The energy of always labeling doesn’t allow one to be present for what’s actually happening and it keeps the mind in a constant state of agitation. When I write about this type of energy it’s often misunderstood as I’m saying don’t label anything, but that’s not what I’m saying. Label whatever it is you think you need to, just understand the intention and energy behind it so your labeling isn’t a hinderance to truly experiencing life fully. I watch this very carefully because attaching to this labeling energy keeps one a prisoner to it. A labeled purpose doesn’t enhance life and although it may seem that it does or that people are being helped which they very well may be, there’s no true benefit to the one who’s energy is of a labeled purpose.
I only share this because it has been my direct experience. I know many people are helped by the sharing of my experiences, but it’s not a purpose of mine. What I do is more of a by product of what had been revealed to me and where I’ve been led. It doesn’t mean I can’t put things out there that may help people, I just don’t have to make it into a burden by labeling it my purpose. Not needing to label anything other than what’s in front of me allows for the freedom of not creating a story. To me the most important thing in my life is to be in the moment that’s happening and not add anything to it. If it’s to share, I share. If it’s to sit and use the body than that’s what’s done. In this place of not needing labels I’ve experienced true freedom because it’s the only place where a labeled purpose isn’t needed…

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