The reason why gossiping is so damaging is because of the energy put out when it’s being done. Gossiping energy arises from your own lack of self worth and it engulfs the gossiper. It doesn’t affect the one who is being gossiped about because for the most part they’re probably unaware it’s being done. Gossiping is also very damaging because it involves multiple people, it’s like the energy of a riot, it can’t occur with just one person. Once a person starts gossiping and another person unconsciously attaches to it, it will continue to grow depending on who’s in the room and how unconscious (lacking) they are. It will only be attached to by those who have lack because it’s needed to fill the lack. Even if the gossiping about another person is warranted to a degree, no one is perfect enough to cast the first stone. All humans are fallible and act selfishly at times and selfishness is the main energy of those who gossip.
The small self gossips because it needs to feel superior to others so when you gossip it‘s done because subconsciously it makes you feel more superior than others. After all gossip is never or hardly never about something good, it’s mostly about something negative. Gossiping is what happens when there’s idle time and not much going on. It’s difficult not to be pulled into gossips energy because there’s not many people who don’t like to feel superior than another person. Gossiping is shallow and unless there’s truly an understanding that you are complete just the way you are and there’s no need to talk about anyone else, you will continue to harm yourself by talking about others and keeping the selfish energy of gossiping in place…

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