You can only act in ways that arise from within you. A trigger activates your Conditioned Mind and you act accordingly. Accept yourself and as the mind settles what’s within you will change…
Unity with others is dependent on learning to love yourself unconditionally because if you judge others there’s no way you won’t others. In your judgements, your unity with yourself and others will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with you because if you can’t accept yourself there’s no way you’ll will be able to accept anyone else. You may be able to accept people for a time if they’re as you want them to be, but they remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to accept yourself will only occur when you know our own mind, and only in the sense of how it’s the cause of not accepting yourself.
Think of this when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, it comes from you. You unconsciously act in a way that isn’t beneficial to your own well being; this is done all the time. These acts come from your own mind, but its not the way that you act that causes the problem, it’s wanting the way that you act different which is impossible because it has already has been done. So accept yourself and the next time something triggers your Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in your best interest, you may be able to pause and not do it, but if you do act in a way that’s not beneficial, accept it. When the mind settles enough through this accepting yourself, what’s within you will change with the understanding you are perfect just as you are because it’s what’s there. Just just know there’s always room to change what’s not beneficial…
Accepting Yourself
Worldly Lies
Understand the worldly lies and there won’t be anything left but truth. Not a made up story of truth, but a real honest to goodness truth based on the fact of what is…
The biggest lie we are told and hold onto is the material world will satisfy you. This is reinforced by the entire global structure in place. It’s a lie which is at the core of humanity’s misaligned existence; the creates all our issues. Religious sects all claim to have the truth, no facts, just their truth. Politicians try to fix problems based in lies with solutions based in lies. The entire entertainment and sports industry are based in lies that create the false impression of them and us. This creates separations and there will never be truth in separation. There’s also the “Great American Dream” lie of owning a home, the Central Bank no doubt created that lie. Lie after lie after lie, and what happens to an existence based in lies, it becomes an existence of liars. Not because we want to and not because we don’t know the truth, it’s simply because the lie isn’t understood. No one can really know the truth who lives in the lie, that is until the lie and the liar are exposed…
The bible states “The truth will set you free” I say understand the lie and there will be nothing left but truth. Not a made up story of it, but a real honest to goodness truth based on the facts of what’s really happening as opposed to a story that’s being created to suit the lie and the liar (media). It’s a worldly lie that has been handed down from generation to generation and it’s been the base that we’ve been living from for most of if not all of our life. Very strong language, but true. Look inward and you just may see truth, but it will only happen if you can see the worldly lies…
Unity Energy
The energy that unites and draws humanity together is the energy of unity. When you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s unity simply because of the energy in place…
It’s very important to be in harmony with unity energy so people know there’s a place they can turn to. Many people read my articles and it’s expected they will be there, I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this unity energy. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go to withdraw from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for this withdraw, if you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like you’ve withdrawn, but that won’t be the case. Even when you get lost in something menial the day will go by simply because time waits for no one. But if you’re spending the same day in the state of awareness you’ll be in harmony with unity energy and people will turn to you.
Don’t be concerned with what others think about you, just be steadfast in what you know as unity energy and let no one take that away. Being in harmony with unity energy in a world that’s mostly not will allow others to also be united which is needed for any transformation to occur. The harmony that draws you to someone is the unity energy that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it, you most likely have your mind made up with what you think life is about; when you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away. This falling away allows unity energy to arise. When you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s harmony with all humanity and it’s simply because of your unity energy…
Thought Trap
When there’s a thought you need something to provide peace, you’re trapped in this thought. Until this is understood you’ll remain trapped in the thought (the belief) that peace is external…
There will never be peace in life as long as you’re trapped in the thought of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds become programmed we get trapped in the thought that peace is something to find. Unfortunately these thoughts are what makes the very thing you’re seeking (peace) elusive. Thoughts are the reason one is constantly reaching for something externally and until these thoughts are no more, you’ll remain trapped to the thoughts that peace is external. Using drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, success, programs, therapy, self help books and so on is the proof you’re trapped. I can’t stress this enough as these thoughts have to be seen if you’re to ever experience true peace.
The thought of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if you’re to ever be at peace is there has to be an understanding of what’s blocking your peace. The reason why one is not at peace is because of the inability to not attach to the thought you’re not at peace. When the thought to reach for something arises the trap arises. This is a programmed habit that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be grabbed so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get lost (trapped) in trying to find peace, but since it’s something that’s already within, the thought associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can see it’s there. Although this isn’t easy to see, it’s imperative this thought of not being at peace is recognized so you can go beyond it…
Led by the Heart
There’s no suffering in the space of the heart because there’s no attachment so being aware of your “I” attachment and not holding onto it allows your heart to be the force that leads your life…
The struggle one has with life is strictly mind based and it’s because there’s no structure to the mind. Being led by the mind is equivalent to building a house on sand and we all know what happens when the first storm comes. Often mind based information is held onto which keeps you entrapped to the mind. I know how deeply ingrained the conditioning is and I know sometimes I may come on strong, but it’s only because what is seen simply can’t be ignored.
There are basically two forces that lead the direction of the mind. One is suffering, the other is of the heart (non suffering) and these forces manifest in many way. The core of suffering is attachment to “I” (selfishness). This force leads as greed, envy, anger, pride, desire, doubt, restlessness, regret and so on. You can see how these will cause suffering, so if this is the direction that leads your mind, you will suffer. The other force is of the heart which leads as kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, understanding, stillness, and so on. I’m sure you can see how these don’t cause suffering. Make no mistake though, one will still encounter the possibility of suffering even with being led by the heart because of how ingrained the conditioning is, but if attachment to “I” let go of suffering won’t be in place. To me the key is being aware of your “I” attachment and not holding onto it. Without it the force that leads the direction of your life will be from your heart and there’s no suffering in this space because the heart simply has no attachment…
Inner Magnificence
It’s the outer view of satisfying “I” that keeps you from seeing the inner magnificence of your own innate beauty; this beauty will be seen when your view comes from looking inward…
No one is more special than another in this existence, but there are some who do see their inner magnificence beyond the outer view. What makes this happen for some and not for others? I wouldn’t label some as chosen, but I would say some are more inclined to not attach to an outer view which allows one to see much more inner magnificence than if you are in the grip of a mind based view. I have lived two existences, one which was in the outer direction where there was much self inflicted suffering and the one I’m living now which is a inner view in the direction of seeing my own magnificence. The differences in the two views is one created suffering and was done in ignorance and the one today is lived in awareness of the ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the outer distractions don’t control me as they once did. I’m still in the world, but I’m not as controlled by it.
The inner magnificence that is seen is a by product of awareness as the outer view is let go of. This opens up space to allow wisdom and insights to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of “I”. It’s “I” that attaches and is the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the outer distractions of “I” fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic’s; they were considered special, but all they did was look inward. This looking inward is available to all, but you will have to overcome the outer view of “I” to not be distracted from it. It’s the outer view that keeps you from the inner magnificence of seeing your own innate beauty and it will only be seen when you look inward…
Consequences/Part ll
If we are to gel as a society we must start looking at the facts and stop living in a world dedicated to satisfying our self…
The whys behind any action will need to be recognized before they can be eradicated. If you don’t know why you have stress in your life, or why any other self-serving behavior is done, you will never have the possibility of stopping it. Our self-serving behavior has a snowball effect to it. It just grows and grows and causes devastation in its path. One day and hopefully you will not wait until you are on your death bed, you will become aware of this self-serving behavior and stop the snowball from getting too much momentum and power. The more momentum our self-serving behavior has, the harder it will be to reverse the trend. In most cases they are so deeply ingrained in us that they have become our constant controlling mind patterns, not trends. Nothing short of a miracle will dislodge them on their own. You will need the willingness to do the necessary practice to allow their dislodgment. They can not cease on their own. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
When you have this choice it will be up to you whether you are willing to pay the price of the consequences of living a self-serving life or not. But when you aren’t feeling well, understand it is not life’s fault, it is a result of your decision. Consequences are a part of life, but whether they are negative or loving will be determined by what you are practicing. If what you are practicing is based in self-serving energy than what is produced are self-serving consequences. And when that is the energy life is lived by it will be very difficult to feel well. Practice love-serving behaviors and your consequences produced will be of love. And don’t be surprised when you feel well most of, if not all of the time…
Consequences/Part 1
When the energy of life is based to self-serve, likened consequences will be the result. You cannot be but what you are, but love energy also produces likened consequences…
Each of us has our own inner journey to discover the things in ourselves that will make life beneficial to ourselves and more so to others. We all use different things for this and there is no one way to accomplish this; though some ways are more beneficial than others. Obviously when something is done and it brings harm to another person there will be harsher consequences than if the action was based in love; even if you don’t get caught. I’m not one to say God is always watching so God knows, I don’t truly know that. But I do know I cannot hide from myself, and that is the one I have to answer to. I can lie to you, I can even lie to me, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences.
Understanding ourselves is our journey. When we do things that are of a self-serving nature, we along with others pay a price for that. Even if we don’t see the consequences for these self-serving actions, they are there. So many diseases have been linked to these self-serving actions, they just aren’t labeled in that way. Some who suffer from diabetes, cancer, depression, stress, anxiety, just to name a few can be linked to self-serving behavior in some way. This is not a belief, this is a medical fact. When one is of love suffering is at a minimum. It’s very important to develop awareness of this so there’s the possibility of going beyond the self-serving behavior. Tomorrow Part 2
Dreaming Not Needed
If you truly want to follow your dreams look down at your feet. Unless the mind settles and there’s awareness of this, life will never be truly lived because you’ll be caught in the fantasy of needing a dream…
I know in society many attach to the saying “Follow your dreams” but if this is looked at closely you may see how this holds you in captivity to the thinking that the dream is needed for completeness. The issue with this is when you are following the urge of a so called dream, the reality of what’s happening right now just passes you by. This doesn’t mean you can’t have your dreams and go after them, just realize this, a dream is nothing but a fantasy and even if it materializes exactly in the way that it’s wanted and becomes a reality, the thinking the dream will make you happy, not the dream itself is the fantasy. This falls in line with the grass is greener on the other side, until it’s realized that grass also has to be mowed.
How many people chose the spouse, their job, the house they live in, having children, or whatever else one thought was needed for completeness, only to turn around and complain about it. You chose it because you thought it was your dream and yet when it manifested as a reality, it wasn’t long before it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it was going to be. You may be okay with certain aspects of it, but there always seems to be something else needed to complain about. If you truly want to follow your dreams look down at your feet and realize good, bad, or indifferent you are your dream. Unless the mind settles and you becomes aware of this life will never be truly lived because you’ll be caught up in the fantasy of needing a dream…
Focused Energy
A person’s focused energy determines how existence manifest. If it’s constantly directed towards self you will be self-ish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t liberated from your-self, you’ll remain in captivity…
For me the key to being liberated from the captivity of self is focusing my energy away from greed and lustful thoughts. When the mind gets stuck in these thoughts to be liberated it needs to become unstuck. What makes it get stuck is energy mostly focused on satisfying self in some way. Pay attention to the sensations of the body, mind, and mental formations. This is a direct path to how to become liberated from suffering.
Liberation from suffering is not pain free, it’s learning to be with the pain that arises. You cannot hide from what’s happening, you can only focus your attention away from it. To no longer have your energy engaged in satisfying the self is where the path of liberation leads to. How this is done is by stopping the focused energy of self and directing it towards what will liberate you from it. The self is there and it has been given a name, it has so many other different labels attached to it, but all create bondage because of the mere fact of the attachment it has to itself. Liberation is in understanding the lies of self, it isn’t in creating a concept or belief in something.
You can only be free when focusing on what allows freedom, but it’s tricky because of the mastery of the self. Constant vigilance is needed for the liberation from self. You’re alive so you exist, but it will be your focused energy that determines the extent of the liberation you have from self and that will be the determining factor in how your existence manifests…
Altering Your View
The only way to alter your view of life is to have another view in place that will allow it to happen. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness of what needs altering…
Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I caught the last hour of a ballgame. When the game was over I began looking for something else to watch. Fifteen seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the TV when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to alter our view of life even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we’ll watch the same channel (thoughts) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on the TV and don’t know how to go to alter this view.
Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to alter your view when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s total awareness of this, altering your view will be just about impossible. The only way to alter the view you have of life is to have something in place that will allow it to be altered. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness something needs altering. It may be a repeated thought disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old thought. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see your view for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized your view needs to be altered; this realization will only occur if you have another view that’s worth altering to…
Earth's Seeds
There’s way too much thought on an individual level for unity to be a reality. Most people have an agenda and it’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way; until this changes nothing changes…
Being human can be looked at as if we are all seeds, we are when we‘re in the womb. But I like to look at it as if Earth is the container and we are all in the container with the same potential. Being planted in a conditioned environment is how life becomes different for each of us. Even if you’re planted right next to another seed the results of how you grow will probably be different. Remember a name is only given to each seed for identification purposes, we don’t go around giving names to the animals or birds we see. There’s no individual who truly exist, we are all part of the same container labeled Earth. There’s conditioning which makes an individual seem real, but as far as being human is concerned, we’re all just seeds from the same container.
Just as with any seed, there are many factors that determine the results of how they grow, some will produce fruit (love) and some will not, but all seeds are from the same Earth container. This needs to be realized if we are to grow as a species. We haven’t really progressed much since existence began. We may have advanced intellectually, but spiritually not so much. There’s still way too much thought on the individual level for unity to be a reality. Most people have an agenda and it’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way. Until this is seen even though we are all from the same container, not much will change…
Common Sense
When life is viewed with common sense it’s seen that things are as they are mostly because of the lack of discipline that a quiet mind provides. Common sense allows the mind to settle into a state that’s pure, innocent, and free…
When we apply common sense to life it’s so much more beneficial than relying on the made up stories the defy common sense. Simply stated; a man and woman performed a deed many years ago and our life began. The common sense here is a deed was performed that allowed energy to transform and we’re the result of it. Nothing magical; a condition was satisfied that allowed birth. At the start of existence there’s nothing yet developed as far as the Conditioned Mind is concerned, so we’re pretty much pure, innocent and free.
The common sense here is there’s nothing yet developed for life not to be pure, innocent, and free. But as we grow older and influences begin to mold and condition our mind, the pure, innocent, and free state slowly gets replaced by whatever influences we’re surrounded by. This is the beginning of our Conditioned Mind Patterns, and unfortunately what the base of most of these influences are is self serving. So we develop a Conditioned Mind that revolves around satisfying a self that has been influenced to be this way.
The Conditioned Mind blocks this common sense approach as too simplistic so it can hold onto its story. The truth is living inwardly is the most beneficial way, but it will only occur if one is quiet enough to see it. And if this isn’t seen the mind will use a conditioned story of why living inwardly isn’t for you and your approach to life will not be seen from a common sense state. This prevents you from returning to the pure, innocent, and free state and unfortunately because of this, life remains based in making decisions from a self serving mind and it will remain a struggle regardless of what outward changes are made…