Chapters of Life

The difference between learning from each chapter of life and living it to its highest quality or being stuck in a chapter where life is the same old same old is breaking free from the lie of "I" or remaining its prisoner…

Life can be seen as chapters in a book, at least this has been my experience and one will have to go through these different chapters if you're not to get stuck in the one that's in place. Not everyone goes beyond a chapter that's in place, some remain stuck for years, even a life time. Although to a point, the chapters themselves happen naturally, learning and going to the next chapter does not; the quality of life will be determined by what is learned in a previous and current chapter. Life is something that happens on its own, but there is a certain responsibility one has in making it of the highest quality. A simple example of this would be when you were in the chapter of your life when it was time to read, if you didn't take responsibility to learn this, to say that life would be difficult today would be an understatement, so at this stage of your life, you did what was necessary to make it of a higher quality.

As I've grown up over the years, I've noticed there were many chapters in my life, but not all provided the highest quality of living because of the things I did which didn't allow it. The chapters of life will happen, but what's learned is where maturity comes from. To me the biggest lesson was learning to expose the lie of "I" because that's what I found was the biggest hurdle in living the highest quality of life possible. It's not that I'm now all about helping others, but what I learned was life is not all about me or what I think and therein lies the difference between learning from each chapter, moving forward, and being able to live life to its highest quality or being stuck in a chapter where life is the same old same old… 

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