Created Agitations

The inner agitation that keeps you from your peace has nothing to do with life. The agitation is a creation of your own mind that makes you believe you are not at peace…

There are practical ways to minimize the inner agitation that causes one to sabotage their own existence. But it has to be understood that the mind creating the agitation cannot quiet itself. You will have to find out why your own mind is telling you the agitation is needed to cope with life; a life that is controlled by the conditioning to create an inner agitation. Your own mind creates all the inner agitations you have by choosing to attach to thoughts that give the agitation life. This unconscious conditioning are why agitations arise. The Conditioned Mind creates this as you do things that are destructive to your own well being. Why this agitation mind set is developed I’m not sure, but I do know it can be described only as insane because your own mind does this.

I know now it was my own mind that created agitations which arose from within myself. Because of the shift that occurred some years ago, there‘s now awareness so inner agitations don’t have to be created anymore. I sit for the sole purpose to develop discipline which allows the mind to settle. If there isn’t discipline your conditioning won’t be understood nor will the reason why agitations arise. This will lead you to being led around like a puppet on a string. Life does nothing to you, it’s your own mind that does it all. Living in a place of agitation as opposed to a place of peace will never change until the conditioning that makes it so is changed. All I ever wanted was to be at peace, but I wasn’t aware it was my own mind that created the inner agitation which made me believe there wasn’t any…

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