When the mind really starts to settle you will notice how much time is spent either thinking about the past and using it to try and form the present, or how much time is spent in the future, thinking about the things you are going to do instead of what you are actually doing. Very seldom does one think about what they’re actually doing and that is our greatest dilemma. All the anticipation of what we are going to do mostly has to do with shaping our day in the way we think it will best suit us, and although this is very subtle, this type of thinking centers all around our I, the me, me, me, mind.
The mind has been conditioned to wander. It’s like the mind sees the task at hand to be so menial, it needs to move on to the next thing. This is done constantly until one becomes aware of it. When and if you do start to become aware of this, you will notice how much time is spent thinking about yourself. That in and of itself isn’t the main issue, the main issue is that most of the things thought about don’t really have the capability of enhancing your life. You may think they do, but that is the created delusion the mind uses. Even if it’s something that supposedly will better your life, it doesn’t really change anything. You may make up a story in your head that it does, but that’s only a story. If you become aware that most of the things that you do don’t really mean that much, you will stop creating a story and when you do, you will be left with peace.
This peace is contingent on being present for what’s actually occurring; every place else is just the delusion of a Conditioned Mind. Practicing being present is the most important thing a person will ever do because it’s the only place of true existence. To be present is to be truly alive, anywhere else offers existence, but it doesn’t provide truly living. Nothing is needed to be present unless you make up the story so be with what is actually happening and you will be with your true existence, and probably for the first time in your life you will truly be alive…

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