Constant Motion

When a person truly awakens it's to the energy of love which is the core of the Universe. This love lives on in those who are touched by it forever because this is the way the energy of love rolls...

There's one guarantee in life and that is nothing stays the same. Everything is in constant motion whether this is realized or not. A few years ago my mom passed away. Her existence no longer met conditions to sustain life in her current form, so she passed on to wherever it is one passes on to. I know death is a part of life, it just seems to push mortality a little more to the forefront when someone close dies. From the time our existence begins to the time it ends, life is in a constant state of motion, until one day all motion as this body knows it stops. This is part of the process of existence in this form, it's not personal, it just is.

It may seem as though life becomes stagnant at times, but it's only the mind that makes this so. It's impossible for anything associated with life to be stagnant. Our cells are in constant flux as is the Universe and when this is realized life is lived anew in each moment because life IS anew in each moment. It's only the Conditioned Mind that wants to put life in a box of space and time because this is what it uses to try to make sense of things.

Today if you are alive you are dying, but also today if you are alive you are living. Stagnation creates death, there's not much life in the Dead Sea, but a sea fed by rivers is full of life. My mom has passed on, but she will not be remembered in death, she will be remembered in life because of the flow of love from her heart. When one comes to an understanding that it's only the body that stops functioning, one awakens to the energy of love because it's the connection to the core of the Universe. No one ever truly dies, we all live on in those who are touched by love forever, not for any other reason except that this is the way the energy of love rolls...

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