If the mind isn’t understood there’s very little intuitive heart living. When this happens one lives through the made up stories which are only created because something is missing…
If I could point to one thing I see as missing that provides true and undeniable freedom, it’s the inability to let go of made up stories. Any moment that’s lived outside the realm of the present moment is a story and if you’re not careful even the present moment will be made into a story. People disagree with some of the things I write and that’s because it’s what’s in place in them as it is with what I write. But until one sees a disagreement as only a story “I” will continue to be the greatest ghost writer to ever live.
For me what was missing for many years was the inability not to make up stories. These stories occurred for only one reason, it was what was in place. If it wasn’t the stories wouldn’t have been created. This is why self investigation is so valuable because if one doesn’t know what’s going on inside, there will be no way of understanding others and that’s a huge part of the what’s missing that makes people make up their stories.
At times I may respond to things from my conditioning, but for the most part the moment is where I Am. And if I’m not there it’s because my conditioning needs a story. Hold on to whatever you think you need to form an identity, but this identity that’s used to fill a void is what’s creating the void because it’s based in the delusion of “I”. Until this is understood you will live a thought based existence and create stories because there’s something missing which blocks out living life from an intuitive heart…

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