality, it’s just a word, but when “I” attaches to it, it’s given energy and thus it’s given life. This isn’t to say painful things will not occur in life without attachment, but only the relation to “I” causes issue because of the story ” I hurt” or “I fear” or whatever story is attached to. Fear only exist as a story created by “I” and when this is truly learned, attachment is lessened and so is its associated pain and fear. Be with the pain, but don’t let the fear of it be in control.
When the mind settles, pain is seen as something that just arises. All pain whether physical or emotional is temporary, but the mind that fears it becomes captive to seeing it as lasting forever. When this occurs pain becomes a master puppeteer. Attachment to “I” may not seem to be the cause of what is painful, but it cements it in place and gives it control; this is how “I” works. “I” makes problems where there aren’t any and although pain will be experienced, it doesn’t have to be given the energy that “I” wants to give it. Without “I” there’s no attachment and without attachment there’s nothing to fear, but fear itself…

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