A Lying Reality

To expose your created lies, why they’re being created needs to be revealed. If this inner-standing doesn’t occur, the lies will remain which in turn makes your life a lying reality…

The way the base of your thoughts are formulated determines if you see what actually occurs in life or if life becomes a lying reality of fictitious thoughts. Because of the lack of clarity of truth in most lives, this creates two realities occurring at the same time. One is what’s actually occurring and the other is a lying reality of what’s occurring. The more unaware you are of this, the more you make up a fictitious story (a lying reality) of life instead of living a life of what’s actually occurring.

If this is how you’re living, it makes for a very unproductive existence because a lying reality is in control; when this happens a persons entire reality is a lie. Thoughts are the base of all lies because without the belief of something (thought) it’s impossible for a lying reality to exist. All lies start with a thought that it‘s real, but the lying reality isn’t what’s actually occurring so two realities are happening at the same time, one is created (the lie) and one just is. The one you live your life by determines if life is based in what’s actually occurring or if you’re living a lying reality life created by the Conditioned Mind. There’s living your given life (what is) or there’s a lying reality. Life can be a lying reality created by your thoughts or it can be the reality of what is. There are always two realities to choose from, but to expose the lying reality, why it’s created needs to be revealed. If this doesn’t occur the lie remains which in turn makes life a lying reality…

Energy Awareness

The quality of life in this form is determined by the energy awareness output. As this energy awareness builds on itself, this determines what the base of your life will be…

It’s very important to have awareness of the energy you live by, it will either come from the heart or the mind. There will either be awareness of this or not. When there’s awareness of this, living from the heart naturally becomes the way you live. Energy awareness builds on itself regardless of what it is. To me, this is the “Law of Attraction” as it has been revealed. When there’s energy awareness, there’s stillness which becomes life’s direction; life arises from this stillness. This isn’t a doing, it’s a transformation occurring from stillness itself.

What’s unfortunate about this is the opposite is also true, at least this has been my experience. For years not having energy awareness made life my based to self-serve, and although I mostly got what I wanted, there wasn’t much satisfaction. This self-serving energy built on itself also and it doesn’t take a genius to see why my life prior to my shift was the way it was; the energy to self-serve manifested in the only way it could. What energy is in place will be what’s manifested, there’s no way around this; you can only be what your energy is.

Sit with this energy awareness and see how it builds on itself. Life doesn’t make it what it is, energy awareness makes it what it is. To a large degree we are all the creator of our own reality, and that reality will be determined by your energy awareness. Positive, negative, noisy, quiet, one of these will determine the direction of your life. It’s not up to the outside circumstances that determines this. Energy awareness determines how what happens is dealt with, how it is built on, and the way future circumstances will be dealt with. You can only build on the energy in place and that’s determined by what your awareness is based in. The life you build is up to you, you alone are the creator of your reality because energy awareness builds on itself…

Heart of Gratitude

A heart of gratitude embraces the fact that you’re alive, not only for today, but for each and everyday because a heart of gratitude is the greatest gift of life…

Having a heart of gratitude for life occurs naturally as does love when there’s an understanding of what’s needed to live from the heart. Although love is natural, it’s not automatic so cultivating love is when life results in a heart of gratitude.

A heart of gratitude naturally arises from a loving heart. It isn’t produced by attaching to anything from the materiel realm. If having gratitude was from the material realm, it would coincide with one’s possessions. That would mean a person of wealth would have more gratitude than a person who didn’t have any. The true measure of a wealthy life has nothing to do with possessions. True wealth arises from a heart of gratitude, that’s the true measurement of wealth. You can only be grateful when there’s contentment with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how it’s wanted or expected.

Having a heart of gratitude won’t shield you from problems, but it will allow you to not create them. Have gratitude for your given life and you will find your heart of gratitude. When life is lived from a heart of gratitude there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can’t help but to have an attitude that’s full of gratitude. Not because of what you possess, but because of the natural love that arises from your heart of gratitude…

Inner Turmoil

All turmoil arises from within yourself; it arises from the internal mind. Without discipline, the mind will never settle, nor will the inner turmoil that makes you reach for things externally…

The world is in a state of turmoil, but not with each other as you may think, it’s with ourselves. The lack of understanding of your own mind is the cause of all inner turmoil; most people haven’t a clue this is the cause of all disturbances. We lash out at people, have road rage, try to change people, and constantly seek to alter the way that we feel because we were never taught how to just be with life as it is, and accept who we are as we are. There would never be a need to have anything or anyone different if you had the ability to just be with life. If you don’t have contentment with the way things are, what makes you think that if things were different there would be contentment; you would still have inner turmoil that make you reach for things externally.

There’s external reaching because you want to alter how you feel. My mind was always in turmoil with itself because there wasn’t an understanding of the Conditioned Mind so the turmoil wasn’t understood. It didn’t matter what happened, by not having the ability to just be, the mind becomes agitated and turmoil arises. Nothing causes inner turmoil that isn’t allowed. If something bothers you and it can be changed by all means change it, but it needs to be looked at why there’s inner turmoil to begin with. Even if the thing is changed, without an understanding of your own mind you will just reach for the next thing which will cause inner turmoil once again…

Beyond Thinking

If you’re stuck in a thinking based existence, you’re being held captive by a thinking based world. This is a prison you will only be released from by going beyond your thinking into the space of silence…

You cannot have a problem in your life that isn’t created by your own thinking. This doesn’t mean things that occur are always beneficial, but regardless of what happens it’s your thinking that makes something a problem; it comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to make it a problem or not. Everyone has this choice, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to be seen. What discipline does is it slows down the thinking process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth arising; without the slowing the necessary silence that allows this will not happen.

If thinking is the base of your existence noise will be the base of your decisions. This will not allow you to watch the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind, and if this nonsense isn’t seen, the mind will never slow down and there won’t be any silence space created. When life is thinking based (unconsciousness) it’s as though life is a struggle. When the thinking slows down, you can see how it’s the Conditioned Mind that takes everything that happens and makes it either problematic or pleasurable. This revelation will assist in breaking free of the hold your thinking has over you and you’ll be able to see that you’re not the thinking, you’re beyond the it (consciousness). This doesn’t mean unpleasant things won’t happen, on the contrary life will still happen, you just won’t think yourself into making a problem. When this occurs and you have no created problems with life the next step in the process of going beyond a thinking existence into the space of silence will be realized…

Mass Produced View

If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, the mass produced view will have less control as your mind distractions subside; without these distractions you will understand truth intuitively…

If you’re always seeing life from a mass produced view, what is seen will be accepted accordingly and what’s truly going on will not be noticed. Although with a mass produced view life still goes on, but it’s very limited to the point of being delusional; I say this because it’s how I lived for forty nine years and it caused my life to be a constant struggle. The constant struggle was controlled by the mass produced view, although this wasn’t understood at the time. A mass produced view is one where there‘s constant reaching, the reaching is caused by the mind distractions which aren’t seen. This is why someone will reach for something without giving it much thought regardless if it’s beneficial or not. In that moment the mass produced conditioning declares it beneficial, but this is a big fat lie.

The mass produced view will only be noticed when you wake up and see the constant distractions. You will have to be able to just be for the distractions to subside; you will not see the essence of the forest from the trees if the view is distracted from being focused on the forest. This mass produced view is strictly mind based. Hence the reason it’s not conducive to your well being is because there is so much conditioning that causes distractions one right after another. This is why the big fat lie is in the forefront of most lives and stillness takes a back seat. If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, less and less the mass produced view will be in control because the mind distractions will subside. It will be at this point that the need to reach for something will be lessened as it’s probably the first time in your life that the mass produced view has taken a back seat…

Desires Served

You will either fulfill desires that serve creation or you’ll fulfill desires that serve yourself; in the process you will reap from the one that is sown…

You will either fulfill desires that serve the human world or ones that serve love which are of the spirit world. You can’t intentionally flip flop like an on and off switch, it’s one or the other; to serve love can’t be your intention only sometimes. You’ll fulfill the desire to serve creation or you’ll fulfill the desire to serve yourself, just understand you will reap from the one that is sown. And when what’s sown serves the love of creation, the energy emitted will be from this love, and so will your daily desires. This can only occur because of being not doing, and unlike doing when being is the base of life, love will always be served. The question is, how can we bring the love of creation into the daily actions of life when there’s so much conditioning geared towards the opposite of love? 

It’s never the thing on the outside that causes your desires, it’s always from the conditioning within. Even when this is known it still doesn’t automatically lead to love serving desired actions. The dilemma is this, serving human desires get in the way of our spiritual nature. There’s too much emphasis on serving desires of the world and not enough practice is done to quiet the mind that allows the love of creation to be the desired served. Sit often and you just may learn to serve the desire to love instead of serving the desire to fulfill your human side…

Pretending Story

The value of knowing yourself is priceless because it allows the mind to settle instead of needing to make up some story pretending to be something that you’re not…

One of the insights revealed to me is having the awareness of my own presence. What is meant by this is to be aware of who I truly am and not pretend to be who I am. When my book was published I was thinking of ways to get its message to people. Just by the fact that it was written I knew there was a valuable message to share about how my view of life became real instead of pretending. Shortly afterwards I started writing and posting articles on social media sites. One day I was contacted by a site to write articles for them, I thought this was a great way to get my books message some exposure. After about six articles the admin of the site said people were contacting her about my articles, saying they were like teachings and asked if I could make them more inspirational. I thought about it and decided I couldn’t compromise the message revealed to me. I told her I wouldn’t change my style; I didn’t write another article for them.

It was important for me to stand my ground and not pretend to be someone other than what was revealed to me; it’s just as important now. The value of knowing who you are is priceless because it allows the mind to settle instead of needing a pretending story. I don’t pretend to be this loving spiritual head in the clouds person; I am what I am. If there was such a thing as a spiritual labors union, I would be the head of it; I’m a blue collared spiritual person. I understand many things, but my feet are always planted in the present moment so if it’s not happening now, it doesn’t really matter all that much to me. I’ve learned early on not to live between my ears pretending to be something I’m not. What this allows is to not have any pretending energy within myself and in the process just be at peace with who I am. Not everyone agrees with my style of writing or what I write, but at the end of the day it’s me who I’m with and I’m grateful there’s no reason to pretend to be something that I’m not…

Illogical Mind Chatter

Illogical mind chatter won’t quiet on its own regardless of what your beliefs are. Actually beliefs hinder the mind quieting because they’re just a response to illogical mind chatter that blocks truth…

If your illogical mind chatter is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to see truth. It’s such an illogical world and what makes it so is most people focus on outward answers to satisfy themselves. What the illogical mind actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers and there’s no need to seek. It’s such an illogical world and what makes it so is most people are illogically looking for answers for self satisfaction; the illogical chatter is created by not being aware of this. With a mind that’s conditioned to be satisfied you have to constantly look for it, hence the illogical chatter. This is how the illogical chatter of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness of truth. It’s illogical chatter created because if you knew you were already satisfied, the need to look for it would be non existent and so would the illogical mind chatter.

Everyone has the ability to consciously remove the illogical mind chatter, but it’s not something that’s going to happen on its owns. It‘s beautiful that to see truth is up to you. A little practice equates to a little truth so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to stop the illogical mind chatter. As you practice being in the moment the illogical mind quiets and you’re left with truth. If you’re waiting for anything else you’ll be waiting a very long time as your illogical mind chatter will never allow you to see the truth…

Bottled Up Energy

If your life energy is bottled up, most likely you’re being controlled by a conditioned based existence. This is a prison that you will only be released from by going beyond your bottled up energy…

It’s impossible to be conditioned by bottle up energy that isn’t created by your own mind. This doesn’t mean without bottled up energy life will always be as it’s wanted, it just means that regardless of what happens it’s your mind that creates the bottled up energy. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to hold onto it or not. Everyone has the ability within to cease causing their bottled up energy, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the bottled up energy process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed. Without it the necessary quietness that allows less bottled up energy will not happen.

If there’s bottled up energy and no quiet, that’s all there will be. This will not allow the ability to watch the bottled up energy so it can be released. If this isn’t seen, your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created. Life will simply be conditioned based which will result in created bottled up results. When life slows down you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and puts it into a bottled up category. When you see this, you can break free of the hold your bottled up energy has over you as you’re able to see you’re not this energy, you’re beyond it…

Reacting Mind Triggers

No one truly reacts to what happens in life, you react to the mind becoming triggered and wanting that moment to be different. You are alive, but your triggered reactions block you from truly living…

I have found certain things that are needed to be mindful of life occurrences so it can be lived to the fullest. One of these is the development of discipline of what to do when the mind becomes triggered. The hardest thing to do is nothing, but that is exactly what’s needed when the mind becomes triggered.

When the minds becomes triggered, how you are conditioned to react is what shapes your life. You don’t react to what happens in life, you react to the mind becoming triggered. If the triggers weren’t in place there wouldn’t be the knee jerk reactions; without the reactions the only thing there would be is peace which does take discipline. The only reason we react to anything is because of our mind triggers. Try and do nothing, I mean nothing at all, just sit and be mindful of the moment. Without the practice of sitting, this discipline is nearly impossible. If you want to change things, learning to recognize your reacting triggers will have to become your life’s practice. Without it, the agitations will continue to be a block to living your life to the fullest.

This is why you reach for whatever it is you think you need; you are just reacting to a mind trigger. Without it there would be no need for the reaching. Objects are not the only things reached for, talking about others, beating ourselves up, trying to enhance our well-being by doing instead of being, searching for what it means to live, assigning our so called roles to ourselves, these are but a few of the reacting mind triggers; everyone responds in their own way. You will need to investigate this for yourself if you really want answers, most won’t go that deep inward. Looking at yourself is the hardest thing you will ever do, but it is where you will find out how not to react when your mind becomes triggered…

Inner Anxiety

The inner anxiety that keeps you from your peace has nothing to do with life. The anxiety is a creation of your own mind that makes you believe you’re not at peace…

There are practical ways to minimize the inner anxiety that causes one to sabotage their own existence, but it has to be understood that the mind creating the anxiety can’t quiet itself. You’ll have to find out why your own mind is telling you anxiety is needed to cope with life; a life that is controlled by the conditioning to create inner anxiety. Your own mind creates all the inner anxiety you have by choosing to attach to thoughts that give the anxiety energy. This unconscious conditioning is why anxiety arises. The Conditioned Mind creates this as you do things that are destructive to your own well being. Why this anxiety mind set is developed I’m not sure, but I do know it can be described only as insane because your own mind does this.

I know now it was my own mind that created anxiety which arose from within myself. Because of the shift that occurred some years ago there‘s now awareness so inner anxiety doesn’t have to be created anymore. I sit for the sole purpose to develop discipline which allows the mind to settle. If there isn’t discipline, your conditioning won’t be understood nor will the reason why anxiety arises. This will lead you to being led around like a puppet on a string. Life does nothing to you, it’s your own mind that does this. Living in a place of anxiety as opposed to a place of peace will never be different until the conditioning that makes it so is different. All I ever wanted was to be at peace, but it was always elusive because I wasn’t aware it was my own mind that created the inner anxiety that made peace elusive…

Created Destruction

Nothing that happens in life affects a person unless their own mind allows it. This is the insanity of a Conditioned Mind, its destructive solutions are from within which means one creates their own destruction…

For me, when all is said and done, regardless of what it’s called, I have found a way to minimize the conditioning that created my own destruction. It’s my own mind that tells me this conditioning is needed to cope with life; a life that was controlled by a destructive mindset. My own mind created all the destruction that went on by choosing behaviors I thought I wanted to do, but my choices always caused issues. I developed a mind that told me to do things that were destructive to my own well being. From relationships, to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and a slew of other things, nothing was ever chosen that was beneficial to my well being. I always seemed to do things that caused more harm than good. Why this mind set developed I’m not sure, but I do know this, it can only be described as created insanity.

Sixteen years ago although it wasn’t a white light experience, an inner shift occurred that revealed a way to reverse the destructive conditioning. Regardless of what it’s called or what attached label is put on it, when I have issues with something, it’s my own destructive mindset that creates it. When there’s awareness of this, and there isn’t attachment to this, there aren’t created issues. I have found without issues I’m at peace, so the bottom line for me is to not create issues. All I ever wanted in my life was peace, but I didn’t know it was my own mind that created all the destruction…

Attached Perspectives

Attached perspectives keep you imprisoned in a world where there’s very little freedom because there’s very little room for truth. If you want freedom, the attached perspectives will have to be let go of…

The more a perspective is held onto, the more you’re attached to that perspective. It’s difficult to experience the openness of something if you’ve already decided how it is. To remain open one needs to limit the attachment to their perspectives. This is essential if there is be alignment with the Universe and be free from the things that you‘re attached to. Being attached to the things that have a hold on you will need to be let go of if there’s to be freedom; this hold is very subtle. Even the perspective on whether you like this post or not will keep you attached in the same place. This post can resonate with you without attachment, but perspectives seem to make the world go round. That doesn’t mean it’s a good thing, but that’s just a perspective.

I lived an attached existence that limited me for most of my life, this caused much conflict with people who didn’t have the same perspective; wars are started over people having different perspectives. If you’re really honest with yourself you’ll see that every disagreement you ever had with someone was caused by being attached to the different perspective about something. I’m not saying you shouldn’t stand up for truth, but truly knowing about something and attaching to a perspective about it is totally different.

There’s a place of no perspective. If it’s not understood, you’ll never become unattached to your perspectives. When this is the place lived from there’s very little freedom. When you can just be with life as it unfolds and not label it as this or that, you’ll be on the verge of truly experiencing life, perspective free. When you’re not attached to forming a perspective, there’s freedom to be with life as it is without the need for an attachment that keeps you from experiencing truth…

Life Moments

The difference between learning from each moment of life or not is living it to its highest quality or being stuck where life is the same old same old. You will either break free from the conditioned lies or remain their prisoner…

Life happens in moments, at least this has been my experience. You will have to go through these different moments if you’re not to get stuck in the one that’s in place now. Not everyone goes beyond the moment that’s in place. Some remain stuck for years, even a life time. Although the moments themselves happen naturally, learning and going to the next moment does not; the quality of your life will be determined by what is learned in a previous and current moment. Life is something that happens on its own, but there is a certain responsibility in making it of the highest quality. A simple example of this would be when you were at a moment of your life when it was time to learn to read. If you didn’t take responsibility to learn this, to say that life would be difficult today would be an understatement. So at this moment of your life you did what was necessary to make it of a higher quality.

As I’ve grown up over the years, I’ve noticed  there were many moments in my life, but not all provided the highest quality of living because of the things I did which didn’t allow it. The moments of life will come, but what’s being learned is where maturity comes from. To me the biggest lesson was learning to expose the conditioned lies because that’s what I found was the biggest hurdle to living the highest quality of life possible. It’s not that I’m now all about helping others, but what I learned was life is just not all about me and what I think. Therein lies the difference between learning from each moment or being stuck in a moment where life is the same old same old…

Foolishly Conditioned

When you’re foolishly led around by the Conditioned Mind you behave in ways that aren’t beneficial; not because it’s how you want to be, it’s because it’s how you have to be…

It was a lack of understanding of my conditioning that led me to remain foolishly controlled by it. What I was foolishly led by was a mind that was conditioned to self serve. The issue with this type of conditioning is it causes your own destruction because the destructiveness is unconsciously disguised as something needed; this needing is pursued by many to their death. It was foolishly pursued by me in this way and I was at its mercy. It said to use drugs, alcohol, gambling, lying, cheating, stealing and so on. This is how the foolishness of the Conditioned Mind is developed except for some who are fortunate enough to see this at a young age.

The way I was conditioned wasn’t the fault of anyone, it was indirectly implemented by the inner and outer influences of my life which molded me to behave in the ways my conditioning developed and foolishly controlled me. You cannot behave in any other way except in the way you have been conditioned. Change the conditioning and change your entire existence or not and remain the same. The value of knowing my own mind is in the understanding there was no where to turn but inward. What I learned is when the Conditioned Mind is understood, you’re no longer foolishly led by it. Its control slowly dissipates as you develop discipline; the mind actually slows down. Once this slowing occurs, the possibilities are endless because there is no longer distractions that keep you foolishly attached to the conditioning. With this solid understanding of what you’re truly up against, you’re able to develop the discipline so your foolish conditioning falls away…

Restless Mind

Understanding the nature of a restless mind is one of the attributes of waking up. But it’s not the restlessness of the world that one wakes up from, it’s the restlessness of your own mind…

What is a restless mind that runs your life? The restless mind manifests because there’s attachment to your thoughts. The thought that arises about something is inconsequential, it’s the attachment to the thought that forms the restless mind. To understand the restless mind one must be aware of its attachments, desires, confusions, and the way your mind works. Without this awareness the puppet on string pattern prevails. Certain practices turns one inward to see this. If what you’re doing doesn’t turn you inward, you’ll remain trapped to your restless state of mind. This is why nothing from the outside truly changes a person because anything from the outside is part of the restless mind. A restless mind can’t fix itself and as long as it’s reaching for something on the outside, it remains trying to fix itself and thus it remains restless. Until this truth is seen, things would stay as they are because nothing is being done to make it different.

We can only go beyond the surface view if there’s awareness of it. What this means is one has to develop mindfulness of what they are doing as they are doing it so there‘s awareness of what’s being done. If you know what you’re doing as you’re doing it, it leaves little room for the restless mind to arise. Mindfulness is probably the single most discipline to develop as it anchors you in the moment of what is being done. A restless mind only occurs when one lives in the story of a past or future. These restless mind made constructs keeps the restlessness active. The present moment can be seen without making it a story even though it passes as quickly as it arises, but the past and future can never truly be seen without a story. Because of this lack of discipline to be present, most people live a restless mind existence…

Conditioned Wishing

Wishing is conditioned driven. It matters little to life or the Universe whether your wishing is fulfilled or not. You can make up a story fulfilling your wishes matter, but that’s your story…

You can wish for things to be a certain way, but to life this doesn’t really matter. Life isn’t a respecter of wishing; it allows things for its betterment. If you’re one of the instruments which are being used in this capacity you’re truly blessed because you‘re probably assisting others in a unique way. This doesn’t make you special, but it does allow you to be free of the selfishness that holds most of the world in captivity. Wishing is conditioned driven, it matters little to the Universe whether they’re fulfilled or not. You can make up a story fulfilling your wishes matter, but that’s your story not life’s. Fulfill every wish in your life and at the end of it you will have exactly what you would’ve had if none of your wishes were fulfilled. 

It always amuses me when I’m watching a ball game and a player hits a home run and points upward, as if something cares more about that team as opposed to the other team. What happens when the other team loses, which is inevitable? I’m waiting for the day when a team loses and points downward. All this wishing means nothing to the Universe, and this is regardless if it works out the way that it’s wished for or not. Things will always work out the way that they work out; the Universe (life) doesn’t really care if they do or don’t. Wishing is only held onto because it’s thought to be needed, but because life isn’t a respecter of wishing, suffering occurs because wanting your wishes fulfilled is what you not life has in place…

Favorable Actions

Reaching is always the issue not the thing reached for. Not everything one thinks is healthy is truly favorable. It will take a very settled mind to see if what is considered favorable truly is…

Doing what’s healthy for your well being needs to be investigated to see if what you’re doing truly is favorable and not just a story of what you think is favorable. Many people play the lottery to become rich so to become rich becomes favorable. Sex is often seen as favorable, as is the spiritual path. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, and also their counter parts (their programs) are used as favorable, but as the results of these valued actions may be different, the prison they keep you in is the same. Working out and healthy eating habits are favorable, but many attach a story to them and negate their true value. I know many people are vegans and I have no opinion either way, but no where have I ever read that Jesus or the Buddha valued this as part of their practice. All I’m saying is what I’ve found to be truly favorable needs no story or attachment for certain results.

I can only share my experience and I’ve found reaching for anything in whatever form it takes on is not favorable. The reaching is the issue, not the thing being reached for. To me in the space of just being with what arises in the present moment is truly favorable. Not everything you consider healthy is truly favorable in your life. It will take a very settled mind to see the subtleness of the attachment to things that are deemed favorable. I say if you‘re reaching for something regardless of what it is, it has no value to your well being and this is because the reaching itself is the issue: this is what keeps you in an unfavorable prison…

Shifting Your View

The only way to shift your view of life is to have another view in place that will allow the shift. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness of what needs shifting…

The other night I caught the last hour of a football game. When the game was over I began looking for something else to watch. Fifteen seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the TV when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to shift our view of life even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we’ll watch the same channel (thoughts) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on one and don’t know how to shift this view.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to shift your view when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s total awareness of this, shifting your view will be just about impossible. The only way to shift the view you have of life is to have something in place that will allow it to shift to. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness something needs shifting. It may be a repeated thought disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old thought. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see your view for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized your view needs to be shifted; this realization will only occur if you have another view that’s worth shifting to…

Clear/Muddy Mind

When there’s awareness of a clear view and you don’t engage in what comes from the muddy mind, it makes for a view of life most people will never experience…

A view from a clear mind is very different than a muddy one; the muddy mind has a much different agenda than a clear one. Every conflict known to mankind has been because of the muddy mind. You cannot have a conflict when the mind is clear. Although a clear view does ache at times because it’s where all understanding comes from. This is an understanding from a clear view that a muddy conditioned view can’t grasp. Mind seeing is strictly from the way one is conditioned. A clear view arises from the space of Now. I can tell right away when someone comes from a muddy view because there’s attachment with what’s being said; the sentences starts with you’re wrong, my, I, me or it will be said, I see what you’re saying, but.

A clear view doesn’t make you smarter than anyone, all it means is you’ve been granted the vision to see clearly. A clear view is difficult to see from because of all the muddy distractions in place. These distractions keep you trapped to the reaching of a view from the mind. Reach, reach, reach, a clear view needs no such reaching, it realizes its completeness as it is. When your view is clear you become more of an observer than a reactor, at least that’s been my experience. I had a muddy view for many years.  Even today the old conditioning resurfaces, but because of the awareness there’s less engagement with what comes from the mind. This naturally allows a clear view to arise. When you live from here it makes for a view of life much different than those stuck in the mud…

Fake Feelings

Feelings that aren’t based in facts are fake. Stick with the facts and stay connected to life, or not and live a fake existence…

There are times that it seems there’s more of a connection with life than at other times, but it isn’t life that changes, life just is. It’s something in us that causes our disconnect. This is the same when we feel disconnected with people, it’s always something within ourselves that causes our disconnect. Even if there’s interactions with the most unconscious person alive, when you are connected to life you’ll have compassion for them because you’ll understand the prison they’re in. When a disconnect does occur, compassion is non existent and the emotions turn to whatever your conditioning calls for. The more conditioning there is the more there’s a fake feeling of being disconnected; what you’re disconnected from is Love.

No matter the circumstances, we only internalize our feelings and allow them to control our emotions when we come from a place of self. The more the self is our minds default setting, the more disconnected we feel from Love. Our connection to life is related to living in the present moment and how we rightly relate ourselves with that moment. The connection is because in the present moment the mind isn’t allowed to roam around in the past or future. So by being present, you’re in full cooperation with what is, which puts you in cooperation with life. When you cooperate with life you’re connected to Love which connects you to life. So live now and live life, or not and exist in a state of fake feelings…

Synchronized Aspirations

When aspirations are synchronized with love, this opens the heart to loving all beings. Not because it’s wanted, but because this is the way love rolls when aspirations are synchronized with love…

Having love synchronized aspirations is worth more than all the books combined on what it means to be spiritual. Why this is so is because your synchronized aspirations are yours and the content of any book is someone else’s. Someone else’s idea of you will never be you, no matter if their way is copied exactly. This is why many remain struggling because they’re trying to be someone else’s idea of who they should be. You can use books, methods, and whatnot as a tool, but the deep seated synchronized aspirations of why you do what you do will need to be reflected upon to see if the results of your efforts are in sync with love. Not the story of love, but the love that arises not from effort, but from one’s own synchronized aspirations. This is where effort is meaningless if it’s not in sync with love; only love synchronized aspirations will result in meaning.

There are as many books about awakening as there are people practicing, but everyone who reads a book and practices doesn’t necessarily wake up. This is because the aspirations aren’t of the necessary energy that allows synchronization with a loving heart. True aspirations need to be seen if there is to be synchronization with all beings. This doesn’t mean a person won’t harm you or animals and insects won’t bite you, but it’s less likely you’ll put yourself in those type of situations when you’re in sync with a loving heart. In the space of stillness one learns to see their true aspirations and in the process have those aspirations in sync with love. When this occurs one will love all beings, not because it’s wanted, but because this is the way love rolls when your aspirations are in sync with love…

Light of Love

The brightness of your inner light will shine to the degree of your surrender that allows God’s loving energy to be your light of love. The brighter the light the brighter the light of love will shine…

I know for many years I wandered aimlessly through life controlled by a Conditioned Mind that led me around like I was a puppet on a string. My entire existence was based from a self-serving mind and until this changed nothing was going to change; society is out of control because of this self-serving mind. Until there’s awareness of how conditionally controlled one is and that your own mind makes this happen, nothing will change regardless of what is done. I’m not sure if anything can be done to instill this change in a person, but we must try. Although it has to come from within the individual seeds must be planted or there won’t even be the chance for someone to change. 

I can love a person by understanding the conditioning is not them. This may not change them, but at least I will not be pulled into their conditioned world; I could write another book on this pull alone. Watch very closely how subtle the Conditioned Mind is. I know for me it is not my responsibility to change anyone. I have an obligation because of the insight that has been bestowed upon me, but I know I can only change myself. When I change that‘s how others change, not because of me, but because of the degree of surrender that allows Gods loving energy to be my light of love. All I can do is be willing to keep looking within to expand this surrender. When we quiet the Conditioned Mind, the love that’s in our heart will be our light and thus we will be healed; when we’re healed we can be the light of love to help heal others…

Repetitive Nonsense

Do whatever you believe you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how the repetitive nonsense of your thoughts dissipates as you’re simply not part of them…

Many think what happens in life causes their reactions, but what’s not understood is the reactions are already in place, they’re just being triggered by what’s occurring. There’s so much conditioning that it keeps people from understanding their own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will control you. I know people don’t think their thoughts are nonsense and take offense to this being pointed out, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an inkling of the repetitive nonsense. You may be abruptly responding right now to this by thinking who do I think I am to label thoughts as nonsense, but that’s what’s seen so that’s what’s shared. What was revealed to me was just how much of humanities thoughts are repetitive nonsense; just watch the news. Anytime anger is a response it causes your own suffering, yet it’s done all the time. That’s only part of it, what’s really crazy is it isn’t truly known why there’s anger. Stories are made up why there is, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.

There are many justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the repetitive nonsense; that it’s done without realizing it is why it’s nonsense. The list of attachments that are held onto are endless, this is what keeps the repetitive nonsense in place. Very few will really get what this article is about, it’s easier to say the writer doesn’t know what he’s talking about than to truly look at this. The only way sanity will return and anger won’t be repetitive is if it’s understood. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all this repetitive nonsense. When you wake up you can pull away from this nonsense; which remains in control if waking up doesn’t occur. Do whatever you believe you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how the repetitive nonsense of your thoughts dissipates as you’re simply not part of them…