Embracing what occurs in the moment is living life as it unfolds without excluding any part of it. It’s easy to push away what’s not liked, but to include everything even though it may not be beneficial or liked is truly living. If you want to exclude something find out what it is and why it’s being pushed away. Obviously on the surface it would seem as though it’s just not liked, but if it’s what’s happening what good does pushing it away do This becomes a defense mechanism that keeps you from truly living life. If you only enjoy life when things happening are liked there will be much suffering because of how life fluctuates. If you plan a trip to a beach resort and you expected it to be sunny, but it’s rainy, therein lies your suffering; if it’s sunny everything is great. This is but one example I’m sure you have your own.
Why this situation would causes suffering is because what’s there is being pushed away, maybe not consciously, but if it’s not liked it causes a mind agitation. The thing about this is the circumstances are totally out of your control, there’s nothing you can do to change the weather. You could try a Sun Dance, but I doubt that will work so you will either be with life as it is or you will continue to push it away by wanting it different. These are your choices in every moment that and it puts your life in your hands. It has nothing to do with anyone else or your circumstances, but if you don’t have awareness of this you will continue to push life away as situations arise, until one day there will be nothing to push away because life in this form will be no more…

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