False Comfort Beliefs

Life will always be as it is regardless of your beliefs. Beliefs are used to provide false comfort and it’s really not needed if you simply live with what arises…

The definition of belief is a strong trust in someone or something that is assumed to be true. Is a belief wanting things to work out the way you think they should be or is it accepting things as they are and not wanting them to be different? The lack of being able to live by the accepting principles caused my entire struggle with life. Belief is a word attached to a story, there are many interpretation of beliefs. The way I used beliefs was as though there was something that was going to grant my wishes; it’s not a big surprise that this kind of belief caused many problems. I only had beliefs in the material world. I had to use things in order to feel good which meant I only had myself to rely on to get what I thought I needed for satisfaction.

At the time though it is what was inside me. I firmly held onto a belief that if God didn’t grant my wishes where was the need for it. If I didn’t get what I desired I didn’t need a belief for this; I could be disappointed without it. So this was the path that was laid before me so I took care of things myself;  I might as well, after all God wasn’t doing anything for me, but what I truly wanted was a magician.

It’s not this way today, but not because there is a belief in something else. Today the belief lie has been exposed and my trust lies in what is. Truth of what is isn’t a belief that everything is going to go my way, it means it’s the way it is and that’s the way it’s going to be. There’s no longer the need for a story in my life because I live life as it arises. Through the practice of being with what is, there’s a knowing that life will work out in life’s way, not mine; this doesn’t need a belief. I have stopped using a belief story of getting something or having someone that’s going to take care of my life. Life is life, it takes care of itself. I’m just one part and whatever happens; life is as it is not as I think it should be. This is the acceptance of being with the reality of what is. I don’t need a belief to live my life because life will always be as it is regardless of what the Conditioned Mind wants to use to make me think it should be different; a belief changes what is to what isn’t…

Engaged Energy

Engaging energy determines how you live. If your engaged energy is constantly towards yourself, you will be selfish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t free from self, you’ll remain engaged in a self created prison…

Being free from the prison of self requires engaging your energy away from self serving thoughts. When the mind gets engaged on these thoughts there’s a freedom that allows the mind to become unstuck. What makes it get stuck is engaged energy that’s mostly on satisfying self in some way. Engaging on the sensation of mind, body, and mental formations helps to alleviate the bondage of self. This is a direct path to how one becomes free from suffering. You can only be free when the engaging energy is on what allows freedom, but it’s tricky because to master this takes constant vigilance. It will be your directed engaged energy that determines the extent of freedom and that will be the determining factor how your life is lived.

Freedom from suffering is not pain free, it’s learning to be with the pain that arises. You cannot hide from what’s happening, but you can engage on something that anchors you in the Now. To no longer have your engaging energy on self is the path to liberation. How this is done is by simply not engaging on self and engaging on what will set you free. The self is there and it has been given a name. It has so many other different labels attached to it, but it’s a prison because of the mere fact of the engaging energy of attachment. Freedom occurs when there’s an understanding of the lies of self; not in creating concepts or beliefs. Where your energy is engaged determines how you live. If that energy is constantly engaged towards self, you will be selfish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t liberated from self, you’ll remain stuck in a self created prison…

A Quiet Mind View

When there’s awareness of a quiet mind view and you don’t engage in what comes from the noisy mind, it makes for a view of life most people will never experience…

A view from a noisy mind is very different than a quiet one; the noisy mind has a much different agenda than being quiet. Every conflict known to mankind has been because of a noisy mind. You cannot have a conflict when a mind is quiet. Although a quiet view aches at times, it’s where all compassion comes from. This is the understanding from a quiet view the noisy (conditioned) view can’t grasp. Mind seeing is strictly from the way one is conditioned. A quiet view arises from the space of Now. I can tell right away when someone comes from a noisy mind view because there’s attachment with what’s being said. Usually the sentences starts with I, me or it will be said, I see what you’re saying, but.

A quiet view doesn’t make you smarter than anyone, all it means is you’ve been granted the vision to see clearly. A quiet view is difficult to see from because of all the distractions in place. These distractions keeps you trapped to the reaching of a view from the mind. Reach, reach, reach, a quiet view needs no such reaching, it realizes its completeness as it is. When your view is quiet you become more of an observer than a reactor, at least that’s been my experience. I had a noisy based view existence for many years.  Even today the old conditioning resurfaces, but because of the awareness there’s less engagement with what comes from the mind. This naturally allows a quiet view to arise. When you live from here it makes for a view of life much different than most people will ever experience…

Inner Vibration

What occurs when you awaken is there’s an inner vibration from the mind to the heart. This allows the veil of ignorance to be removed so the truth that has always been there is revealed…

People think there’s a change when one awakens and truth is revealed, but the true essence of what’s happening is there’s an inner vibration that allows you to see what has always been there. It’s not a change that occurs, it’s awareness of an inner vibration from delusional thinking to an understanding of the true nature of life; starting with your own mind. You cannot see if you don’t know yourself and you cannot know yourself if you don’t understand the Conditioned Mind. The reason why it’s so difficult to look inward is because the mind never settles down. It tells you everything is okay, that you do enough to get by in life; as long as this is so you will not become aware of the inner vibration because you’re Conditioned Mind wii tell you there’s no need to..

Experiencing the inner vibration and looking at yourself is not pleasurable, especially when it’s first started, that’s why many are hesitant to do it. It’s much easier to have an out there view and do what’s familiar, but there are only benefits when an honest self appraisal is done; a step into the unfamiliar will need to be taken so you can get to know yourself. 

The mind defaults naturally to what’s familiar because of a conditioned out there view, but honest appraisal self is what allows the inner vibration to be revealed; this inner vibration is where truth becomes familiar. When truth is revealed what happens is the veil of ignorance is removed and where you were once blind you now see. It’s not a change, it’s awareness of the inner vibration that allows the truth that has always been there to be revealed and become the familiar…

Piled Up Past

Most of the problems that occur in life are due to piling things up; carrying one thing into the other. Until it’s learned to not pile up the events of the past, you’ll be weighed down by self-created burdens…

I never understood piling things up until I was at work one day. I work twelve hour shifts and we were working a lot of overtime. This particular week I was on my fifth day in a row. I was talking to one of my shift mates and he asked me if I was tired, this being my fifth day of work. As I began to answer him, the thought that popped into my head was “What does the previous four days have to do with today.” As I reflected about this, I saw how so much of the burdens that are carried around are strictly formed from not understanding how to not pile up the events of life. It’s a skill that eludes most and makes life more burdensome than necessary.

Imagine a life without the piling up affect, it can become a reality with practice. Events would be like water running off a ducks back; things would never pile up and become an issue. These piling up is the very thing that makes life feel as it is a burden. If it was learned to truly live in the moment and not carry the past into the now, piled up burdens would never materialize and there would be freedom to deal with what arises. So the key to any happy, joyous and free life isn’t that it’s free of difficulties (it would be if it were not for the conditioning) is understanding although life is one continuous journey, the past has nothing to do with the present. Learn to not pile up the events of the past so you aren’t weighed down by self-created burdens…

Completeness Within

When there’s a belief you need something to provide completeness, you’re controlled by this thought. Until this is understood, you’ll remain controlled by the belief that your completeness is outside of you…

You will never experience completeness in your life as long as you’re controlled by the belief that completeness is outside of you. Completeness is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, we get controlled by the thought that completeness is something to find. Unfortunately this is what makes the very thing you’re seeking elusive. Beliefs are the reason one is constantly controlled by something, and until these beliefs are no more, you’ll remain controlled by the thought that completeness is in the next thing reached for. This can’t be stressed enough as this control has to be seen if you’re to ever experience true completeness. 

The thought of being complete isn’t completeness. What has to happen if completeness is to ever be experienced is, there has to be an understanding of how beliefs control you. The reason why completeness is so elusive is because of the inability to be aware of this. When the need to reach for something arises, being controlled by belief begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Completeness isn’t something that can be manufactured so it’s in doing less that it arises. Many are controlled by trying to find completeness, but since it’s already within, the belief associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can uncover the reason why you’re controlled by the belief you’re not complete…

Impermanence Reality

Holding on to anything is a prison, but the thing being held is only the sentence. The prison is the lie the Conditioned Mind creates that blocks you from seeing the reality of impermanence…

The reality of life is impermanence and because of this when there is holding on to anything, there has to be suffering. Suffering is directly related to what one holds onto and how tight the hold is. Impermanence is a natural phenomenon of life, and since the nature of it can’t really be changed, the only way for the suffering not to occur is to learn how not to hold on to things. You can still enjoy all that life has to offer, but if true liberation is to be experienced, holding on will have to fall away. I say fall away because many hold on to not holding on and thus stay glued to their suffering. Letting go isn’t really a doing, it’s why many remain trapped to the bondage of self. If true liberation is to be experienced, there will have to be awareness of the hold the conditioned mind has over yup. Few have this willingness to look inward because the conditioning in place to doesn’t allow it, hence the need to hold on to things constantly rears its ugly head; this causes suffering.

There’s holding on because the conditioning in place is based in a lie. When this lie is let go of, that’s when the truth of impermanence is revealed; it’s not a truth that can be explained. The moment it’s explained there’s holding on because it becomes an idea, concept, or belief. This is why in stillness truth is revealed. All I know today has been revealed to me. To truly stop holding on to the lie, it has to be seen that all holding on is a lie. If this isn’t seen, holding on continues along with its associated suffering. This moment needs no idea, concept, or belief to be. If you can see this, holding on is naturally lessened because right now exists free of its lie, and without the holding on lie revealed is the reality of impermanence…

A Loving Heart

Our human form is the what’s used to experience life so our human form should never be denied. Non attachment to it though is key if one is to truly experience life from a loving heart…

When life begins there aren’t any blocks developed to a loving heart. Slowly though as we grow, blocks are developed by attaching labels to our human form; this is how we experience life so we should never deny our human form. Non attachment to it is key to truly experience a loving heart. The more thought that’s applied to our human form, the less in touch we are with the true essence of a loving heart.

It would be easy to say “that’s just the way I am” but no one is just the way they are. We become the way we are by influences and conditioning. It’s very nice to say things like our true essence is to love, but with all the tragic behavior that goes on, it’s really difficult to see our true essence as anything but insane.

Everyone goes around forcing their will on whomever they come in contact with and it’s labeled as love. But a loving heart never forces anything, it doesn’t need to. The conditioning to labels goes very deep and why this is so is because it’s the foundation of the way most people exist. These labels are the reason why people reach outside themselves for fulfillment; all to satisfy a human form. Attachment to human form is the only block that one will encounter to their loving heart. Until there’s awareness of this, you will never truly embrace love through your human form. I’m not saying people don’t love, but there’s a lot of selfish attachment in the way most people love. Until the mind settles so one embraces their human form and lives from their loving heart, the Conditioned Mind will remain in control and living from a heart of love will be fleeting at best. So sit and be still and you just may see how it’s only in this moment that you can embrace your human form and thus experience life from a loving heart…

Awareness Opportunities

The more aware you are for life, the more it cooperates with you. This doesn’t mean everything will be as its wanted, but what happens is the opportunities for there to be cooperation increases…

Life will occur whether you are aware of what is happening or not. What awareness affords a person is the opportunities for a different reaction to what arises and thus a different outcome. It’s a given that what arises, arises. There’s not much that can be done in that regard, but what it affects presents different opportunities. Years ago there weren’t many opportunities for my reactions to be different. They were all based in a very limiting self-serving perspective; this was just how I was conditioned. I wouldn’t have allowed anyone to do half of the things I did to myself, but yet because I didn’t know any better, destructive reactions were normal for me. Without awareness of the conditioning in place, the opportunity for anything to be different was non existent…

Although today life is still life and what arises, arises, without the self-serving view not being as prevalent as it once was, it has opened up so many more opportunities in my life. What’s truly beautiful about this is my destructive reactions are less and less; on their own. Being aware of the way you react to what happens is where opportunities to be different arise from. When you’re stuck in one view, you‘re limited to that view; the opportunity of reaching your full potential is iffy at best. The more you’re in harmony with life the more life cooperates with you. This doesn’t mean everything will be perfect or go the way you think it should, but the imperfections (only because of a self-serving view) won’t limit your opportunities…

Common Sense Mind

Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself with a mind that allows the common sense of not needing to reach for comfort in whatever form it takes on…

Seeking self satisfaction is a sign of the lack of common sense. It’s the I want, what I want, when I want it mind. Self-seeking is directly linked to your level of common sense. If you don’t think this is so, see how there’s no difference in what you use now to provide comfort as opposed to what was used as a child. Only the object has changed, the same reaching is in effect. Stop and see the baby in place who doesn’t like what’s written here. So your feelings may be hurt, who cares, if this article allows you to see the truth needed to act with a common sense mind. And how you will know there’s a lack of common sense is by how you have to reach for things. This reaching takes on many forms. Unless the mind is very settled, the lack of common sense and reaching which go hand and hand will remain.

Being of a common sense mind will only occur when seeking self satisfying comfort ceases. Judging lacks common sense as does jealousy. Greed, hate, and wanting life different (delusion) lacks common sense. Relying and reaching for something outside yourself to provide comfort lacks common sense. Anything that’s reached for lacks common sense because it all falls under the delusion that comfort is needed. Common sense is in place when nothing in life needs to be different or reached for. Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself and humanity with the stability and common sense of not needing to reach for comfort in whatever form it takes on…

Human Form Limit

A human form view creates limitations. This limited view of human form living is determined by the conditioning in place. To go beyond this conditioning is to go beyond your human form limits…

Through human form, life is labeled and those labels are constantly applied. Everything is judged, even labeling a pen on the desk is a judgment, not a harmful one, but a judgment just the same. When it’s learned to not label, you can then become aware of the human form limits that keep you from going beyond surface living. With this new awareness the mind finally settles enough so a deeper view is noticed. This is the initial awareness, but it will require much more discipline to go deeper yet. The deeper you go, the more you will have to let go of the material world which is from human form attachment. As the material world is let go of, the more you will understand the deeper view and the more at peace you will be.

The human form view is directly linked to the limits of the bondage of self and the surface view. If you really want to understand life from the spiritual realm, you will have to get very quiet and become aware of how limiting the human form view is. This is the way life is viewed by so many people and it’s because of the lack of quietness; this isn’t something that’s wrong, but it is limiting. Without the discipline to understand the difference between human surface living and the deeper view, there will be no difference and the human form surface view will be the only view that you’ll have, not wrong, but limiting and what’s limited is your human form view…

Led by Distractions

Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts, they will be a distraction and you will automatically be led by them…

If there isn’t awareness of your own thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing how they distract you and how you are led by them. Without this awareness you’ll be distracted and taken on a distracted ride. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts do arise and they determine what kind of ride you will be on. Awareness of your arisen thoughts is essential if you’re not going to be distracted by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will arise. To me there’s no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that awareness of them allows for some space that can be used to determine whether or not the thought is a distraction and leads you; remember it’s the distracted attachment to a thought that causes suffering not the thought itself.

The Conditioned Mind is cunning. Unless there’s some awareness of how much you’re being led by your distracted thoughts, they will and this has to happen, lead you around as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this that even if you’re doing things that are labeled as good, if these thoughts aren’t watched, they will eventually control you; remember control is control regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is cunning because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to distract and lead you. Thoughts will arise, but you don’t have to be distracted by them. If there isn’t awareness of this, your thoughts will be a distraction and you will automatically be led by them…

Divine Energy

Divine energy is always waiting to be aligned with it. When it’s understood this energy is the stillness beneath all your stories, you can stop and align with it and thus align with life itself…

We’re not always aligned with the divine energy the Universe provides for us; this is our misfortune. It’s not that we can’t always be aligned with it, but we have to do the things that allow it to be aligned with. Our alignment is in relation to how much we hold onto a self that tries to control life; this control is thought based. Although certain aspects of life need to be controlled, it’s the parts that are beyond our control which we insist on controlling; this blocks out awareness to divine energy.

There’s a part of us that’s controlled by the senses. This is the human aspect (thought based) of who we are. There’s a self beyond the senses, that’s beyond anything physical, beyond any thought process, this is the formless self. This self can’t be conceptualized, it’s energy beyond form; this is energy in its purest state. It’s only our thought process that needs to make things solid so it can have something to grasp and make sense of, this is the energy of what a thought is. Beyond thought is pure Universal Energy, it’s who we are before our existence in this form begins and when conditions no longer allow this form to exist and it ends.

Thoughts are energy, but this energy isn’t pure because it has attachment added to it, it’s based in the senses. To go beyond these sense thoughts, you must go beyond their attachment. This will be when you’re in alignment with divine energy. It can be called many things, but words are not needed to understand this. Actually words will hamper the availability to this divine energy because words themselves are a form of thought. When you learn to just be and not attach to anything to make up the story of who you are (a thought) that’s when you’ll understand who you truly are; thoughtless, formless, pure energy, this is what allows alignment with divine energy…

Free Flowing Mind Set

When a person awakens, a free flowing mind state is provided which allows a truthful view of your actions. With this free flowing mind state, you become aware if the effects of your actions are truthful and beneficial…

Having a free flowing mind state allows for the ability to decipher the immediate affect of your actions and a truthful view. A free flowing mind state doesn’t allow a greed, hate, and delusion mind state to arise. In seeing the effects of greed, hate, and delusion for what they are and their controlling characteristics, you just may be able to pause them for a millisecond. If this isn’t seen these characteristics will continue with monkey mind control.

Observe the different mind states which are greed, hate and delusion and their polar opposites, generosity, love, and wisdom. These are the restricted and free flowing mind states most people fluctuate between. With a free flowing mind state you see how your actions and the associated consequences are truthfully linked. What happens first is you can decipher the mind state associated with the action, and second it’s seen if the associated action is truthful. It’s very easy to see rage and the lie association with the mind state of hate. It doesn’t take much intelligence to see how this action isn’t truthful nor beneficial to anyone. Without awareness of this, one remains attached to the mind state of hate and hence the associated actions. Intelligence has no bearing on this whatsoever.

It also works this way with the action of kindness. Kindness with no attached expectation is an action associated with the mind state of compassion. You can definitely see how this action is truthful and benefits everyone; to me this is what an awakening is. One isn’t rendered white as snow because of becoming awake. No one among us can cast the first stone, but by the mind settling, your view becomes free flowing and you become aware of your actions, and the truth associated with your actions. It can then be seen that your actions are truly a benefit not only to yourself, but to all beings…

Cohesive Action

Reaching is the issue not the thing reached for. Not everything one thinks is cohesive is truly beneficial. It will take a very settled mind to see if what you think is cohesive truly is…

Doing what’s cohesive for your well being needs to be investigated to see if what you’re doing truly is cohesive and not just a story of what you think is cohesive. Many people play the lottery to become rich so to become rich becomes your cohesive energy. Sex is often used as being cohesive as is the spiritual path. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, and also their counter parts (their programs) are used as cohesive energy, but as the results of these energies may be different, the prison they keep you in is the same. Working out and healthy eating habits are very cohesive, but many attach a story to them and negate their true cohesiveness. I know many people are vegans and I have no opinion either way, but no where have I ever read that Jesus or the Buddha used this as a cohesive part of their practice. All I’m saying is what I’ve found to be truly cohesive needs no story or attachment to certain results.

I can only share my experience and I’ve found reaching for anything in whatever form it takes on is not true cohesiveness. The reaching is the issue, not the thing being reached for. To me in the space of just being with what arises in the present moment is truly cohesive. Not everything you think is cohesive truly benefits your life. It will take a very settled mind to see the subtleness of the attachment to things that are deemed cohesive. I say if you are reaching for something, regardless of what it is, it’s not cohesive to your well being. This is because the reaching itself is the issue as it keeps you in a mental prison…

Limited Awareness

Going through life without an understanding of how the mind becomes conditioned, makes existence much more difficult because it limits your awareness; limited awareness, limits understanding…

We discover the cause of all suffering when we’re truly able to see our conditioning for what it is, and understand how it creates feelings and emotions that aren’t real. They feel real because of the attachment to them, but their reality is only relative to our thinking and the association to our identity. When this is discovered and we disassociate with this kind of thinking, we become more aligned with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe which to me is love; love is what gives us so much awareness in life.

When we stop believing in the nonsense of thought, we learn how to allow love to be our guide. This is when you’re able to see your thoughts for what they truly are, disassociate from them and separate the ones that cause suffering and limit your awareness; this is when our suffering ceases to exist. This is not some belief, this is factual. I know this because it’s my direct experience. A thought cannot cause harm unless it’s given the energy needed to do so, and this is what determines if the thought is attached to or not. The more attachment there is, the more it limits your awareness. In the awareness of this is one’s freedom. It’s your own ignorance of this that creates suffering. This suffering is caused by going through life without an understanding of how the mind works and how it limits your awareness; with limited awareness you have limited understanding so you are easily manipulated…

Created Agitations

The inner agitation that keeps you from your peace has nothing to do with life. The agitation is a creation of your own mind that makes you believe you are not at peace…

There are practical ways to minimize the inner agitation that causes one to sabotage their own existence. But it has to be understood that the mind creating the agitation cannot quiet itself. You will have to find out why your own mind is telling you the agitation is needed to cope with life; a life that is controlled by the conditioning to create an inner agitation. Your own mind creates all the inner agitations you have by choosing to attach to thoughts that give the agitation life. This unconscious conditioning are why agitations arise. The Conditioned Mind creates this as you do things that are destructive to your own well being. Why this agitation mind set is developed I’m not sure, but I do know it can be described only as insane because your own mind does this.

I know now it was my own mind that created agitations which arose from within myself. Because of the shift that occurred some years ago, there‘s now awareness so inner agitations don’t have to be created anymore. I sit for the sole purpose to develop discipline which allows the mind to settle. If there isn’t discipline your conditioning won’t be understood nor will the reason why agitations arise. This will lead you to being led around like a puppet on a string. Life does nothing to you, it’s your own mind that does it all. Living in a place of agitation as opposed to a place of peace will never change until the conditioning that makes it so is changed. All I ever wanted was to be at peace, but I wasn’t aware it was my own mind that created the inner agitation which made me believe there wasn’t any…

Fictitious Identity

Creating a fictitious identity is all part of the Conditioned Mind with life setting the stage for it to be played out. In silence you’re still on stage, but the fictitious identity isn’t needed…

Most of the things that are reached for throughout life are used to create a fictitious identity. It’s as if you’re on stage and your identity is being created, taking on whatever the assigned identity may be at the time. Each person studies their lines and creates the fictitious identity in whatever way their conditioning has been developed; there are many roles used in creating your fictitious identity. This fictitious identity is associated with the things reached for to make your part in the play more interesting; not many want to be in a play where everyone sits around in silence. It would seem there is needed drama for life to be more interesting, but this is the fictitious identity the Conditioned Mind creates.

Only in silence can life be lived to the fullest. Without the fictitious identity, you’re still present on the stage of life, but you’re not controlled by the fictitious conditioning. It’s this conditioning that makes you need a fictitious identity. In silence even though the stage is already set, a fictitious identity doesn’t have to be taken on nor is there a need to create one in the puppet show of a conditioned life…

Brainwashed Logic

Anytime something is done that’s not beneficial, it’s brainwashed logic that makes it so. You can say “I shouldn’t have done that” but you can only do what your brainwashed logic tells you…

It’s not always easy to see life as a gift, there are reasons for this. It’s not to deny that sometimes unpleasant or horrific things happen, but who labels the thing unpleasant and who does the unpleasantness happen to? Although the human form does exist, it doesn’t exist in the way that it appears. It’s brainwashed logic that puts a label on things so it makes sense. The brainwashed logic has to have an answer for everything and if it doesn’t, it will go searching until it either finds one or makes one up. Life isn’t about having all the answers, or even needing all the answers, but the way the mind has been brainwashed, that’s exactly what it makes it all about. Attaining, accomplishing, achieving, all to satisfy a mind that is never satisfied; no wonder the world is as it is.

Life is continuous, the mind has been brainwashed to make up all kinds of nonsense to avoid seeing this. It uses time to make you believe life needs to be broken up into segments; what time is really needed for is to simply keep track of things. The Here and Now is where life always occurs no matter what time it is or what’s going on, but understand as you’re in one of these created segments waiting for this or that to occur, the brainwashed logic makes it seem as though life is incomplete, like life is passing you by.

Life can never be any more complete than it is right now, except to a mind that’s been brainwashed to be everywhere except here, And although the brainwashing has made you think you have developed a logical mind, there really isn’t any logic to it; until this is understood the brainwashed mind controls the show. Think of this, anytime you do something that isn’t beneficial to you, your brainwashed logic is making you do it. This is something that needs to be realized if you’re to truly live life and not wait for it to be perfectly logical to enjoy the temporary gift of life that we all have been blessed with…

Analyzing vs Understanding

The incessant need to analyze life limits it. Understanding is different than analyzing because it allows for the awareness of exactly what’s there instead of what’s thought to be there…

Most of what happens in life is unexplained, but that doesn’t stop the mind from analyzing it or continuously trying to find an explanation. I have found the unexplained is best left alone because an answer wouldn’t really enhance life. As things occur, analyzing what’s associated with existence does assist to a degree, but only if it’s not allowed to control your life like a master puppeteer. Most people are limited by the incessant need for to analyze life, but understanding something is different because it allows for the awareness of exactly what you’re up against (your own mind). This awareness allows the mind to settle and lessen the need for analytical answers which aren’t truly needed. The analysis of addiction doesn’t stop one from being an addict, but an understanding of addiction may; as a matter of fact this is exactly what happened to me.

The Universe needs no analysis in its process nor does the origin of a thought need to be analyzed. The understanding of how thoughts are attached to and what behaviors manifest from their attachment is the difference between being at peace with life or struggling with it. Some will disagree with this and it’s their right, but I know by understanding my behavior and how it was based to self-serve, it gave me something tangible to use to see how much control my Conditioned Mind had over me. Past tense is used because its control is much less today. Analyzing why this occurs doesn’t enhance the ability to be free of the Conditioned Mind, but an understanding of this certainly does. It’s through the discipline of sitting that the mind can settle enough to become aware that analyzing what happens in life will not enhance it in the way understanding our own mind will…

A Masked Void

The Conditioned Mind creates a lie masked as a void, this void is a lack of love. Until this is realized, one will constantly need to reach for something to try and fill this masked void even though it doesn’t truly exist…

For many years I had a masked void in me that was created from a lack of love. That’s why I constantly reached for things to fill it; I have since come to understand this. This masked void isn’t a true void at all, it’s emptiness; this emptiness is the essence of love. It’s where life truly happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this, I spent most of my life trying to fill a masked void with whatever I could get my hands on. This is an endless list as to what can be used, so each individual has to investigate for themselves what that is. It’s ironic though because now most of my life is spent in the space that for so long was masked as a void; the truth of this has been revealed to me.

This masked void is the reason why someone reaches for anything or wants life to be different. If this was understood for what it truly was, humanity would be much different because contentment would be the way of the world. The void is a masked lie of the Conditioned Mind and it keeps one constantly needing the present moment to be different so it keeps you reaching to fill it. This will need to be understood if the reaching is to ever end. When it is understood, the masked void transforms to love because the present moment doesn’t need to be different. When the present moment doesn’t need to be different life reveals its true essence, which doesn’t ever need to be filled with anything because the masked void is seen for the lie that it truly is…

Follower View Limit

Follower view based thoughts limit and are the controller of a limited based existence. This is a prison that you will only be released from by going beyond your follower view limit into the realm of silence…

It’s impossible to be limited by a follower view existence that isn’t created by your own mind. What this means is regardless of what happens, it’s the minds follower view that’s created by your conditioning; this comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to be a follower or a leader. Everyone has the ability within to cease causing their own limits, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the follower view that limits continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of a leader view being revealed. Without it, the necessary silence that allows the expansion of the heart will not happen.

If there’s only a follower view and no silence, all there will be is a limit that doesn’t allow the ability to watch the present moment unfold. If this isn’t seen, the mind never slows down and there won’t be any space between your follower view limit thoughts. Life will simply be follower view based; the result of this creates your limits and your suffering. When life slows down, you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and makes it into a follower view limit. When you see this, you can break free of the hold your mind has over you as you’ll be able to see that you are not your follower view limit, you are beyond it…

Mind Content Trap

When the mind content is you need something to provide peace, you’re trapped by this. Until this is understood, you’ll remain trapped in the mind content that peace is outside of you…

There will never be peace in your life as long as you’re trapped by the mind content that peace is outside of you. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, we get trapped by the mind content that peace is something to find. Unfortunately this mind content makes the very thing you’re seeking elusive. Your needing peace mind content is the reason one is constantly reaching for something outside. Until this mind content is no more, you’ll remain trapped that peace is in the next thing reached for. This can’t be stressed enough as these trappings have to be seen if you’re to ever experience true peace.

The mind content of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if peace is to ever be experienced is there has to be an understanding of how this mind content traps you. The reason why peace is elusive is because of the inability to be aware of this. When the need to reach for something arises, becoming trapped by mind content begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be manufactured so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get trapped in trying to find peace, but since it’s already within, the idea associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can uncover the reason why you’re trapped in the mind content that you’re not at peace…

No Hiding From Yourself

You can’t hide from your own energy output because it comes from within you so there’s no where for you to hide. Love and you will be love because that’s the energy within…

Simply put, the energy you put out is the energy within you; you can’t hide from that which is in you. This is a Universal Law that has to occur. It’s no different than pressing down on the gas pedal in your car, the car will go faster, it has to, there’s no way it can’t. If you put out the energy of hate it’s because that’s the energy in you, like it or not. It will take you over, it’s how energy works. You can’t really show hate to someone and love another. That’s not happening, it can’t because as stated before, the more you press down on the gas pedal, the faster the car will go. If you truly want a loving heart, learning to love all beings is a necessity. This simple but profound law isn’t really understood by many people; all one needs to do is look around. The energy you put out is your own energy and it engulfs you. Nothing from the outside causes any emotion to arise. You may think it does, but that’s only because you don’t understand your own mind and how energy works.

It’s really unfortunate because it’s not understood how any energy, except love causes your own suffering. Although unloving energy may affect all of humanity to a degree, the affect it has on you is where most of the harm is. You can’t hide from your own energy output because it comes from inside you so there’s no where for you to hide; wherever you go there you are. This is why acting in unloving ways constantly repeats itself because you can only be the energy that you are l, and until there is awareness of this it will be the focal point of your actions. Love and you will be love or not and that’s the energy you will be because you can’t hide from yourself…

Repetitive Energy

Most reactions that occur in life are from repetitive energy that’s put in place by your own conditioning. If your life becomes bogged down it’s your own repetitive energy that makes it so…

Although things may appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when repetitive energy is brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes repetitive and is stored as energy to be used at particular times; this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be reacted to; repetitive reactions are formed in this way. 

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Marketing uses certain tools which they know are going to sway people in repetitive ways. Stores know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so repetitive energy is triggered . 

This goes on constantly because of the way the Conditioned Mind uses repetitive energy. If you had no previous conditioning, none of this would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living from repetitive energy is to develop a way to be anchored in the present as much as you can because the more you’re present in the moment the less repetitive energy there is. When this occurs, there’s peace because the repetitive energy in place is no longer making you think things need to be different than what they are…

Beyond Mind Lies

Wisdom arises when you’re fully mindful because the lies of an unwholesome mind fall away. It’s in being fully aware of this that the mind settles and allows you to live without lies…

There are formations of the mind that arise in each moment, they are either wholesome, unwholesome, or neutral. The first is the unwholesome mind formation, this is based in a lie and leads to suffering. Wholesome mind formations are those that lead to peace and joy. The wholesome ones don’t need a belief to be, they just need to be investigated to see the truth of their wholesomeness. The third mind formation is probably the most difficult one because it’s based in non judgement. It’s neither wholesome nor unwholesome, it’s neutral. It arises for everyone in the present moment and its function is to just see what is. This mind formation doesn’t interpret what arises, nor does it attach to it. Think of seeing a stranger on a platform at a train station. Without judgement there’s simply no attachment and neutral remains the mind formation of the moment. Once there’s judgement, the mind formation of the moment changes.

At times unwholesome mind formations arise and are attached to; there is some mindfulness of this simply because it’s happening, it’s labeled and thus attached to for the most part unconsciously. It’s the focus of these mind formations that determine your actions. Being fully mindful allows you to see, but without needing a label. Being neutral allows you to recognize (perceive) but not be fully mindful. Wisdom arises when you’re fully mindful because the distractions of the unwholesome mind lies fall away. It’s in being fully aware of this that the mind settles and allows you to live without lies. Wisdom isn’t something learned, it arises when you’re disciplined enough to remain fully mindful in the present moment more often than not…

A Foreign Policy Based on Reconciliation

The US made the Ukraine war into a proxy global war threatening the planet. Since 2000, the US has refused to hear Putin's insistence on Russia's sovereignty and security rights. Described as NATO's eastern expansion, NATO increased from 16 to 30 states and encircles Russia on its western border. Sec of State James Baker promised Gorbachev that NATO would not expand "one inch to the east."

A hypersonic missile only takes four minutes to travel from Ukraine to Moscow.   The US seems captured by an enemy fixation.  Thanks to the neocons, US foreign policy is driven by scapegoating and power projection.  In Project for an American Century, Richard Pearl, Paul Wolfowitz and others declared "we are an empire and we create our own reality to which all other countries must adjust."

Russia will not lose a war of attrition on its border.  The US is an empire in rapid decline.  China with the BRICS and SEO organizations surpasses the G7 in population and GDP.  China has built 600 schools in Iraq and airports in Africa.  The Nigerian-born WTO Secretary General said: "When we call China, we get an airport.  When we call Germany, we get a lecture."

The US must accept the new multipolar reality.  Nationalist ideology must submit to the higher authority of the UN and the UN Charter to achieve peace and reconciliation.  Reconciliation means relativizing and dissolving conflicts by agreeing on a higher unity.