The issue with having to constantly solve problems to arrange life to be a certain way is it’s all fake. Even if you make up a story life is exactly how you want it, the mind begins creating a new fake problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (fake solutions) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true you would see life as complete and it wouldn’t constantly need to be arranged to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes you see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been trained to create and solve problems so it’s only doing what it’s been trained to do.
The Conditioned Mind sees fake problems all over the place. The shortest line at Target, traffic, weight, to do list, politics, religion, and so on, all this manipulating is strictly done to put another fake problem in place which is solved with a fake solution; this makes life perfectly fake. Let’s say everyday you make a fake problem to solve, if you‘re fifty years old that would mean roughly 18,250 fake problems were created strictly so you can try and have life the way you think it should be. If you learn to not push anything away or pull anything in nothing would really change except for not having to constantly create fake problems and use fake solutions to live a fake life…

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