It’s often said one should practice being in the present moment, but in reality this is impossible because the present moment instantly becomes the past. Even before you can finish saying I’m in the present moment, it’s already in the past. Watching the unfolding of time as each moment occurs is key if one is to not get caught up in the “me me me mind” which is a mind that’s constantly in the past or future. This “me me me mind” is the state that most of humanity is stuck in. It’s the energy that mostly emitted out, this is one of the reasons it’s so difficult to go beyond it. People see things through this mind and because of ignorance are blocked from realizing this. Until this veil of ignorance is removed the “me me me mind” remains in control. The “me me me mind” isn’t in place as something that’s wrong, but it does block one’s true essence from arising and thus it blocks one from reaching their full potential to love.
The unfolding of time is something one needs to become more aware of if the “me me mind” is to slow down. This slowing down can occur if there’s something in place to allow it although this won’t just happen on its own, but there’s also nothing one can do to make it happen so it would seem as though you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is all part of the “me me me mind” it’s in place to make life selfishly chaotic, hence the name. One thing I’ve noticed that allows for the “me me me mind” to be slow somewhat is to be aware of it in relation to time. Time is one of the “me me me mind” key elements so instead of using time in the conventional way, just watch how each moment unfolds. This unfolding is constant and when it’s seen the mind naturally slows. This is because time is no longer being used as the selfish key that makes everything about me me me…

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