What is judged in a person including yourself is conditioned behavior. When this is seen in yourself first it will be seen in others and our similarities not our differences will be seen…
Did you ever wonder why we look at our differences from each other instead of seeing our similarities? Humans have more similarities than differences. Our creation starts and ends the same. In our early years our basic needs are pretty much the same until we become conditioned to think otherwise. We exist needing the same conditions of air, food, and water to survive, and regardless of the circumstances at the end of existence the end result is the same for everyone; nobody gets out alive. We are one species on this tiny planet in this vast Universe.
We are all the same except for our developed thoughts, and most of those thoughts are formed based in looking at life from a self-serving perspective. When this view changes it will be at this point that we’ll see our similarities and not our differences; we’ll understand how much we truly have in common. When you can see a persons conditioning from their true self you’ll stop judging what the person does because you’ll understand they’re only doing what they have been conditioned to do. In this we are all the same. So when this is truly understood it’s virtually impossible to judge another. More importantly though you can stop judging yourself. After all you can only stop judging you when you stop judging me and when this is learned you can love me because you know I truly love you…
Similarities Not Differences
Limited Options
Going through life without an understanding of how your mind works makes existence much more difficult because it limits the options and limiting the options limits the choices…
We discover the cause of all suffering when we are truly able to see our mind for what it is and understand how it creates feelings and emotions that aren’t real. They feel real because of what our association is to them, but their reality is only relative to our thinking and the association to our identity. When this is discovered and we disassociate with this kind of thinking, we become more aligned with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe which to me is love; love is what gives us so many more options in life.
When we stop attaching to the nonsense of the self created world of thought, we learn how to allow love to be our guide. This is when we will be able to see our thoughts for what they truly are. Disassociate them from who we are and separate the ones that cause suffering and aren’t beneficial to anyone; this is when our suffering ceases to exist. This is not some belief, it’s something factual and I know this because it’s my direct experience. A thought cannot cause anything unless it’s given the energy needed to do so and this is what determines if the thought is held onto or not. The more it’s held onto, the more control it has over you. In the awareness of this is one’s freedom. It’s one’s own ignorance of this that creates suffering. And the suffering is caused by going through life without an understanding of how the mind works because it limits your options and with limited options your choices are limited…
The Hole Of Loneliness
When the mind settles the need to reach for something lessens. In the process the hole of loneliness closes and it’s simply because an “I” story of a hole isn’t being created…
The hole of loneliness seems to get wider as one ages, but it doesn’t really. What happens is there are just less distractions so “I” takes more of a hold. The natural process of life seems to be to stay busy trying to figure things out. Regardless of what exactly the figuring out manifest as, it certainly creates a lot of distractions. There are periods in between the busyness where a person has some idle time and probably feels the hole of loneliness, but it doesn’t usually last very long because the busyness of trying to figure out life returns. This busyness last most of one’s life, but there does come a time that the natural process of being busy lessens. At this stage many people experience a loneliness that hasn’t been noticed before so it will either be addressed by looking inward or one will get busy again trying to figure out how to fill the hole.
Eventually the busyness will end for whatever reason, but unfortunately for most people without the busyness the hole of loneliness rears its ugly head. Many elderly people struggle to fill this hole because there just isn’t a lot going on. Kids are grown, retirement, house paid off, more time behind you than what’s in front, and the list goes on using distraction after distraction. There were very brief periods for me of not needing to reach, but these periods were far a few in between. That is until fifteen years ago when the whole engulfed me. I began sitting and simply looking inward which allowed me to see the distractions of my “I” needing to attach to a story. As I sat the mind settled and thus needing to reach for something lessened. In the process the hole of loneliness closed and it was simply because an “I” story of a hole wasn’t created…
Inevitable Change
Change is inevitable, it’s a natural part of the process of life. Resistance to change is also inevitable, but not for those who have the wisdom to accept it and move on…
Wisdom doesn’t just happen to a person, it takes quietness from within to become aware of the most beneficial way to live life. This is wisdom brought into alliance with the Universe. It just doesn’t become the way we live our life, it becomes the way we want to live our life. It doesn’t mean everything becomes perfect, it just allows for a solid direction that puts you in harmony with life. When this occurs and life does its thing which is to constantly change, a wisdom base doesn’t get emotionally controlled by the inevitable changes of life. Life may never seem perfect, but alas it always is. Whatever it is that’s occurring is perfection because it‘s what’s happening. You may not like it, but that’s not life’s imperfection, it’s yours.
When you understand the wisdom of non attachment, you can be with life and all its inevitable changes. If you let these changes control you, your reactions will not be conducive to your well-being and you will suffer. Acceptance of change is the acceptance of peace. Non acceptance of change is the cause of so many of our dysfunctional emotional reactions. When your given life is accepted and you see the wisdom of this acceptance, you’ll react to the inevitable changes of life in alliance with the Universe, not because you have to, but because you want to…
Mind Clutter
A cluttered mind can’t quiet on its own regardless of the belief system that’s in place. Beliefs actually hinder the quieting because they’re just a mind cluttered response that blocks the quieting…
If your mind clutter is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to quiet. It’s such a cluttered world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer outward when the answer is inward. What the mind clutter actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind clutter. This is how the clutter of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness. It’s clutter created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind clutter.
Everyone has the ability to consciously be aware of the mind clutter, but it’s just not something that happens on its owns. It’s a beautiful thing that your life is in your hands and that it’s totally up to each individual what is done with it. A little quiet equates to a little usefulness so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to become more aware of the mind clutter. As you’re more aware of being present the mind clutter untangles and you’re left with quietness. If you’re waiting for anything else, it most likely won’t happen while you’re alive in this form as the mind clutter will remain in control…
Distracted Lie
Truth arises when a person looks at themselves, all sorts of things happen when this arises. For most though the distracted mind creates a lie to avoid the truth…
It’s unfortunate, but most people live a life of distracted lies more so than one of truth. They believe they’re living by truth, but upon further investigation this fallacy can be seen. On the outside the lie seems so much better and this is what keeps a person distracted by it; one’s conditioning is what makes it seem better. Truth arises when a person looks at themselves. All sorts of things happen when truth arises. Without this understanding truth is avoided as if it was the plague. Becoming aware of the distracted lies so truth can be revealed is essential in understanding oneself. Sit with the assumption that you will sit in stillness and watch how little stillness there is. Just sit and be with whatever is there, that’s where stillness is. When the mind isn’t looking for anything, it’s still.
Only a distracted mind needs to create a lie, and only with being with the distraction does the mind settle. This doesn’t mean changes aren’t made, but when changes aren’t necessary the mind is settled. This is why to me there’s no positive or negative, because if it’s negative and you want something positive, it’s no different than if you are positive and you don’t want anything negative. A distracted mind is a mind that needs things to be a certain way whether it’s positive or negative. This is the distracted lie, but the truth is nothing needs to be different and the mind will settle when life is accepted without the distraction of positive or negative…
Repeated Reactions
The repeated reactions of a Conditioned Mind can be devastating if they’re not understood. The repeated reactions manifest in many ways, but when the mind is quiet many fall by the wayside; that’s when life truly begins…
The reason why it’s so difficult to change is because the mind defaults to repeated reactions; even to the point of its own destruction. The conditioning must be changed if the repeated behavior is to be changed. If this isn’t identified the behavior is repeated over and over, that is until the necessary practice is cultivated to initiate change. If nothing changes nothing changes. If the conditioning is changed the repeated behavior becomes non existent. You don’t change the behavior because it’s a by product of the conditioning. When there’s quietness instead of conditioning there won’t be any repeated behavior associated with the conditioning.
This is immensely valuable in understanding the incessantness of the mind. If quietness isn’t brought into your life the noise in the head will continue to run the show. It really is that simple. You have been conditioned to act in repeated ways, whether those ways are beneficial to yourself, others, the planet, and the Universe as a whole, depends on what the base of those ways are. Their base is what determines the results of our decisions and how they affect the entire Universe. You may not think you acting in a self serving way affects the Universe, but how can it not. Energy is energy, never created or destroyed, simply transformed.
No act is isolated from itself, whether based in love or greed, hate, and delusion; it affects the whole. But the real issue is getting to know how the repeated reactions of your mind makes your decisions for you. Change comes when this is realized and than different behavior can be selected. Your own mind will fight you on this, it makes you think the unknown is not good, but it’s only a story because everything that is known today was once unknown at some point. So learn to quiet the squirrel cage mind so the repeated reactions aren’t on automatic pilot. You’ll be amazed with the way life changes because when you start to do things differently and act in ways that are conducive to love suffering lessens. Its truly that simple, but because the mind likes to revert to what it knows change is not easy…
Programmed Intentions
You can only do what you have been programmed to do, so unless you wake up to see what that is, the programming will remain in place and that will be the driving force behind your intentions…
Everything reached for is a coping mechanism that you have been programmed to use. And although using different things produces different outcomes, the core of all reaching is the same, it arises from the programmed lack created by your own mind. This programmed lack is what causes you to constantly need to reach for something, the lack isn’t real, but the programming makes you believe it is and the ensuing behavior manifest to fill this. The programming says, Hey you have lack and you need to reach for something to fill it. And according to how you been programmed that will be what you reach for; sit and ponder this for awhile.
Until this lack is understood and the programming is seen for what it truly is, suffering will remain because you will always need something to fulfill the arisen desire to fill the lack. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, but when programmed lack is the driving force of existence, it will keep the mind in a constant state of agitation. This cannot be seen by a mind that’s programmed to lack, only a quiet mind state will be aware of this. The reason why anything is reached for is because there’s programming that makes you think there’s a need for the present moment to be different; this is the lie of the programming. You can only do what the programming in place allows. Unless you wake up to see what this programming is, it will remain in place and be the driving force behind your intentions…
Love Energy
The energy that unites and draws humanity together is the energy of love. When you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s unity simply because of the energy of love…
It’s very important to be in harmony with love energy so people know there’s a place they can turn to. Many people read my articles and they expect them to be there. I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this love energy. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go to withdraw from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for this withdraw. If you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like you’ve withdrawn, but that won’t be the case. Even when you get lost in something menial the day will go by simply because time waits for no one. But if you’re spending the same day in the state of awareness you’ll be in harmony with love energy and people will turn to you.
Don’t be concerned with what others think about you, just be steadfast in what you know as love energy and let no one take that away. Being in harmony with love energy in a world that’s mostly not will allow others to also be united which is needed for any transformation to occur. The harmony that draws you to someone is the love energy that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it, you most likely have your mind made up with what you think life is about; when you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away. This falling away allows love energy to arise. When you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s harmony with all humanity and it’s simply because of the energy of love…
At One With Life
When you’re at one with life it’s because you’re at one with the present moment. When you’re not at one it’s because the Conditioned Mind nonsense is in play…
Spirituality isn’t magical, it’s everyone’s true essence. Being alive is being spiritual regardless. If there‘s awareness of this or not it doesn’t take away from the fact that your true nature is spiritual. Let’s take a practical approach to spirituality so the blocks to awareness can be narrowed down. Look at one of the most common realities of life, to me that would be everything that happens does so in the present moment. This is such a common reality of life, but it’s so hard to live in this moment. We hear it all the time, live in the now, all we have is now, be present, yet it is so hard to remain present.
The point of this is the mind will not stay at one with the present moment on its own, there will be a need to develop some discipline so it becomes the minds default way. It’s only because of the way the mind has been developed to begin with that not being at one occurs. And understand this, the mind will not become reconditioned on its own, it needs help. It’s in the reconditioning of a settled mind where one becomes aware of their spiritual nature. This is because when you remain at one in with the present moment you’re at one with the Universe. If there’s the development of awareness of what takes a person out of the present moment, it will be discovered what takes one out of harmony with life itself. When this is discovered the default setting of the mind will be of its true nature of the spirit because you’re at one with the only thing in place; the present moment…
Wanting Crutch
Wanting is like wishing your life away as it keeps you from experiencing the present moment. It’s used as a crutch because what’s occurring right now is always what’s here as opposed to wanting the present moment different…
Many people think wanting is something that’s needed, but it’s used strictly as a crutch by the Conditioned Mind and it keeps you from not understanding what it means to be in the present moment. It’s a direct cause of suffering as it makes you believe it’s something that’s needed by making you live life in the future. The Conditioned Mind does this by telling you the present moment isn’t good enough and it needs to be different. It projects a lie that things would be better if they were in some other way. And maybe on the surface they would be, but inward is where one derives the perception that makes life what it is; so it will either be a life of suffering or one of contentment. Even if what’s wanted is attainable, it won’t last, especially when it’s from the surface. Inward there is a slight better chance for it to have a lasting affect, but this is only if one is awake enough to see this.
Let’s say you’re diagnosed with some kind of illness, the only thing wanting does is it makes you wish the diagnosis was different, but it doesn’t change the fact of what is occurring right now. The illness remains regardless of what’s wanted. If you don’t want your life to be different and it’s accepted as it is, you will experience the peace of the present moment and this is regardless of what’s occurring. This is because right now is the only place of true existence so it’s important to see this. Not in the future, but right now because you don’t need right now to be different because it already exist…
Your Hurdle is You
The only hurdle to truly being free is yourself and until you face yourself freedom is something that will always seem to be in the need to overcome the next hurdle…
Consider life as water and emotions as a flood, if you’re on low ground you’ll be overcome by the flood waters (emotions) but if you’re on high ground the same flood waters will come, but the way you’re effected you will be much different. This is what happens when a person faces themselves, you’re naturally put on higher ground which builds up a defense against your emotional flood waters. Without facing yourself there will be no defense against the flood waters because you will be stuck on lower ground. On lower ground when the flood waters rise, some form of destruction will be the result and the severity of the flood (emotional attachment) determines the destruction.
The flood waters only affect what’s on lower ground, and this lower nature manifest as emotional attachments. The destructiveness of this attachment is determined by what is reached for, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, food, politics, and so on. Not everything reached for is destructive, but some have much more destructive potential than others. If one doesn’t face themselves there won’t be awareness of either the destructive or the subtle things reached for. To me, the key is facing yourself because it puts you on higher ground so when the flood waters do come it has less of an effect on you. This is the value of facing and understanding yourself, it allows you to not be flooded emotionally by circumstances that occur. Although the flood waters will rise, because you’re on higher ground you aren’t affected like the person who’s stuck on lower ground and is reaching for a life preserver, in whatever form that may be…
Monkey Mind Energy
As long as there is seeking there will always be seeking and one will remain on the monkey mind path exerting all kinds of energy, but not really getting anywhere…
What keeps a person stuck on the monkey mind path of seeking is trying to manufacture peace, love, kindness, mindfulness, spirituality, and so on instead of aligning yourself with the present moment which allows these attributes to arise naturally. This is what keeps the monkey mind energy in place. The energy of this seeking is circular (like being on a treadmill) so it’s never going to produce anything that’s going to free you from the monkey mind. You may bounce to a seemingly different energy because it’s given a different label, but as long as you think you have to do something to manufacture a certain desired result, monkey mind energy will continue regardless of what it’s called and so you will remain on this path.
This seeking of desired results makes a person use an array of things, from sweets, drugs, alcohol, gambling, tv, success, sex, programs, another book, retreats, a path, meditation, and many other things. What these all have in common is they keep you attached to the monkey mind energy of seeking which is a byproduct of the Conditioned Mind. A true transformation of the spirit cannot be manufactured. This is because seeking energy is the exact energy that blocks the alignment which allows energy to transform. Only when you break free from the monkey mind can a transformation or shift occur. As long as there is seeking there will always be seeking and you will remain on the monkey mind path exerting all kinds of energy, but not really getting anywhere…
Open Mind Lessons
Many things in life can be a lesson if you have an open mind willing to allow it, but if there’s constant noise in the space between your ears, nothing will be seen as it truly is…
Nature provides lesson if you’re not all caught up in what’s going on between your ears. The other day I was watching a duck family sitting in a pond. They were all perfectly still, their heads tucked away. None of them were struggling with trying to be still, there was no guru duck leading a guided meditation, no chants, or mantras being recited. No duck had on headphones listening to meditative music or positive affirmations. They were all just sitting there in the quietness of the moment. I actually went closer to observe this further to allow my present moment awareness to be a part of theirs. I was experiencing the peace of their stillness and it was a serenity beyond words; the peace that passes all understanding. This peace only happens when there’s stillness to allow it, this is what the awareness of this blessed moment gave to me.
There was so much peace in this moment, nothing of the material world has ever blessed me like this; and I’ve had some beautiful things happen to me. I can see why this peace was being experienced, it was because of using the body to be anchored in the present moment; this allows the mind to be much more settled. I’ve seen ducks in this pond before, but it never had the affect on me as it did this time. Many things in life can provide lessons if the mind is open enough to allow it. But if there’s constant noise in the space between your ears, nature or anything else for that matter will not be seen as it truly is, and this includes the lessons being laid out before you…
Mind Desires
Although the desires of the world take on many forms, it’s the desire of the mind that makes one seek them. Desires can only subside in stillness because when the mind is still no one desires…
One aspect of the Conditioned Mind is how it’s constantly fulfilling desires. Even when we get down on ourselves, it’s a perverse form of a mind desire. The mind wants to keep desiring the pleasure and discards the unpleasant; it spends most of its time doing this. Whether it’s weaving in and out of traffic, only to catch a red light and have all the cars that you just passed pull up to the same light. Or doing something and asking yourself why you did it; the reason is strictly to fulfill some form of desire. That your own mind questions why you do what you do is how diabolical it is, but understand it’s only this way because of the way it’s been conditioned.
The desire seeking mind is not one which has our best interest at heart. The Conditioned Mind doesn’t really care about that; control is all it cares about. It makes you think fulfilling desires is a necessity. It’s when the mind starts to settle and it loses its hold on you, that’s when you’ll see the fallacy of this. True desire is in stillness not in things, but the desire of stillness is not what the world offers. Desires of the world are based in lies, the desire of stillness is based in truth. Most desires are of the world, this is what the world creates, but it cannot be stilled. It’s only in stillness that one is satisfied, not because it’s given something, but because in stillness a desire never materializes so there is nothing to fulfill…
Outer Perspective
If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, the outer perspective will have less control as your mind agitations subside. And without these agitations you will never have a need to reach for anything outer…
If you’re always seeing life from the outer perspective of what the eyes see, those things will be judged accordingly and what’s going on beneath the outer will not be noticed. Although with an outer minded perspective life still goes on, but it’s very limited almost to the point of being delusional; I say this because it’s how I lived for forty nine years and it caused my life to be a constant struggle. The constant struggle was self created and controlled by the outer perspective, although this wasn’t understood at the time. An outer perspective life is one where there is constant needing which is caused by the mind agitations that aren’t seen. This is why someone will reach for anything without giving it much thought regardless if it’s beneficial or not. In that moment the Conditioned Mind deems it beneficial, but this is a big fat lie.
The outer perspective will only be noticed when the Conditioned Mind stops its incessant busyness. One will have to be able to just be for the busyness to subside; you will not see the essence of the forest from the trees if the mind is busy being focused on the trees. This outer perspective is strictly mind based. Hence the reason it’s not conducive to one’s well being is it’s unstable as there are so many things outer to see, one right after another. This is why the big fat lie is in the forefront of most lives and stillness takes a back seat. If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, less and less the outer perspective will be in control because the mind agitations will subside. It will be at this point that the need to reach outside for something will be lessened; it’s probably the first time in your life that this has happened…
Conditioned Puzzle
Because of the way we become conditioned, we see life as if there are puzzle pieces that need to fit into certain spots. And because of this we are constantly working on completing the puzzle…
The issue with having to constantly arrange life as if it were a puzzle is it’s based on our conditioning. Even if you make up a story the puzzle is complete, the mind begins a new conditioned puzzle almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (puzzle pieces) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true the puzzle (life) would be seen as complete and life wouldn’t constantly need to be arranged to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes what is seen this way, it’s because the mind has been conditionally trained to do instead of be so it’s only doing what it’s trained to do.
The Conditioned Mind sees puzzles all over the place. The shortest line in the supermarket, traffic, diets, to do list, politics, and so on, all this is strictly seen to put another piece of the puzzle in place; which makes one think the piece will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday is a new puzzle, that would mean I completed roughly 23,000 puzzles during my life and all for the purpose to constantly have life the way I thought it should be. After all nobody purposely gets in the lane that has the most traffic, but if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly arrange life to complete your conditioned puzzle…
Accepted Lies
There are many lies that are accepted which keeps you trapped to the lies. And if these accepted lies aren’t exposed at least to where this is realized, your life will mostly be lived as a lie…
Accepting your lies is what gets you in trouble. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side is one of these lies and until it’s seen that this grass also has to be mowed, you will continues to accept the lies. If you accept when certain things happen you’ll be set, you will be sadly mistaken even if those things come to pass. This is very hard to see and as one clings to the acceptance of needing life to be a certain way, the lies are reinforced. Case in point would be something as simple and seemingly innocent as playing the lottery. Here’s how this works. There’s the lie that makes you accept if life is a certain way you will have it made; it’s the answer to your so called prayers. So you buy a lottery ticket just because the jackpot is a hundred million dollars. This seems innocent, but make no mistake it isn’t.
There’s nothing wrong with money in and of itself, but whatever is accepted that makes a person think life would be better if this or that happens, it puts you in the chains to “I”. Granted a hundred million dollars would make life different, but different doesn’t mean it will necessarily be better. The moment one accepts that life needs to better, it means the present moment is wanted different. There are many lies that are accepted which keeps you trapped to the lies and if these aren’t exposed, life will mostly be lived as a lie. Money is only one lie, anything can be substituted for money. Don’t take my word on this, investigate this and see the lies you’re accepting. Or not and remain in bondage to the lies that you’re keeping in place by accepting them to be true…
Love in Every Heart
Love is the energy of the heart. When there’s an awakening expansion of it is inevitable. It will not be denied because it’s what’s in every heart. As the heart opens to oneness, oneness becomes the heart of humanity…
Just as the body has many parts that make up the whole so it is with humanity; as individuals we are many parts that make up the whole. What is done to one is done to all. We are a collective unit sharing one planet. Nobody does anything without affecting someone else. Hate and it affects everyone, but love and the energy generated is ten fold.
Compare some of the worlds most evil tyrants and the affect they had on the world as opposed to the ones who had nothing but love in their hearts. The comparison is not to single out individuals, but to put the emphasis on love versus hate. The hate is far reaching and it doesn’t stop because an individual is killed, but it does dissipate ever so slowly. With love it’s different; love expands even if the source is killed. A perfect example of this is the love of Jesus’s teachings; the message is stronger today than when it was written. The energy of the love that was in his heart is what lives on, it expands and generates more love. The nature of love, to expand, hate doesn’t do this. Not that it doesn’t grow, but when its source is taken away the energy generated doesn’t expand, it dissolves. People will hold onto its trace energy, but it becomes a pocket of hate that is isolated as opposed to love which expands because it’s in every heart…
Vigilance to Change
People don’t change because the vigilance to investigate why you do what you do isn’t given 100% of your focus; 50% focus doesn’t get it done…
The idea of doing what puts you in alignment with love is much different than actually putting it into action. It’s not because it isn’t how you truly want to be, there’s just so much conditioning against you that without constant vigilance it‘s difficult to sustain a connection to love for a substantial amount of time. We all have times when it’s easier for this than others, but we also have our times when we say screw it and self seek. Don’t be to hard on yourself, a lifetime of living one way will not change with a few sittings. The key is to remain focused on a practice that allows for the self seeking behavior to become less and less and for love to be more reflected in your actions.
Although love is natural, willingness is needed so there’s alignment with it. Sometimes it will seem like” what’s the use” but understand this is all part of the conditioning, the noise, the story, the unconsciousness, whatever you want to call it. Constant vigilance is a necessity if there’s to be change because the old behavior is so deeply ingrained to let go of its control on its own. Why people don’t change is because the vigilance to investigate why you do what you do isn’t given 100% of your focus. It‘s impossible to get more out of life than what you put into it. If you give 50% that’s what you’ll get and change will be minimum at best…
Silence Connection
Silence is where love connects the gap of our humanness. This connection comes from life itself, it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Silence is the connection to the true essence of life…
Silence is where life truly occurs. Silence is where love connects the gap with our humanness. Be with what is no matter what it is because it‘s what’s there or it wouldn’t be so. What’s there cannot be changed until it’s not there; accept life as it is. Don’t suppress it, let it flow. Any change needed will come from life itself, it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Sit in quiet, see who is sitting, who wants life different. When this self is no more that’s when life becomes different, with the difference being no longer will your humanness matter because love connects and takes over.
Sitting allows the mind to settle because the noise in the head subsides. It will settle on its own when there’s alignment with what is. Don’t think about who you are, be who you are. Your I Am needs nothing added to it to be, it’s our true essence; anything added is a story created. The more one lives by this added story the less silence there is and the less connection there is to our humanness. When our humanness becomes love based, we’re swallowed up beyond our created stories. Just be with whatever life offers. No second thoughts of why this or that is done, just be with it, don’t suppress it, let it flow. Sit often, don’t attach and the mind will settle, or not and it won’t. Either way life occurs, it’s just that in the silence of what’s there, love connects you to your humanness…
Spiritual Truth
Spiritual truth puts you in harmony with life. Understand though it’s not life that does anything to you, but if you don’t adhere to spiritual truth it will certainly seem like it does…
Spiritual truth is in place to put you in harmony with life and it’s also in place to offer protection against certain behavior. This truth when adhered to within its boundaries allow for life to be lived to the fullest. But the mind has to be open and free flowing for the adherence to this truth to take place. There’s heart truth that aligns to spiritual truth, but it’s often missed because the mind comes into play which blocks it from being as beneficial as it could be. The more you adhere to selfish behaviors, the less chance there is to be in harmony with spiritual truth. When things are used and abused to satisfy self, this blocks life from being truthful. The animal realm adheres to truth naturally and that’s why there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on spiritual truth.
Life will mostly be lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to spiritual truth or not. A quiet mind can see this to a degree and slowly stop doing the things that block spiritual truth from being adhered to. As long as you’re alive life will be lived, but in what way determines your actions and consequences. Cheat on your spouse and regardless if you get caught or not you’ll be out of harmony with the truth that’s in place. So take heed and understand life never does anything to you, but if you don’t adhere to its spiritual truth it will certainly seem like it does…
Treadmill Chase
The belief that the next thing attained will make you complete is what keeps you in the mode of the never ending treadmill chase. But it can stop if it’s realized you can get off the treadmill because you’re already complete…
There will be completeness when this happens next, the next fix, the next satisfaction, or the next whatever is used as the treadmill chase. What’s next goes on to infinity, it never ends until it’s realized there is no end and one will always be on the treadmill chasing that which is already here; who is the chaser and why all this chasing. Either there’s completeness now with the way things are or there isn’t. You may think chasing the next whatever will bring utopia, but it never ends because there’s nothing to truly attain that ends the treadmill chase. The Conditioned Mind will tell you different and that’s why there’s chasing, but what you really need to ask yourself is who is on the treadmill doing the chasing and why. The fictional character of self that’s been made up to think things need to be a certain way for completeness is just that, fictional and this is why there’s the never ending treadmill chase.
The self that makes up this nonsense that you’re incomplete is just a story of incompleteness; this is what keeps you on the treadmill. The dream of attaining a certain status, the next promotion, the trophy partner, the next book, the next, the next, the next, whatever keeps you in the never ending mode of the treadmill chase. A chase that will either end because this is realized or because life in this forms ends. The treadmill chase will end one day. How it ends will be determined by if you spend your entire life treadmill chasing after that which is already here or if you get off the treadmill because it’s realized you‘re already complete…
Expanding Your Space
To live your life to the fullest is to be aware of each moment as it is. In each moment you can at least relinquish some control of the Conditioned Mind by being aware of space of what’s truly occurring…
It’s amazing how quickly the days go by. It seems like it’s the morning and before you know it it’s nighttime. All the stuff that goes on in between just seems like a blur, and one day just like that when conditions don’t support life anymore, it’s over. On most gravestones there’s usually the date life begins and the date life ends, in between those dates there’s a small space which is our life. Much occurs in between those dates, but it goes so fast; the small space is the sum total of what occurs.
The question is how can we slow down life? I don’t really think this is possible, but there can be more awareness of what’s truly going on. The more awareness there is the better chance there is of living life to the fullest. Maybe we can expand our space to be more in line with something like this ( ) instead of this ( ). To me it seems the more awareness I have of my emotional state the less life controls me and the less I think about how fast it goes by. Emotions are tied into the state of being and the state of being is tied into how quickly it seems life goes by. When emotions are stable so is one’s state of being. And with a stable state of being there’s more awareness of space. Life goes by regardless of one’s state of being, but at least it will seem to go a little slower when there’s awareness of what’s occurring as opposed to living in a state of unconsciousness. In a state of unconsciousness, by the time that you awaken it may be to late to expand your space because the day that life ends my not be far behind…
Absence of Awareness
Truth makes a person look within. All sorts of things arise when there’s awareness of this happening. But when there’s absence of awareness the mind becomes agitated and creates a lie to avoid this truth…
It’s unfortunate, but most people live a life consumed by lies more so than truth. They believe they’re living by truth, but upon further investigation this fallacy can be seen. On the outside the lies seem so much better and this is what keeps a person locked into them, but this is only because your conditioning makes the lies seem better. The truth makes you look at yourself; all sorts of things arise when this happens. Without this understanding truth will be avoided as if it was a plague. Becoming aware of the lies so truth can be revealed is essential in understanding yourself. Sit with the assumption that you will sit in stillness and watch how little stillness there is. Just sit and be with whatever’s there, that’s where truth is. When the mind isn’t looking for anything, truth arises.
The absence of awareness causes the mind to create lies. Seeing this absence is when the mind settles. This doesn’t mean you don’t make changes, but when changes aren’t needed that’s when the mind settles. This is why I don’t share about positive versus negative, because if it’s negative and you want something positive, it’s no different than if you’re positive and you don’t want anything negative. An agitated mind is a mind that needs things to be a certain way whether it’s positive or negative. The absence of awareness is the lie. Truth arises when nothing needs to be different. Your mind will settle when life is accepted as it is, positive, negative, or indifferent…
Created Adversaries
Whatever it is that holds you captive becomes your adversary. If you don’t stop making what arises an adversary and make room in your heart for love, you’re the one who will suffer the most…
The choice to hold onto something and make it an adversary is the cause of suffering. There really isn’t a choice in this because of the way the Conditioned Mind controls. Suffering is inevitable when the Conditioned Mind makes everything an adversary. If this is to change you’ll have to make room in your heart so your adversaries are replaced by stillness and love. There’s no way around this, make whatever you want an adversary, but understand when it passes something else will replace it. Today it’s politics, tomorrow it’s a co-worker, the job, traffic, or something else; this will never change until there’s room in your heart for love. If you hold onto a person and loathe them, you’re blocking the space for a loving heart, this is strong language, but it’s true.
Love of the heart can only happen without any conditioning. The Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see this, it prefers to create adversaries. I can say I have love for all beings, what I don’t love is the conditioning in place. I understand it and I choose not to create adversaries and feed into its nonsense. To hold onto things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are holding onto because it becomes your adversary. What really happens is you become your own adversary; the very thing you show disdain towards. This is truth; you cannot be separate from the energy that is in you. Stop creating adversaries and make room in your heart for love. Because if you don’t you’re the one who will suffer the most by creating adversary after adversary of what you are holding onto…
Mind Approved Nonsense
You can only do what the conditioned mind approves of. Until you wake up to see what your mind approves, it will remain in place and the mind approved nonsense will be the driving force of your existence…
Everything reached for is a coping mechanism your own mind has approved for you to use. And although approving different things will produce different outcomes, the core of all of this approved nonsense is the same; it arises from your conditioned mind. This is what causes one to constantly seek approval which isn’t real. The Conditioned Mind makes you believe it is and the ensuing behavior manifest to fill this approved nonsense. The Conditioned Mind says, Hey, you need to reach for something, what is reached for depends on the conditioning in place; sit and ponder this for awhile.
Until this is understood and the diabolical Conditioned Mind is seen for what it truly is, suffering will remain because you will always approve something to fulfill the arisen mind agitation. There’s nothing inherently wrong with satisfaction, but when it’s the driving force of existence, it will keep the mind in a constant state of approved agitation. This cannot be seen by a mind that’s locked in this state. Only within a quiet mind state will there be awareness of this. The reason why anything is reached for is because there’s approval by the mind for the present moment to be different; this is the lie of the Conditioned Mind. You can only do what the conditioned mind approves of and unless you wake up to see this, your conditioning will remain in place and approving mind nonsense will be the driving force of your existence…
Energy of Emotions
No emotion arises on its own. Many things provide the energy for an emotion, but it’s always “I” energy that is at the core. No matter what happens an emotion can’t arise independent of ”I”…
No emotion arises on its own. There has to be energy (attachment to “I”) for the emotion to arise. Many things provide the energy for this emotional attachment to take hold, but it’s always “I” energy that’s at the core of any emotion. Take a look at the emotion of anger, it doesn’t exist on its own. No matter what happens, anger will never arise independent of ”I”. You cannot be angry without the attachment of “I” so it’s always “I” that provides the energy for anger to rear its ugly head. The thing about this is conditions have to be a certain way that allows the anger, without the conditions being a certain way anger would never arise; it can’t.
I’ll use the example of fire, it too needs conditions to be a certain way for it to ignite; it needs air, heat, and energy (fuel). A fire just can’t happen without one of these elements. It needs energy (fuel) first of all plus it needs the other two elements in order for the fire to ignite. This wouldn’t even be an issue if it just rained, so a fire is contingent on conditions being a certain way in order for there to be a fire. This is no difference with emotions, in this case anger. Something happens and the anger is given “I” energy. If there wasn’t attachment to “I” prior to something happening, the emotion would fizzle out. It would be as if it was raining; you never hear of fires in the rainy seasons and that’s because conditions simply don’t support it. Anger is being used here, but this is the way it is with any emotion. Without certain conditions being met there may be energy, but if “I” isn’t in play the emotion simply will never arise…
Instinctually Aware
Everyone begins life in this form with love in their heart, but because of the Conditioned Mind it gets pushed so far down that a story has to be made up instead of being aware of it instinctually…
Why the Conditioned Mind is such a nemesis to one’s well being is because most conditioning is based in selfishness; this affects every aspect of life. Multiple this by billions of conditioned people and it’s no wonder the world is as it is. Granted this is one person’s experience (mine) but this is what has been revealed to me as being the block to my instinctual love. Without this instinctual love for myself there isn’t room to love others. This didn’t make love non existent in my life, but it did make me unaware of it.
To me everyone has love in their heart, but it gets pushed so far down that one has to make up a story of love instead of being in touch with it instinctually. When this does happen love becomes a doing when it’s instinctually something that just is. Love isn’t something that can be manufactured, it either is or it isn’t. Love doesn’t pick and choose, it can’t, love just loves; unconditionally. The thing with love is most think it’s a wishy washy state of mind, but it’s not really anything, it’s just love. An applied label doesn’t enhance it, only the awareness of it allows its instinctual state to be. Love affects everything as does the lack of it. When there’s awareness of this, the heart opens and loves unconditionally because that’s how the instincts of love rolls…
Limits of Thought
When thoughts are used as the primary means to live by, there will be a limiting view provided by the minds content. But when the mind settles these limits fall away which provides unlimited content…
Humans have wars against each other because of the limits of our thinking. And because of this limited thinking, there’s very little unity with ourselves and with the world. Everyone thinks they’re right which arises from what is heard or what’s read somewhere; all this does is limits your view. These limits are the only view of reality that is seen until the mind becomes quiet enough to allow the limits to fall away.
What happens when the mind settles is it allows for a different view of reality to be seen. Before the settling the reality is a view of limited stories of conditioned thoughts. Afterwards the unlimited reality of just doing what’s in front of you because it’s what’s there is the view. These realities are from the same mind, but there will only be the first one until the mind settles. When this settling occurs and you see the reality of an unlimited view, the limitations provided by the view of thought falls away. It will be at this point that you will go beyond the limited view of thought to see the unlimited view of just doing what’s in front of you without the need to think about it…
Mental Formations
Wisdom arises when you’re fully mindful because the lies of the unwholesome mental formations fall away. It’s in being fully aware of this that the mind settles and allows you to live without lies…
There are mental formations of the mind that arise in each moment, they are wholesome, unwholesome, and neutral. The first is the unwholesome mental formation, this would be based in a lie and leads to suffering. Wholesome mental formations are those that lead to peace and joy. The wholesome ones don’t need a belief to be, they just need to be investigated to see the truth of their wholesomeness. The third mental formation is probably the most difficult one because it’s based in non judgement. It’s neither wholesome nor unwholesome, it’s neutral. It arises for everyone in the present moment and its function is to just see what is. This mental formation doesn’t interpret what arises, nor does it attach to it. Think of seeing a stranger on a platform at a train station. Without judgement there’s simply no attachment and neutral remains the mental formation of the moment. Once there’s judgement the mental formation of the moment changes.
At times unwholesome mental formations arise and are attached to. Although there is mindfulness of this somewhat simply because it’s happening, it’s labeled and thus attached to for the most part unconsciously. It’s the focus of these mental formations that determine their outcome. Being fully mindful allows you to see, but without needing a label. Being neutral allows you to recognize (perceive) but not be fully mindful. Wisdom arises when you’re fully mindful because the distractions of the unwholesome mental lies fall away. It’s in being fully aware of this that the mind settles and allows you to live without lies. Wisdom isn’t something learned, it arises when you’re disciplined enough to remain fully mindful in the present moment more often than not…