To truly love, control of your own mind is needed so you can say no to the thoughts that aren’t beneficial to you and yes to the ones that are…
Learning to notice your thoughts so you can get some semblance of not allowing them to control you will take much discipline, much more than most people are willing to develop. This lack of discipline is why the world is the way that it is; not enough people are willing to do what’s necessary to gain control of their own mind. This lack of discipline also doesn’t allow the willingness to do the things necessary that allows love to be the minds default setting.
Without discipline, too much of what others do and outer circumstances are allowed to control your emotional state. Because of this, life leads most people on an emotional roller coaster. Far too many people are attached to their emotions to the point that there’s no control whatsoever of their own mind. So simply put, if you don’t have control over your own mind, your mind will have control over you. And depending on the type of conditioning your freedom and the love you give to others will be fleeting at best…

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