Without perception we would all view the world through the eyes of unconditional love which by the way are the eyes of truth, but because of our developed perceptions, we all have different views. These views are mostly made up by the energy of a unconscious self-centeredness. This view makes everything that happens in life about you, but it isn’t ever about an individual, it‘s really about nothing in particular except what you perceive it be.
This perception is what makes the mind attach to emotions and those attachments are the cause of the fluctuating emotions that control your life. What is really happening is this, life is just happening, it isn’t personal, it’s not really about anything in particular. It’s not about love or hate. It‘s mostly about learning to understand your true nature of stillness, and not being lead around by your mind made perceptions; whatever they are made out to be. When this is realized this is when you will discover peace; a peace that has always been there in the stillness, but it was never experienced because of your perceptions of something else…

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