The eyes of stillness can also be called the eyes of love, when these are the eyes that life is viewed through, what you see is so different than what an unconscious pair of eyes sees; by unconscious I mean eyes that blindly conform to what the conditioned world offers. As life is experienced more and more through the eyes of stillness, the observations are centered more in love and there are less responses to decisions based on your conditioning. This leads to an unconventional way of living life because you are not affected by the decisions based in the world. Through viewing life in this way, it is so different than what people have become accustomed to.
With the eyes of stillness no individual decides what happens to you, the Universe decides. Whatever happens is a result of fully cooperating with Universal Love as love is the most powerful force in the Universe. With stillness eyes as your view, no one can decide your fate. Stillness eyes are not of this world, but the decisions made by most people are. No one and I truly mean no one controls another person, how can they as most people don’t even control themselves. They think they do, but this is the great delusion.
Most decisions people make are based on how the Conditioned Mind controls them. You may think you’re making decisions, but you’re only doing what you’ve been conditioned to do. This is the way you have to be, there really isn’t a choice; this is all part of the conditioning. Look at the nonsense that goes on between your ears. It’s truly mind boggling how the mind is controlling ever decision made as if you were a puppet on a string. If you don’t think this is so try and sit still for a half hour in silence. If you can’t do it, don’t be discouraged, not many can, but if you can’t control your own mind when you are consciously trying to do it, what makes you think you are in control when you’re not trying. Why do you think it’s so hard to do, it’s because the unconscious mind blindly conforms to the conditioning of the world and most people are simply blind.

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