Feelings that aren’t based in facts are fake. Stick with the facts and stay connected to life, or not and live a fake existence…
There are times that it seems there’s more of a connection with life than at other times, but it isn’t life that changes, life just is. It’s something in us that causes our disconnect. This is the same when we feel disconnected with people, it’s always something within ourselves that causes our disconnect. Even if there’s interactions with the most unconscious person alive, when you are connected to life you’ll have compassion for them because you’ll understand the prison they’re in. When a disconnect does occur, compassion is non existent and the emotions turn to whatever your conditioning calls for. The more conditioning there is the more there’s a fake feeling of being disconnected; what you’re disconnected from is Love.
No matter the circumstances, we only internalize our feelings and allow them to control our emotions when we come from a place of self. The more the self is our minds default setting, the more disconnected we feel from Love. Our connection to life is related to living in the present moment and how we rightly relate ourselves with that moment. The connection is because in the present moment the mind isn’t allowed to roam around in the past or future. So by being present, you’re in full cooperation with what is, which puts you in cooperation with life. When you cooperate with life you’re connected to Love which connects you to life. So live now and live life, or not and exist in a state of fake feelings…

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