Nothing that happens in life creates inner strife unless your own mind allows it. This is the insanity of a Conditioned Mind, its self destructive solutions are all from within and they take away your peace…
The bottom line for me is I’ve found a practical way to minimize the inner strife in my life that causes my own destruction. Which by the way is my own mind creating the inner strife telling me it’s needed to cope with life; a life that was controlled by a destructive mind set. My own mind created all the inner strife that went on by choosing actions I thought I wanted to do, but my choices always caused strife. I developed a mind that told me to do things that were self destructive. From relationships, to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and a slew of other things, nothing was ever chosen that was beneficial for me; my choices always seemed to cause more harm than good. How this mind set developed I’m not sure, but I do know this, it can be described as pure insanity.
Thirteen years ago although it wasn’t a white light experience, an inner urging occurred that was tired of all the destructive behavior. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I did know I needed to find a way to bring peace into my life. A label needn’t be applied to what happened to me. All that was needed to know is my behavior which was once totally self destructive is no longer this way. This is why labels and what others do isn’t a concern of mine. Because I know for years my own mind allowed these things to create strife within myself and because of the shift that has occurred, there’s an awareness that inner strife doesn’t have to be created anymore. The bottom line is this, when I have an issue with something it’s my own self destructive mind that creates it and this means I’m not a peace. And now because there is awareness of this, if I don’t allow my mind to do this, inner strife isn’t created and I have found without it I’m at peace. So again the bottom line is not to create inner strife. All I ever wanted in my life was peace, but I didn’t know it was my own mind that was the cause of why there wasn’t any…

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