The only hurdle to truly being free is yourself and until you face yourself freedom is something that will always seem to be in the need to overcome the next hurdle…
Consider life as water and emotions as a flood, if you’re on low ground you’ll be overcome by the flood waters (emotions) but if you’re on high ground the same flood waters will come, but the way you’re effected you will be much different. This is what happens when a person faces themselves, you’re naturally put on higher ground which builds up a defense against your emotional flood waters. Without facing yourself there will be no defense against the flood waters because you will be stuck on lower ground. On lower ground when the flood waters rise, some form of destruction will be the result and the severity of the flood (emotional attachment) determines the destruction.
The flood waters only affect what’s on lower ground, and this lower nature manifest as emotional attachments. The destructiveness of this attachment is determined by what is reached for, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, food, politics, and so on. Not everything reached for is destructive, but some have much more destructive potential than others. If one doesn’t face themselves there won’t be awareness of either the destructive or the subtle things reached for. To me, the key is facing yourself because it puts you on higher ground so when the flood waters do come it has less of an effect on you. This is the value of facing and understanding yourself, it allows you to not be flooded emotionally by circumstances that occur. Although the flood waters will rise, because you’re on higher ground you aren’t affected like the person who’s stuck on lower ground and is reaching for a life preserver, in whatever form that may be…

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