A Be-neficial Life

To live the most beneficial life there has to be alignment with love so this can happen. This is only an issue because through the Conditioned Mind there’s mostly alignment to self serve...

There is one very simple rule that allows a person to live a truly beneficial life and this rule is; learn to do what's necessary to be in alignment with love. If this rule isn't followed, it will be difficult to live a full and beneficial life, by beneficial I mean being an instrument of love. This isn't done by doing certain things, it's done by being a certain way which allows for this to occur; you can't love anymore than what's in your heart. Doing endless good deeds will not add one iota of love to your heart unless the good deed intentions are done from a base of a loving heart. With intentions of love, doing good deeds opens the heart opens and love fulfills its potential. This is not the conventional way of approaching life, but it is the way I have found that is the most beneficial for putting one in alignment with love.

The major block to living a beneficial life is learning through the Conditioned Mind to think in ways to self serve not to be. When you think like this, there's no time to be and think of others because you’re too busy thinking about yourself; so much time is wasted on thinking of and finding ways to satisfy yourself. Even if your journey is to help others there has to be awareness of the attachment that the self serving mind conjures up to make it about satisfying the self; there’s a very fine line between the self serving mind and the love serving mind, but with discipline the mind will settle so one can see the differences and stop doing what doesn't really benefit your life or the life of others. You can learn to just be, but the dilemma to this being is if all you’re thinking about is doing things that are strictly a benefit to yourself there won't be any room for being a benefit to others. If this is the rule you’re living life by, you won’t be doing what's necessary to be so there won't be alignment with love and life will not be lived to the fullest or be as beneficial as it could and should be...


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