All turmoil arises from within yourself; it arises from the internal mind. Without discipline, the mind will never settle, nor will the inner turmoil that makes you reach for things externally…
The world is in a state of turmoil, but not with each other as you may think, it’s with ourselves. The lack of understanding of your own mind is the cause of all inner turmoil; most people haven’t a clue this is the cause of all disturbances. We lash out at people, have road rage, try to change people, and constantly seek to alter the way that we feel because we were never taught how to just be with life as it is, and accept who we are as we are. There would never be a need to have anything or anyone different if you had the ability to just be with life. If you don’t have contentment with the way things are, what makes you think that if things were different there would be contentment; you would still have inner turmoil that make you reach for things externally.
There’s external reaching because you want to alter how you feel. My mind was always in turmoil with itself because there wasn’t an understanding of the Conditioned Mind so the turmoil wasn’t understood. It didn’t matter what happened, by not having the ability to just be, the mind becomes agitated and turmoil arises. Nothing causes inner turmoil that isn’t allowed. If something bothers you and it can be changed by all means change it, but it needs to be looked at why there’s inner turmoil to begin with. Even if the thing is changed, without an understanding of your own mind you will just reach for the next thing which will cause inner turmoil once again…

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