As long as there is seeking there will always be seeking and one will remain on the monkey mind path exerting all kinds of energy, but not really getting anywhere…
What keeps a person stuck on the monkey mind path of seeking is trying to manufacture peace, love, kindness, mindfulness, spirituality, and so on instead of aligning yourself with the present moment which allows these attributes to arise naturally. This is what keeps the monkey mind energy in place. The energy of this seeking is circular (like being on a treadmill) so it’s never going to produce anything that’s going to free you from the monkey mind. You may bounce to a seemingly different energy because it’s given a different label, but as long as you think you have to do something to manufacture a certain desired result, monkey mind energy will continue regardless of what it’s called and so you will remain on this path.
This seeking of desired results makes a person use an array of things, from sweets, drugs, alcohol, gambling, tv, success, sex, programs, another book, retreats, a path, meditation, and many other things. What these all have in common is they keep you attached to the monkey mind energy of seeking which is a byproduct of the Conditioned Mind. A true transformation of the spirit cannot be manufactured. This is because seeking energy is the exact energy that blocks the alignment which allows energy to transform. Only when you break free from the monkey mind can a transformation or shift occur. As long as there is seeking there will always be seeking and you will remain on the monkey mind path exerting all kinds of energy, but not really getting anywhere…

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