Being grateful for your given life regardless of the circumstances is being grateful for simply life itself. Gratitude is not some made up fallacy in your head because life is a certain way. Life will always be life, when it’s understood that life itself is the gift a grateful heart naturally arises. As long as you think you need life to be a certain way in order to be grateful when it isn’t that way, there’s no way gratitude will arise in your heart. Even if things were exactly how you wanted them, it would still be difficult to be grateful.
Gratitude can never be measured by conditions or circumstances for it to be of the heart. When we make up a story of gratitude because we have this or that, it isn’t true gratitude because it’s based on things. Things are impermanent, gratitude is not, unless it’s based on things. People say it all the time, I am grateful for my life because of this or that, but to understand gratitude is to understand things are not needed to have a grateful heart.
Our life can only be measured by what is in our heart and gratitude is a manifestation of that. True gratitude is not something that can be made up. When you are truly grateful, there is nothing but love in your heart. Life is our gift, and one day it will not be so. Any moment can be your last, so what is it that will be in your heart when the time comes to draw your last breath? Will it be true gratitude for your given life that comes from the heart or will it be a made up story from the head for the things in life that you have, but one day will simply not be…

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