Our human form is the what’s used to experience life so our human form should never be denied. Non attachment to it though is key if one is to truly experience life from a loving heart…
When life begins there aren’t any blocks developed to a loving heart. Slowly though as we grow, blocks are developed by attaching labels to our human form; this is how we experience life so we should never deny our human form. Non attachment to it is key to truly experience a loving heart. The more thought that’s applied to our human form, the less in touch we are with the true essence of a loving heart.
It would be easy to say “that’s just the way I am” but no one is just the way they are. We become the way we are by influences and conditioning. It’s very nice to say things like our true essence is to love, but with all the tragic behavior that goes on, it’s really difficult to see our true essence as anything but insane.
Everyone goes around forcing their will on whomever they come in contact with and it’s labeled as love. But a loving heart never forces anything, it doesn’t need to. The conditioning to labels goes very deep and why this is so is because it’s the foundation of the way most people exist. These labels are the reason why people reach outside themselves for fulfillment; all to satisfy a human form. Attachment to human form is the only block that one will encounter to their loving heart. Until there’s awareness of this, you will never truly embrace love through your human form. I’m not saying people don’t love, but there’s a lot of selfish attachment in the way most people love. Until the mind settles so one embraces their human form and lives from their loving heart, the Conditioned Mind will remain in control and living from a heart of love will be fleeting at best. So sit and be still and you just may see how it’s only in this moment that you can embrace your human form and thus experience life from a loving heart…

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