Each day is a time for renewal, a time for light and each moment is a part of this. Whether one believes in Jesus, Buddha, and many others, their stories were simply told to point you to your own light. There is denial of this light by those that are conditioned to remain blind to it. Our human evolution has produced much conditioning which keeps many marred in material darkness. There is nothing wrong with material possessions, but when they’re held onto as idols, their nature becomes that of darkness.
Many left us teachings on how to love and those who see this, see light. Very simply put, one who is conscious sees the light of love and one who is unconscious remains in the darkness of a self serving Conditioned Mind. Investigate this for yourself. Many had a fate to leave us their teachings to show us the light, it’s what they saw so it’s what they taught.
We live in a world designed for darkness, not evil, but darkness, there is a difference. Just because a person is unconscious doesn’t make them evil. If you look around, the selfishness of our world is rampant. People go out of their way to deny teachings of love and thus they deny themselves their own inner light of love, but it’s only because they’re unaware that’s it’s their own darkness that blocks them from seeing the light; if there is an evil in this world this is it. Deny this if you want and remain in the conditioned darkness, but understand you not only bring suffering to yourself, but you bring suffering to all humanity because darkness keeps one from spreading their light to others and although each day affords one the possibility of renewal, it will only be when unconditional love is truly understood that you will see your own light…

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