Mindless Habits

A mind that gets stuck in habits doesn’t just happen, it takes many years to create. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and will take much willingness to get out of repeating mindless habits…

To not get mindlessly stuck in the habits of the daily routines of everyday life, each day has to be viewed as new so a message of love can be brought into it. Not a single habitual act from yesterday, good, bad, or indifferent can be undone. Our mindless reaching is the result of the habits in place to cope with things as they occur. If you’re not mindful of love, how can you expect your habits to be of love? This is only considered bad in the sense that it causes suffering because of the energy emitted from a habit that isn’t based in love.

This energy is the mindlessly habitual energy of a so called mundane life, but life is anything but mundane. This mindless habit energy doesn’t allow for one to take advantage of opportunities to be the instrument of love. Our mindless perceptions create habits which take away the objectivity of truly living life. Things really aren’t as we think. Our life may be lived by our thoughts, but this is the created delusion Buddha described. When we can stop giving in to the mindless habits of putting everything in our little perception box, we begin to fill life up with love and eventually the mindless habits fall away. As this happens, each and everyday is a new beginning because the mindless habits don’t exist…

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